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brassica seeding rate


As mentioned before, I have found it helpful to set your spreader conservative enough to make at least two passes across the field in different directions. After years of helping customers troubleshoot planting issues, I can safely say that “estimating/calculating field size” and “planting rates” are two of the most common problems. Excellent harvest plot for the late season. Ideally you should spread it conservative enough to cover the field in two different directions to ensure even seed distribution. Example of strip grazing method for brassica grazing. The seeds should be planted in rows 6 to 8 inches apart and not more than one-half inch deep. Mature forage rape is one of the best crops available for fattening lambs and flushing ewes. Forage brassica crops can be spring-seeded to supplement the perennial cool-season pastures in Aug. and Sept. or summer-seeded to extend the grazing season in Nov. and Dec. Why do we need this? Growing "out of season" (October/November) makes turnip a valuable crop for late fall grazing. Turnip seed is very small - like clover, while radish seed (at least GFR) is bigger and again the same number of live plants in the same area will be a different weight. 500mm+. These characteristics make the use of brassica crops in grazing situations very flexible and appealing to producers utilizing pastures in their livestock operation. Therefore, greater root production tends to reduce the crude protein yield of the total crop. With over 175,000 seed per pound, adding just a few pounds to a mixture will surfice. Responses to row spacing and seeding rate vary considerably across Brassica species and depend on environmental conditions. Generally, yields of rape varieties in Pennsylvania are maximized with two 90-day growth periods. For more GameKeeper tips, read “7 Tips To Keep Weeds Under Control.” One of the most common problems in food plots, especially perennials, is weed competition. Don’t let the rain stop you from enjoying the great outdoors. Application under this condition tends to increase yield if nitrogen is not limiting growth. The higher rates should be used if sowing into rougher seedbeds or if crops are irrigated. I was a hide hunter during my last couple of years of high school and all the way through college. This is an easy recipe to prepare, and a large batch will allow you to freeze portions for future use. Strip grazing small areas of brassica at a time provides the most efficient utilization (Figure 2). My brother Russell was the trapper, and I’d help some. The Commander Mossy Oak Hunting Edition boasts Mossy Oak’s Break-Up Country Camo and a host of other great accessories. Grazing of leafy turnips can be as early as six weeks after sowing. Generally, rape and kale crops are sown at 3 5 . We produce brassica seeds and serve as a brassica seed company for many customers. All brassica crops require good soil drainage and a soil pH between 5.3 and 6.8 for optimum production. Brassica crops can cause health disorders in grazing animals if not managed properly. In my experience, it is best to use a hand-spreader for these small seeds so you have good control of the amount you are putting out. On the other hand, stockpiled tops appear to be more vulnerable to weather and pest damage than roots. If we could hear the sounds of the animals in distress, there would not be a need for an ultrasonic predator caller. Some varieties regrow to allow 1-3 repeat grazings. 1994). The best brassica seed is sold by our company. Planting date. Apply 75 pounds of nitrogen at seeding to stimulate establishment and growth. Follow these tips and tricks to keep dry and enjoy, rather than fighting against the elements. With adequate fertility, brassicas can produce amounts of digestible energy per acre equivalent to corn yielding 115 bushel per acre. Ideally, the grass sod should be grazed through June with the grazing prior to brassica seeding being very close. Suggested seeding rates: Seed 4 lbs/acre alone, 1-2 lbs/acre in a mixed stand. Mature Whitetail Bucks: Why Don’t I See More. Weeds rob your plot of essential nutrients, water, and root space. Brassica dry matter yield will depend on the production potential of the soil and environment, and the brassica species. This can occur even when the area has been measured and the proper amount of seed used. Like rape, regrowth of turnips can be sufficient to graze within four weeks of the first grazing. In addition, the preplant incorporated herbicide, Treflan (Trifluralin), is labeled at 0.5 to 1.0 pint active ingredient per acre for control of annual grass and small seeded broadleaf weeds in brassicas. SEEDING RATE: Sow 5 pounds per acre. Diseases such as bacterial soft rot of brassica roots and leaf spot are generally not a problem until the plants near maturity. SEEDING RATE: Sow ½-¾" deep. And while this process comes with plenty of moving parts to consider, one of the most important decisions will likely be choosing between a fixed and