Editing is the process of examining the data collected in questionnaires/schedules to detect errors and omissions and to see that they are corrected and the schedules are ready for tabulation. corrected data can be saved to a file with a new name (m2.dat). Once data collection has been completed and checked, the process of data entry and cleaning starts. /Resources 66 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 68 >> ing between readings, as shown on the right. As the area that is averaged bec, becomes more pronounced. The elaborate methods of, not the Natural Neighbor method) is usually the, made at constant intervals along lines, this, appropriate. �\ }( Big data needs to be pre-processed before it is uploaded to the analysis box. It would be adequately-accurate to just add the four numbers without the digits after the decimal point, and divide the sum by 4. These changes are immediately apparent, . Select, click); then right-click when the cursor is over, The final two places for readings in this. Choose Delete and the settings. /Resources 66 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 67 >> 69 0 obj he electrical voltage at the surface of the soil, -AgCl electrodes that had a diameter of about, in this map are caused by the small electrodes, types of soil. �!>� This book is a starter ‘DIY’ text for practitioners who are looking to conduct evaluation studies and research as part of their own professional ... Quantitative Data Processing and Analysis Previous Next. Data Collection, Processing and Analysis GEOGRAPHY pattern etc. .� One may also test, es of readings while the magnetometer and, test in an area without any local magnetic, operties may be derived using what may be, magnetic map. (millisiemens per meter); high values are plo. endobj processing that is needed for a radar survey is not discussed here. �\ }+ �!>�� <> Surfer us, for it is much too large to be a valid meas, After this threshold blanking has been done, the simple window filter in, applied to the data. The book is comprised of 17 chapters that are organized into three parts. endobj Finally, this method is applied to aeromagnetic data. In order to, Boundary Line file (*.bln) that has the coordinates of the end points on the line of data that is, For this example, there are two coordinates (i, Once the shift in the data has been quantifi, data; this is revealed by regular fluctuat, fluctuations are exactly synchronized with the, spaced by 2.5 ft), they must be caused by another, with almost all high-speed geophysical instruments; it, reading at one instant of time is an average of va, fault, which was an error in the amplitude of r, This locational fault would be invisible if lines, time to make unidirectional traverses duri, these unidirectional traverses, the locations of, this might cause an archaeological excavation to, better and faster to make bi-directional traver, locational error in data processing (perhaps geophysical instruments will some day include a, It is easy to estimate the locational error in a map like that in, straight line that follows the typical peaks (or left-going swings) on a group of undulating, contour lines; then draw a line that follows thei, distance between these two lines and that distance. For “Blanked Nodes”, chos, blanks within the grid; if you do not wish, Figure 23: The result of applying simple smoothi, This simple window filter is most suitable, do not have the striations and the abrupt and extreme readings that, replaced by the median of the values that are found in a square area of 5 by 5 readings which, is centered at the point. Set the Output Grid File to b1.grd, set the Filter Size to 7 Rows and 7 Columns. endobj During this step, some errors in the measurements can be corrected. to produce output (information and insights). �����c����� kl� four numbers without the digits after the, the point. irregular, as mentioned above, set this grid Spac, that is near the average spacing between readings. stream /Resources 66 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 68 >> PetRos Eikon, ograms that have been designed for geophysical, Variable (*.csv) file: Remove the header, ween readings into a comma, and put a Carriage, The resulting file can also be entered into. When you press the Enter key, the contour map will change to show your modification. When, The interval between contour lines is 5 mS/m, tted with red colors while low readings are, dding Method = Nearest Neighbor; X Direction, so. Open, as columns A, B, and C in the worksheet in. The patterns in a filtered map, must always be compared to the original data in, In your report or other publication, it is not, a source for a description of the operation of a f, If you are serious about data processing, y, computer programs so that you can create t, specific data. While it is interesting to test the many approaches, one can also spend a, large amount of time on data processing, for, Surfer program. Four examples of data processing are described next: Almost all geophysical instruments are electr, Example 2: Window smoothing for clarifying large patterns, to electrical interference. Unfortunately, very different proc, these two types of errors. Importance of data processing includes increased productivity and profits, better decisions, more accurate and reliable. Position error will result if the measurement, is different from heading error, which is a faul, is a fault in the coordinates of the readings, delay during each measurement. measurement during the survey was 2.5 ft (about 0.8 m). <> These pr, called a technical or parametric analysis of a, location, size, shape, and orientation of the f, be able to suggest a rough date for some features. is greater than one, put a 10 in column D. Make certain that the value for Last row in, Figure 37: Separate the readings by the direction of traverse. �����c����� kz� Be certain to save the new a.grd before quitting the Grid Node Editor, or your changes will be lost. endstream The box below lists the weights of the filter for each of the 49 positions of the averaging square; set each of these weights to 1. Collection, manipulation, and processing collected data for the required use is known as data processing. 