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density in a sentence


Pettersson has made a careful study of ice melting as a motive power in oceanic circulation, and points out that it acts in two ways: on the surface it produces dilution of the water, forming a fresh layer and causing an outflow seaward of surface water with very low salinity; towards the deep water it produces a strong cooling effect, leading to increase of density and sinking of the chilled layers. A Favourite Temperature To Select Is 4° C., The Temperature Of Maximum Density, Since At This Point The Specific Heat At Constant Volume Is The Same As That At Constant Pressure. If we wish the successive divisions of the scale to correspond to equal increments in the density of the corresponding liquids, then the volumes of the instrument, measured up to the successive divisions of the scale, must form a series in harmonical progression, the lengths of the divisions increasing as we go up the stem. Common units for the measurement of density include grams (g), milliliters (ml), or grams per cubic centimeter. Examples of density in a Sentence. 20. As water expands on freezing, so conversely ice contracts on melting; and the ice-cold water thus formed continues to contract when heated until it has reached its point of maximum density, the temperature at which this occurs being about 39° Fahr. density is commonly expressed in units of grams per cubic centimetre. The power density at the core of a fast breeder reactor is more than four times higher than that in a thermal reactor. When a wave of sound travelling through one medium meets a second medium of a different kind, the vibrations of its own particles are communicated to the particles of the new medium, so that a wave is excited in the latter, and is propagated through it with a velocity dependent on the density and elasticity of the second medium, and therefore differing in general from the previous velocity. m., and the population in 1905 was 1,684,125, showing a density of 145 inhabitants to the square mile. 2. Everything is air at different degrees of density, and under the influence of heat, which expands, and of cold, which contracts its volume, it gives rise to the several phases of existence. It fuses at a red-heat, and volatilizes at a yellow-heat; its vapour density at 1300°-1400° corresponds to the formula FeC12. If p is the density corresponding to pressure p, we find that,}, formula (Ii) assumes the form P = 3PC2, where C is a velocity such that the gas would have its actual translational energy if each molecule moved with the same velocity C. By substituting experimentally determined pairs of values of p and p we can calculate C for different gases, and so obtain a knowledge of the magnitudes of the molecular velocities. Although the object looked like it would float, its concrete density caused it to sink quickly. Increased density at the same temperature means in the first place a reduction of the average distance between the molecules, but it means also a reduction in the mean free path and an increase in the number of impacts. SAXONY, a kingdom of Germany, ranking among the constituent states of the empire, fifth in area, third in population and first in density of population, bounded on the S. It will be observed that Belgium leads all the countries of the world in what may be called its railway density, with the United Kingdom a far-distant second in the list, and Persia last. This formula can be used to determine the density of any substance. See more. (20) We have already found the energy density in the train and the energy stream in equations (13) and (14). We used seedling density values to calculate the relative density of each species. % by volume of alcohol at 15° C., the highest division of the scale corresponding to the purest alcohol he could obtain (density 7947) and the lowest division corresponding to pure water. 18 examples: Women using the estrogen-progestin combination had a 7-13fold greater risk of… The population density is unbelievable, " said Terefe, a university administrator. It is very tolerant of fresh water, fattening best, as does the oyster, in water of density 1014 (the density of the water of the North Sea being 1026). This map shows population densities throughout the countries of that region. The density and specific heat of the tetragonal form are greater than those of the yellow. Density was rather low to meet my expectations, except for a great abundance of Flavescent and Brown-breasted bulbuls soon considered common. 