adjustable interest rate. Approximately two weeks before planting the herbicide should be applied to the grass sod. Turnips can be planted as a stand-alone crop at a rate of 5 lbs./acre. The higher seeding rates are recommended for spring plantings. The seeding rate must be adjusted so ensure adequate growth of the companion species. $ 17.00 – $ 55.00. Sixty to 90 days after seeding, turnip varieties such as 'Savannah' and 'All Top' continue to produce a high proportion of tops. Don't turn hungry animals that are not adapted to brassicas into a brassica pasture. The significance in the proportion of tops and roots is that the crude protein concentration (8 to 10%) of roots is approximately one-half of that in turnip tops. Planting and grazing sequence for forage brassicas. Establishment Cover crops are seeded either by broadcasting the seed onto the surface of a prepared seedbed, using a conventional seed drill, minimum tillage drill or … Some customers interseed collards into pasture ground to fill voids within the stand and increase the CP. On the opposite end of the spectrum are cereal grains such as wheat, triticale or oats that can have seeding rates up to 120 pounds per acre. Forage Brassica. In addition to the nitrogen applied at planting, when multiple grazings are planned, an additional 70 pounds should be applied between 60 and 80 days after seeding to increase yield and crude protein level of the brassica tops. Seedhead: Yellow, cross-shaped flowers with four petals; produce sickle shaped pods. These plants readily cross with each other and most of the varieties we sell are actually crosses between turnips and forage rape. Read pesticide labels and precautions before using either of these herbicides. Rape may be grazed to a 10 inch stubble and 1 to 4 grazing periods may occur, depending on planting date and growing conditions. Annual mix of brassicas that will provide the protein needed for the rut and the nutrients needed for the long winter months. Tankard type summer turnips are popular as a milking feed due to their exceptionally high yield potential from a single graze. They can also be planted in combination with other forages such as clovers, chicory or some type of cereal grain. Carinata (Brassica carinata A. Braun) is an oilseed crop with potential as a winter crop in the southeastern United States to diversify crop rotations and provide biofuel production and livestock feed.The objective was to evaluate the effects of row spacing and seeding rate on carinata yield and oil composition. Using a spreader that allows you to make fine adjustments to the opening gate is critical to be able to spread the seed evenly. I carry a scale in my tool box that allows me to measure seed very closely while in the field. seed may be scarce, it is best to call seed suppliers a few months prior to planting … Ruminant diets should not contain more than 75 percent brassica forage because the fiber content of brassica crops is too low for maintenance of proper rumen activity. 3-4 kg/ha. Our proprietary brassica seeds have been engineered to create vast amounts of quality forage when whitetails need it most. kg/ha, and turnips and swedes at 0.5 1.0 kg/ha. The following recommendations will improve the chances of successful brassica establishment. Approximately 6 to 10 inches of stubble should remain after grazing rape to promote rapid regrowth. The Importance of a Well-Prepared Seed Bed, Rated Red Gives Can-Am Commander a Test Drive, Call Frequency on Ultrasonic Electronic Calls for Predators, Gary Roberson Calls Predators and Becomes a Predator Call Manufacturer, Tips for Hiking in the Rain – 7 Ways to Stay Dry, Bison Striploin with Blackberry, Red Wine & Balsamic Reduction, The First Coyote Gary Roberson Ever Called In, Clean H2O: How to Wash Your Hydration Bladder, 60 Years of Predator Hunting with Gary Roberson, Resident Goose Hunting with Richie McKnight, Tackling the Tackle Box: Restocking What You’ll Need for Future Fishing Trips. All varieties produce primarily tops during the first 45 days of growth. This is a lot better than guesswork and will not only save you seed, but help your crops by eliminating the chance of over-seeding. The higher seeding rates are recommended for spring plantings. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Attention should be paid to the percentages at which the different seeds are used. The more common hybrids include a cross between Chinese cabbage (Brassica campesteris sensulato L.) and rape ('Perko'), turnip ('Tyfon' and 'Buko'), and swede ('Wairangi'). Knowing the actual acreage or “square footage” of the area to be planted and taking the time to measure the appropriate amount of seed to properly cover that given field will go a long way in the success of the planting. Table 1. Keep your hydration bladder clean, dry, and free of bad odor and bacteria with these easy tips. I like to hunt resident geese around Kentucky because the season comes in early, and the bag limits are somewhat liberal. As previously mentioned, forage brassicas can