The third arrangement-Gao Yan Solo Exhibition
The third arrangement-Gao Yan Solo Exhibition
(逢星期一不开馆/ Closed at Monday)
2017/8/25(周五/Fri.) 19:30-21:30
重庆市九龙坡区黄桷坪126号501基地1楼 器·Haus空间
126# Huangjueping Street of Jiulongpo Region, Chongqing, China
假如说,游客是以闲逛者的状态观看景点的,高岩作为深谙观看之道的行家,对于博物馆的陈列方式则提出了新的问题,即如何摆布那些本无意义的东西?和我们怎样使用日常物件来呈现历史与重构公共记忆的? 他将展品通过摄影进行再次框取,图像化后的场景被简化得只剩下物件与空间。照片里的内容开始变得单一乏味,但物件本身的质感与秩序,却将观看的路径引向了更复杂的意义里。
Supposedly, visitors visit tourist spots as flaneurs, Gao Yan, as an expert on ways of seeing, brings up new questions about the displaying methods in museums, which is how to manipulate meaningless objects? What could we do, by using everyday objects, to present history and reconstruct public memory? He reframes the exhibits through his camera, with photographed scenes simplified to exclusively objects and space. While the content of the photographs started to become unvarying and drab, the way of seeing is leaded into more complex meaning by the objects’ materiality and order.
Among tourist spots, memorials, museums and former residences of well-known people are the focus of Gao Yan’s visits. From North China to the Northwest, then to South China, it makes him to give the exclamation that “China has so many museums.” Yet, the ‘musuesms’ needs to be put in quotation marks, because they are political spaces guided by socialist aesthetic, presenting everyday objects used by historical figures in the history of modern China, with related decorative scenes. Since these objects do not date back to a faraway past, elaborately made exhibition stands or restored locations are commonly used to emphasis the visual effect.
Touching a stone and turning it into gold has always been a feature of Gao Yan’s work. He pays close attention to everyday scenarios which are uncostly, embedded with special meaning, and made visible by classes nonequivalence. When photography is equalized to opinion, the museums, scattering in tourist spots of different scales, as if growing rapidly in a jungle, become the monuments of the realistic scenery. From scattering everywhere to being collectively presented, the objects in the museum went through a second time arrangement, with their practical function sacrificed for some exalted memorial meaning. By reframing the elaborately organized objects through his camera, Gao Yan makes it into a further collective viewing, gathering the memorials of different places in the third arrangement.
高岩 1980 年出生于河北省,现任教于天津美术学院摄影艺术系。2007 年毕业于法国利摩日国立高等美术学院,获硕士研究生 学位(DNSEP,摄影专业)。2008 年毕业于法国里昂国立美术学院第三阶段(后文凭),师从马赛国际纪录片电影节主席 Jean Pierre Rhem 教授。作品“夹层”曾参加 2008 年法国第五届“里昂九月摄影节”,并获得了罗那-阿尔卑斯一等奖。 2008 年以来摄影作品先后展览于巴黎大区摄影中心,里昂当代美术馆,南京艺术学院美术馆,西安美术馆,广岛当代文 化艺术中心,上海当代艺术博物馆等重要艺术机构。2009 年,获得法国罗那省颁发的里昂当代美术馆和北京尤仑斯当代 艺术中心交换艺术家项目奖学金。2010 年在上海证大当代艺术陈列馆策划《微言》群展,2013 年在厦门罗卡当代艺术馆 策划摄影展《探索边界》,2014 年在草场地得色中心策划《多·展-南京多攒艺术地图》项目展等。
Gao Yan, Born in Hebei Province in 1980 and currently teaching in the Department of Photography of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. Graduated from École Nationale Supérieure d’art de Limoges-Aubusson, France as a Master of Photography in 2007. Graduated from École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-arts de Lyon, France with the Post-diplôme Art (under the tuition of Prof. Jean Pierre Rhem, the Chairman of The Marseille International Documentary Film Festival).
Won the Laureat at Lyon Septembre de la Photographie, France with his En Transit in 2008. Won the scholarship from the Exchange Artist Program run by Musée d'art contemporain situé à Lyon and Ullens Center for Contemporary Art in 2009. Curated Sublime Word, a group exhibition, at Zendai MoCA, Shanghai in 2010. Curated Exploring the Boundary, a photo exhibition at Luoka Contemporary Art Museum, Xiamen in 2013. Curated exhibitions for the Art Intermediary-Nanjing Duozan Art Map Project at Dese Art Center, Caochangdi in 2014.