2. phenomena would not take place unless the density varied rapidly near the surface. Roy. 21 to no. | The probability that an event will occur, as a function of some observed variable. aerogel material, the lowest density solid material in the world. The solution obtained may be evaporated in vacuo until it attains a density of 1.46 when, if partially saturated with potassium hydroxide and filtered, it yields crystals of potassium pentathionate, K 2 S 5 0 6.3H 2 0. It is frequently applied to living organisms, most of the time to humans. Roberts concluded in this way that the average density of the Algol variables and their eclipsing companions is about one-eighth that of the sun. m., and a population (1901) of 233,377, showing an increase of 8% in the decade and a density of 71 inhabitants to the sq. Both obtained the value for the velocity (U I C RA(21rNp ' where U is the velocity in free air, R is the radius of the pipe, N the frequency, and p the air density. The density of dynamite is equal to 1.5, therefore V = 1/1.5 = .666. Because the density of water changes as the temperature drops, ice floats. Density, mass of a unit volume of a material substance. rend., 1905, p. 141) has investigated the solutions of mercuric iodide in other alkaline iodides; sodium iodo-mercurate solution has a density of 3.46 at 26°, and gives with an excess of water a dense precipitate of mercuric iodide, which dissolves without decomposition in alcohol; lithium iodo-mercurate solution has a density of 3.28 at 25.6°; and ammonium iodo-mercurate solution a density of 2.98 at 26°. How to use density in a sentence. In 1985, Halliday revised the denominator of the Ure formula and proposed the following to compute the lexical density of a sentence: L d = The number of lexical items / The total number of clauses * 100 . Two typical forms are in use; in one a liquid is prepared in which the crystal freely swims, the density of the liquid being ascertained by the pycnometer or other methods; in the other a liquid of variable density, the so-called "diffusion column," is prepared, and observation is made of the level at which the particle comes to rest. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Definition of Population Density. Matthiessen observed that the density of alloys, the composition of which varies from AuAg 6 to Au 6 Ag, is greater than that calculated from the densities of the constituent metals. They do not represent the opinions of 28 examples: The instability is due to the poloidal magnetic field and/or the rotation of… The density of the fog varied. This allowance of space has been ascertained by experience to be sufficient, not only for comfort, but also for subsistence for one day, provided that the density of the ordinary civil population is not less than 200 persons to the square mile. The mean density of the sun is about 13 times that of water; but many of the stars, especially the brighter ones, have much lower densities and must be in a very diffused state. Examples of Population Density in a sentence The population of the town is forty thousand, but the population density of the town is only seven hundred people per square mile. If p is the density at A, and w the cross-section, then the momentum carried past A is pc,(U - u) 2. 0. But it is clear that if we increase A, the sectional area of the stem, we shall diminish 1, the length of a scale-division corresponding to a given variation of density, and thereby proportionately diminish the sensibility of the instrument, while diminishing the section A will increase land proportionately increase the sensibility, but will diminish the range over which the instrument can be employed. Density is a measure of how compact the mass in a substance or object is. High saturation flux density can improve the wo In simple terms, population density refers to the number of people living in an area per square kilometre. The widening of lines does not lend itself easily to accurate measurements; more precise numerical data are obtainable by the study of the displacements consequent on increased density which were discovered and studied by W. Schuster suggested that the proximity of molecules vibrating in the same period might be the cause of the diminished frequency, and suggested that according to this view the shifts would be similar if the increase of density were produced by the presence of molecules of a different kind from those whose lines are being examined. Some estimates say that less than ten … We can, however, obtain another equation called the " surface characteristic equation " as follows: - Suppose a very small area dS described on a conductor having a surface density of electrification a. This fact, coupled with the determination of the vapour density of the gas, establishes the molecular formula CO. 30. CK 3058427 Norway has a very low population density. synonyms. Sentence Examples. Also, with changes in boundary density, the natural frequency would show significant changes ( p 0.05 ). Clerk Maxwell, who predicted that the effect should be independent of the density within wide limits. The earth would intercept an amount of it proportional to the solid angle it subtends at the sun; that is to say, it would receive a deposit of meteoric matter about one-tenth of a millimetre, of density say 2, over its whole surface in the course of the year. The density of the Bornean jungle is indeed almost unbelievable. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Owing to the great pressure on the soil from the density of the population, to the reluctance to part with land characteristic of small proprietors, to the generally great productiveness of land and to the very light assessment of government revenue, land in Ballia, for agricultural purposes merely, has a market value higher than in almost any other district. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Density" in Example Sentences Page 1. There it is only in the valleys of the larger navigable rivers and on the southern border of the plain that the density exceeds 200 inhabitants per square mile. 0. electron density. Vapour density and cryoscopic determinations point to the double formula, P406. 31) The dominant term in the stress-energy tensor is therefore the energy density Too. The product of the volume and density of a body measures what is called its "mass.". Equilibrium requires that the available energy and therefore the area of contact should be a minimum, as is demonstrated in Plateau's beautiful experiment, where a large drop of oil is placed in a liquid of equal density and a perfect sphere is formed. The coefficient of expansion increases very rapidly above 750°, and diminishes very rapidly at low temperatures; the maximum density is attained about - 42° C. m.; estimated population (1901) 67,399, showing a density of six persons to the square mile. (a) The unit of volume for determinations of a high degree of accuracy is the volume occupied by the mass of 1 kilogram of pure water at its maximum density and under the normal atmospheric pressure; this volume is called litre. There are as well as density-dependent biological factors such as disease, predation, and intraspecific competition . Tralles's hydrometer differs from Gay-Lussac's only in being graduated at 4° C. instead of 15° C., and taking alcohol of density 7939 at 15.5° C. for pure alcohol instead of 7947 as taken by GayLussac (Keene's Handbook of Hydrometry). Population density in zones 3 and 4 are 2,8 and 6,4 inhabitants per square kilometre, respectively. Hence the density v is given by 47rabc (x2/a4+y2/b4-I-z2/c4), and the potential at the centre of the ellipsoid, and therefore its potential as a whole is given by the expression, adS Q dS V f r 47rabc r' (x2/a4-I-y2/b4+z2/c4) Accordingly the capacity C of the ellipsoid is given by the equation 1 I J dS C 47rabc Y (x 2 +y 2 + z2) V (x2/a4+y2/b4+z2/c4) (5) It has been shown by Professor Chrystal that the above integral may also be presented in the form,' foo C 2 J o J { (a2 + X) (b +X) (c 2 + X) } (6). This determination involves a knowledge of the density and of the compressibility of the solution; the latter property is difficult to measure accurately. For a density of 2.5 the base would therefore be 44.7% of the height. 2. U cubic centimetres move in per second at B, and if the density is po the mass moving in through a square centimetre is po U. specific density in a sentence - Use "specific density" in a sentence 1. However, when locust population density is high, they form into gregariously behaving bands of nymphs or swarms of adults. The difference in density which occurs between one part of the ocean and another, shares with the wind in the production of currents. air density in a sentence - Use "air density" in a sentence 1. Scott 243794 A recent survey reveals that the population density in the metropolis is decreasing. Hoffman counters that density currents can create the same features. Density in a sentence | density example sentences S = Density of the metal. 219+1 sentence examples: 1. In general, the larger the political unit for which crude or arithmetic population density is calculated, the less useful is the figure. The most concentrated solution has a density of 1.2 and contains 40% HCl. Density, mass of a unit volume of a material substance. The population density in LA continues to increase despite the many suburbs. There are 34 example sentences for density, and this page shows no. In the "diffusion column" method, a liquid column uniformly varying in density from about 3.3 to I is prepared by pouring a little methylene iodide into a long test tube and adding five times as much benzene. 0. They are employed for taking observations of the density of sea-water. backscattering coefficient and above-ground biomass density. bone density We do not know by how much bone density recovers. Examples of bone density in a sentence, how to use it. , Although the object looked like it would float, its concrete density caused it to sink quickly. iroXb, many) was chosen for compounds like butylene, C 4 H 8, and ethylene, C 2 H 4, corresponding to the same composition in weight but differing in molecular formula, and having different densities in gas or vapour, a litre of butylene and isobutylene weighing, for instance, under ordinary temperature and pressure, about 2.5 gr., ethylene only one-half as much, since density is proportional to molecular weight. To determine the density of any liquid it is only necessary to suspend the plummet in the liquid, and to bring the beam to its normal position by means of the riders; the relative density is read off directly from the riders.

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