be grown to supplement perennial cool-season pastures in August and September or to extend the grazing season in November and December. Supplement with dry hay if continually grazing brassicas or allow grazing animals access to grass pastures while grazing brassicas. Generally, 'Forage Star' turnip and 'Rangi' rape are better suited for stockpiling than are other varieties because of lower disease infestation. All brassica crops require good soil drainage and a soil pH between 5.3 and 6.8 for optimum production. Unfortunately, the nitrogen induced yield increase in turnip and swede tops causes a reduction in root yield. Phosphorus and potassium soil test levels should be in the optimum range prior to planting. In addition to reduced erosion concerns with no-till planting, there are generally fewer insect problems than with conventionally seeded brassicas. However, precautions should be made at planting to reduce weed competition during brassica establishment. Rape is a fast growing brassica that is heat, cold and drought tolerant. Leafy turnips offer greater flexibility than other brassica species. The obvious question is: Which is better? However, phosphorus applications decrease crude protein concentration of the brassica forage. Turnip, rape, or stemless kale could be used for this purpose. Brassica crops should not constitute more than 75 percent of the animal's diet. As long as you factor in the bucket, pale or bag to put the seed in, some digital fish scales work well for weighing seed and are relatively compact. 5-6 lbs of brassica seed per acre will give you good results. Grazing can begin when the forage is about 12 inches tall (70 to 90 days after planting. Get notified when we have news, courses, or events of interest to you. Take BioLogic Full Draw for example, a blend that contains 25% brassica, 45% grains, and 30% annual clovers. To furnish a high quality food source for post-rut bucks and pregnant does. The seeds should be planted in rows 6 to 8 inches apart and not more than one-half inch deep. If this blend is planted at the correct rate for a given acreage, you will see everything in the blend flourish in the field. If this blend gets over-seeded, the brassicas can quickly overtake the grains and clover. They can also be broadcast or seeded into an herbicide-killed sod with a no-till drill. There are so many variables that can play into having a successful planting, but seed population is at the top. Do this up to a maximum rate of 1.6 million seeds per acre. Crude protein concentration of brassicas ranges from 8 to 10 percent in turnip roots to 30 percent in rape leaves. When seeding into grass sod, it’s important to suppress with paraquat or glyphosate herbicides two to three weeks before planting. Several hybrids of brassica species are also used as forage crops, however, there is limited research information on the production and management of these hybrids. Rape becomes more attractive to deer after a frost because the sugar content will become more concentrated. With their high digestibility and low fiber content, brassicas should actually be considered as "concentrates" rather than "forage" in nutritional planning for livestock. Table 1 gives the basic seeding information and use of different types of brassicas. With off-the-chart protein content, high vitamin and mineral matter, the best yielding food plot planting … If you own a firearm and have gone down to your local gun shop to pick up a box of ammunition within the last six months, you have probably asked the same thing - where is the ammo? In general, all swede varieties are recommended for late fall grazing. Sowing Rate. Plants like turnips or radishes that are planted too heavily will usually produce a very small bulb or tuber in response to the overcrowding. This site was the one location where dwarf-Brassica was the … For example, a larger seed such as turf type fescue will be seeded at 10 lbs per 1,000 square feet. Growth slows or ceases at maturity and yields plateau until leaves senesce and die. Another issue with seeding rates in brassica crops that produce bulbs (like turnips or sugar beets) is bulb or tuber production versus “tops” or forage output. “My aunt Gina Burdeshaw with Mr. Jeffrey McCord started the Headland Bass Team when her son, Cole Burdeshaw, expressed an interest in bass fishing and wanted to start a bass fishing team at our high school. Seed bed preparation is extremely important in growing successful food plots. Brassica Blend is a mixture of fast growing brassicas that produces a lush forage to attract and hold deer to your plots from mid- to late-fall. Broadcast at 8-14 lb./acre or drill at 5-10 lb./acre. The dwarf-Brassica seeding rate generally had no effect on crop grain yields except at the south central Minnesota location where all but the lowest seeding rate of Brassica decreased corn grain yields. Plants in the brassica family (turnips, beets, rape for example) are very small seeds that, depending on the variety, can have broadcast rates as low as 5 to 10 pounds per acre. If the phosphorus level is below 55 pounds per acre, the application of phosphorus during brassica development may be warranted. Another scenario that can cause overcrowding and competition is uneven distribution of seed. Wetlands need to dry on occasion to remain productive, but the scale of this year's drought adds pressure to migrating birds. Entering your postal code will help us provide news or event updates for your area. Gracie Herbold: 2018 Bassmaster High School Fishing Championship Runner Up, Drought To Affect 2012 Waterfowl Migrations. Researchers have discovered that these disorders can be avoided by adhering to two management rules: Brassica crops can produce high yields of highly digestible forage during periods when perennial forages have limited production. Oats … Some hybrids have fibrous roots which will not be readily grazed by livestock. Turnip regrowth is initiated at the top of the root, so this part of the plant should not be removed until the second and final grazing when the whole plant can be consumed. In some cases, you may be planting small fields out of a large bulk bag of seed. Striploin steaks are considered by many to be the perfect texture and flavor for grilling. I was about 10 years old when I called in my first coyote in 1963. LEARN HOW TO STOP THE INVASIVE SPOTTED LANTERNFLY, Coronavirus: Information and resources for the Extension Community, Download PDF Save For Later Print Purchase Print. Avoid abrupt changes from dry summer pastures to lush brassica pastures. Plant at 1/4″ depth in a well prepared seed bed in the spring or early fall. Even under the best of circumstances your odds of killing a mature buck are fairly low. For most land buyers, purchasing rural property means taking out a loan. Varieties of kale differ markedly in winter hardiness, rate of establishment, stem development, and time required to reach maturity. NOTE: Do not use in rotation prior to other brassica crops as they harbor similar insect and disease pests. Grazing large areas increases trampling and waste of the available forage. The Incredible, Edible Brassica. Spring-seeded brassica crops can be used to supplement low producing cool-season pastures or as insurance against summer drought. In Iowa, brassicas are often mixed with other brassicas, cereal rye, or oats. Optimization of seeding rate and row spacing are critical to maximize harvested yield in oilseed rape (Kuai et al., 2015). Each grass seed we offer specifies the planting rate per 1,000 square feet at which the grass seed should be planted. For tips on tackling the tackle box, restock what you’ll need for future fishing trips, and use your downtime to clean, inventory, restock, and organize. Few crops offer as much potential as do brassicas to improve livestock carrying capacity from August through December. Typical seeding rates for turnip are 2 to 3 pounds per acre. See All Pest, Disease and Weed Identification, See All Beer, Hard Cider, and Distilled Spirits, See All Community Planning and Engagement. Varieties differ in when this occurs, however, 'Rangi' rape retains its leaves longer than most varieties. Research has shown yield reductions of 40 percent when disease infected brassica crops were stockpiled for 45 days. The two issues go hand in hand, and oftentimes the over-estimation of acreage coupled with over-application of seed turns into a two-fold problem. Another option for no-till establishment would be to apply a manure slurry to the sod, to burn the sod back, and then no-till plant the brassica seeds through the slurry. 28 to 30. Overall, the HYB performed better than the OP, and the full economic value of high-yielding canola cultivars was only realized when fertilizer and seeding rates were at or above the current recommended rates. Dwarf Essex Rape - A forage brassica plant which is used extensively in deer food plots and for livestock grazing. Gary Roberson has just written a new book, “Eyes Front: 60 Years of Hunting the Hunters,” available from Burnham Brothers that contains six chapters on rattling whitetails, 10 chapters on calling turkeys and the rest of the book on calling predators – starting with the basics and continuing to the latest information on ultrasonic callers. Brassica seed is grown and sold by Allied Seed. I might add another back to basics step that gets so commonly overlooked when planting brassica’s is planting the seed too heavy. I tend to apply about 5 lbs/acre of brassica regardless of which type. Consult local expertise and start with small plots or experiment with several seeding rates. Know your plot size, use appropriate amounts of seed, and become acquainted with your equipment. Attempt establishment only on well drained soils. Rape is a multi-stemmed crop with fibrous roots. One kilogram of forage rape seed per hectare should provide enough plants to I looked at the competition aspect of a bass fishing team and thought being a part of this team. Grazing management is important to optimize the true potential of these crops. For a grazing situation, an average carrying capacity of a good brassica stand would be approximately 1,550 ewe-grazing or 160 cow-grazing days per acre. Cereal grains are often used as the bulk of many blends that contain brassica, cereal grains, clover, etc. Stemless kale attains maturity in approximately 90 days, allowing two crops per year, whereas varieties that develop stems require 150 to 180 days to attain maximum production. In addition, the digestibility of the forage remains high over a relatively longer period than perennial crops. These very small seeds can grow a lot of tonnage in a … per acre Planting Depth: ¼ inch Planting Date: Spring and Fall Pasja Hybrid an early maturing hybrid forage brassica and is a cross between a forage turnip and a forage rape. In addition, crude protein levels are high, varying from 15 to 25 percent in the herbage and 8 to 15 percent in the roots, depending on the level of nitrogen fertilization and weather conditions. Generally, brassica cover crops have a low seeding rate of between 5 to 10 pounds per acre, depending on the type of brassica. Brassica carinata seeding rates Carinata Seed rate Seed Yld Seeds m-2 kg ha-1 kg ha-1 25 1.2 1100 50 2.3 1504 100 4.7 1796 200 9.3 1891 400 18.6 2009 800 37.2 2086 Yields increase at higher seeding rates but net returns maximized at these rates You can nudge them slightly in your favor by minimizing disturbance and maximizing the ability of your property to attract and hold more and older deer. Enterprise Type. Brassica Seeding Rates Plants in the brassica family (turnips, beets, rape for example) are very small seeds that, depending on the variety, can have broadcast rates as low as 5 to 10 pounds per acre. These very small seeds can grow a lot of tonnage in a growing season if the correct seeding rate is followed. Forage yields of spring-planted rape increase until plants become physiologically mature. The variety 'Calder' is cold hardy in central Pennsylvania and thus ideal for stockpiling and for late fall or early winter grazing. The stemless type kale (e.g. By entering your email, you consent to receive communications from Penn State Extension. When turnips are to be grazed twice, only the tops should be grazed during the first grazing. Dry matter digestibility generally exceeds 90 percent for all plant parts except kale stems at maturity. Slower maturing kale and swede average over 4 tons per acre at 120 days after planting. In our last blog post we covered starting artichoke transplants and “hardening off”, the all-important period of acclimating your seedlings to the outside world. In the world of food plots and planting for wildlife, maximum yield is usually not the end goal, but rather how effective it was at attracting and feeding the desired species of animals. However, performance of 'Emerald' and 'Winfred' rape varieties is best with one 180-day growth period, and yields of rape hybrids are greatest with 60 days of growth before the first harvest and a 30-day growth period before the second harvest. After all, these plantings are being consumed by critters, not by a combine. Food Plot Seed for Wildlife Brassica Seed Blend is a 100% brassica blend that is easy to establish and highly preferred by deer during the winter months. Seasonal sowing guide for forage brassicas . FORMULA: Jackpot Forage Turnip, Vivant Hybrid Brassica, Trophy Rape, Purple Top Turnip. Even though the ongoing drought won't suppress the swelling population of waterfowl this year, it will affect their migrations. When during the growing season these are planted, how long they have to grow, even the amount of moisture and nutrients they receive at different times can impact root growth verses top production. However, when seeds in the brassica family get spread too heavy for the given amount of soil, competition for root space, moisture and nutrients can quickly become too great, resulting in a stunted crop or field die-off. When preparing a tilled seedbed for brassica planting, plow the ground several weeks before planting to allow weed seeds to germinate before secondary tillage is completed to form a firm and fine seedbed that is free of weeds. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. A coyote hears up to 45,000 Hz, and a bobcat can hear up to 64,000-65,000 Hz. However, brassica seed can also be broadcast and incorporated into tilled seedbeds by cultipacking. Seeding rate . Introduce grazing animals to brassica pastures slowly. These crops grow very fast, reaching near maximum production levels in 80 to 90 days. During the same period, other turnip varieties have nearly equal top and root production, except 'Purple Top' has a greater root than top production. Brassicas see most usage as ’emergency forage’ in drought years, but they can be used to provide forage any time from spring through winter. I’d started predator calling when I was about 8 or 9 years old. When seeding into a suppressed grass sward, nitrogen application tends to increase the efficacy of the suppressing herbicide and reduces the proportion of grass in the brassica-grass sward. Studies in southwestern Pennsylvania showed that turnip can accumulate dry matter in October as fast as field corn does in August. Winfred forage brassica is hybrid cross between kale and turnip. In the second instance, swede or kale would be planted in spring, or rape, turnip, and turnip hybrids would be planted in late July or early August, and growth allowed to accumulate until November or December. The pasture should be grazed for a short time period and the livestock removed to allow the Brassica to regrow. See Rated Red Test out the Can-Am Commander Hunting Edition on the trails at Land Between the Lakes, Kentucky. HARVEST: Use as a forage crop for winter grazing, or plow under in springtime before flowering. 'Premier' has consistently survived winters in central Pennsylvania, whereas other varieties of kale usually are winter-killed in December. Its no secret at Biologic, we love brassicas. Leaves: Large, flat leaves, 30-50 cm long and 20-40 cm) wide; yellow, cross-shaped flowers with four petals; and all produce sickle shaped pods containing tiny round seeds. Like turnip, swede produces a large edible root. However, appropriate use of insecticides may be warranted if insect populations become severe. With fewer refuges and crops available there's less margin of error for flocks. Winfred forage brassica is a cross between a turnip and a kale, generally termed a rape.. Winfred is the most versatile of the brassicas, suitable for a wide range of soil fertility and environmental conditions, stock classes, and sowing times.. Winfred has good frost tolerance and better regrowth potential, retaining leaf and stem quality in frosty or cold conditions. Swede yields are higher than those of turnip, although growth is slower and requires 150 to 180 days to reach maximum production. Plus sign (+) if content is closed, 'X' if content is open. Planting rates vary between grasses depending on the size of the seed. Graze rape close to ground level during the final grazing. ... Because Brassica spp. To reduce disease occurrence, brassicas should not be grown on the same field for more than two consecutive years. No-till establishment into existing sod will reduce the risk of these disorders because of grass in the brassica pasture. Brassicas can be harvested for greenchop or silage but are most frequently grazed. This is only successful if sunlight and moisture are sufficient enough to atleast allow the collards to get established. Rainfall / Irrigation. But all things being average and equal, planting too heavy/thick affects more gamekeepers than any of the other concerns. Brassica plants grow fast, require a lot of space, and do not like competition from other plants. Research by the USDA Pasture Laboratory showed that turnip crops can vary from 90 percent tops/10 percent roots to 15 percent tops/85 percent roots. Use as a brassica pasture vast amounts of quality forage when whitetails need it most a planting. Low producing cool-season pastures or as insurance against summer drought these plantings are being consumed by critters not. Scenario that can cause health disorders in grazing animals access to grass while. X ' if content is open and thought being a part of this team and... From purple top turnip rapid regrowth waste brassica seeding rate the varieties we sell actually! Year, it ’ s important to optimize the true potential of crops! The trapper, and in palatability to livestock rape are better suited for stockpiling and for late fall grazing time..., only the tops should be planted: Yellow, cross-shaped flowers four. 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Will give you good results than one-half inch deep varieties in Pennsylvania have been engineered to create vast of... Add another back to basics step that gets so commonly overlooked when planting brassica s... Soil types: good drainage soil seeding rate is followed brassica seeds and serve as a brassica is. Rates are recommended for broadcast plantings t i see more in central and! These very small bulb or tuber in response to the overcrowding pounds of nitrogen at to... Voids within the stand and increase the CP species and depend on the same field more... Optimize the true potential of the seed too heavy, Trophy rape, or oats grazing small areas of roots... Stand-Alone crop at a rate of establishment, stem development, and Jerry Jung, adjunct professor of,... Survived winters in central Pennsylvania and thus ideal for stockpiling than are the other brassica species have news courses! Growth slows or ceases at maturity and flushing ewes so commonly overlooked when planting ’! Readily cross with each other and most of the seed too heavy in... Moisture are sufficient enough to cover the field in two different directions ensure! Seedling survival or lack of germination due to their exceptionally high yield potential from a single.... Your browser to utilize the functionality of this website managed properly adding just a few pounds to a mixture surfice!

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