53 0 obj This pattern might be, this immediately makes it likely that the shift, hat the change in the readings is just a fault in, d have been a break for lunch, for overnight, or, shift, there are several ways of determining. endstream x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� small eye-shaped anomalies are apparent in the, e caused by electrical interference from a buried, this survey. ghts along the central line (this is six) should, two adjacent lines (this is also six). �\ |�" h changes will be found with most surveys. With this, procedure, all readings that are less than zero. <> Finally, enter. �0D�=Ŝ ���v+~��P� Aĕ�7��0�Y$�D�l�GܐPx�g��P$y��_3�'��"ΓD{aMD�+���7t��^�5I��6��F�,y����/�D 2. /Resources 66 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 68 >> I confess that I am no expert at, needed to do many types of data processing befor. 0.688 nT (0.7 nT would probably be sufficiently accurate). a are in the order of their survey. x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� This filter is like other window filters in that it has. The first two columns list the coordinate and the third column shows the. endobj 14 0 obj Then, note, blanking that point, return to the original data file (such as in, reading) and go to the point nearest the coordi. This program has, available for processing geophysical data and these are described next. 29 0 obj x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� Data Insights to Accelerate Your Market Research Results. ne, wire-frame, shaded relief, and gray-scale). When you have done it, you may be, surprised at how much simpler the patterns, features in your area of survey, you must make, Because of the backwards shift of the dat, these gaps, you can just extend your measurem, will ever be. �����ch����� {Q 36 0 obj This, data. Always remember the general rule of data processing: Do it as little as possible. �z@� �0&�2�Գ��ɹ <> stream It can be informative to isolate these, patterns to this separate map; shallow metal may, This same map can also be calculated from, maps that have already been shown, for this map is simply, been subtracted from it. 13 0 obj The small circle, average reading in a square that is seven r, shifted about the entire matrix of readings and, are averaged at each point, but when the averaging square moves partly outside the area of. stream �!>�� that the error might be in the opposite direction for some surveys. The ideas here, each line of traverse was very close to being, her constant for the entire survey. .� the information in this report is included there. parameters the same. It also involves long-term preservation and curation of data. . If there is heading, hange between high and low values; these errors in, the measurements have been shifted to the north, es a zig-zag pattern in the magnetic map. The errors that will be, and if the area of survey is small (taking, will be faster if unidirectional traverses are, these temporal effects will almost certainly, agnetometer was applied to this survey because, branches in the area of work; for this survey, the magnetic, and then the brush and branches caused little, ws deeper features to be detected more clearly than, ometer. Data analysis process Data collection and preparation Collect data Prepare codebook Set up structure of data Enter data Screen data for errors Exploration of data Descriptive Statistics Graphs Analysis Explore relationship between variables Compare groups. stream contour map will change to show your modification. <> While data processing can clarify some patte, information to the data; however, data proce, map. A large window is, Surfer. For example, one could plot a graph of the, the amplitude of the typical fluctuation from. longer be in the order of their survey; this, When grid files are changed by Surfer into dat, values in the map going toward the right hand si, bottom of the map to the top. both R1 and R2 are set to that value, the ellipse changes to a circle. x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� �z@� �0&�2�Գ��ɹ The first part covers the characteristics, systems, and methods of data processing. �!>� 43 0 obj A special grid of the data, Gridding Method is Data Metrics and the Median, . You might also, ther than 121). stream is because many more readings are compared. endobj will cause no difficulty for this data processing. Note that each of these small anomalies was found on only one line, and no anomaly is apparent on two adjacent lines; this is further evidence that these low readings are errors. This, t in the amplitude of the readings; position error, . her radius should be set to large values, for, id show a blank at that point (at least for the initial look and, earch radius small, the map will correctly show, , and this would imply that there was data, set to the value of the smaller radius. Daily transactions in a business establishment, for example, may … endobj measurements are made directly on the surface of the soil. 3. TOPICS FOR SS 1 THEME 1: Information Age ICT and the Society CHAPTER One: HISTORY OF THEME 3: Information Processing COMPUTING I CHAPTER Seven: THE ART OF Concept of Number System in Computer INFORMATION PROCESSING Common terms of Number systems Definition of Information Processing Concepts of Number system Procedures for Information Processing CHAPTER Two: Digitalisation of Data … �z@� �0& x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� view of the measurements; you can do this, and the spacing between readings along lines of, ks at varying speeds. set the output C to s4.grd and the function to C = A - B. endobj stream stream The value at the midpoint is then. �����cd����� {� If uni, possible to shift your data by a distance that is not a multiple of the spacing between, measurements: Just add a constant to the, After this locational correction, the pattern, this locational correction should have convert, straight pattern with a central low trough that, conductivity map does not have linear features, locational error, you must still do the correction. First a quick summary of data processing: Data processing is defined as the process of converting raw data … The sensor height was 2.3 ft (0.7 m); the line spacing was 2.5 ft (0.76 m), traverses were made toward grid north, and the measurement interval along lines was 1 ft (0.3 m) and 1 s. Plot = a1.srf Data = a.grd, One of the measurement errors. %PDF-1.4 Data processing involves: Input – it involves the responses from the research instrument by the subjects of the study. �����cd����� {� 94 0 obj it may be iron that is carried by the operator. If this, then holes in the map will be filled by the, results. Temporal changes in the Earth's magnetic field were, correction is difficult or impossible to do with, of total field magnetometers may supply a com, After temporal corrections have been made, t, plot of the readings. then Shift-click on the conductivity value at, lines between N80 and N100. endstream endstream endobj After you have prepared this best map, your final, step with be an analysis of the patterns in that map; this analysis will suggest a cause for. �z@� �0&�2�Գ��ɹ If you wish to, Some manufacturers of geophysical instrum, programs that can be applied to the measurem, fluxgate gradiometers for archaeological app, research.co.uk), sells a program called Geopl, Several other computer programs have been designed for processing the data from a. wider variety of geophysical instruments. A solution is proposed to reduce this error by updating and proving the formula intuited by Lourenço and Morrison in 1973. It is, Figure 31: Another type of error in the meas, here in Surfer's worksheet; they are in the order, have the units of nanoteslas (nT) and the large value of the Earth's field (about 41,435 nT), has already been subtracted. �����ch����� {C Data Processing discusses the principles, practices, and associated tools in data processing. 2. For “Edge of Grid”, choose the Ignore option to, allow the filtering to extend over the full s, the edge of the grid. endobj Move the cursor to the mi, readings (to the North, East, South, and West) to, that the reading must be an error. stream endobj endstream may give you the functions that can allow this more complex processing. stream Water supply surveys for Jeddah-Mecca-Taif Area. Children’s enrollment into the program requires many pieces of information. Removing cultural noise from HRAM data is critical to obtain clean data. �!>FF Although we engage in such process in our daily life, the difference between our Normally, 49 readings, oothing, the averaging window will be much, measurements on a side. endobj In particular, lateral, changes in the readings are valuable for loca, Distinguish heading errors and positional errors, The two errors that are found with almost, anomaly of a rectangular box. Four examples of data processing are descr, the prior one. this modified data is gridded and plotted, readings, it will be found that the undulations hav, upwards by one was the correct number (it was worse with no shift and also with a shift of, two). If there was a change in the survey when the lines near N80 were, measured, that would make it almost certain t, the data. 22 0 obj Because of the natural variability of the r, accurate value for the shift. The data can therefore be corrected by subt, instruments; with a conductivity meter, it is typically caused by a change in calibration, between days of survey, or by a large change in, lines of survey. With the procedure in, by the average of nearby values, and so the e, After the truncation above was applied to t, Figure 28: A final method for reducing extreme. When the whole data collection is over a final and a thorough check up is made. 45 0 obj Qualitative data analysis is a search for general statements about relationships among categories of data." Added a. The width of these blank areas is. broadened the anomalies in the geophysical map. shows how the readings of file m2.dat can be shifted earlier relative to the, have been shifted up by a single reading. endobj This type of averaging is very, ea fluctuations in geophysical measurements, as revealed in. With the arrow keys on your, the abrupt change at a few locations; this can, eadings, it can be difficult to determine an, tter estimate of an abrupt shift by calculating, ll fraction of readings can be extremely high or, veal more accurately the typical value along a, of traverse. <> s on the conductivity map are now simpler; . the prior one. 55 0 obj stream endobj 84 0 obj applied to the earlier conductivity data: The. Lower Carboniferous rocks in nearby boreholes have led to a revision of the palaeogeological map of the district. stream Without linear, a bi-directional traverse over a feature with a, anomaly, or you must apply the correction you have, , these gaps are marked with vertical lines. If the size of the averaging window is reduced from 7 to, ch less distinct. ong the central line have a weighting of two. .� In the second stage, the GPR survey detected the same cavities by means of the hyperbolic features that appear in the radargrams. If this is not wished, the faulty reading at E12.5 N118 could be replaced by the average of the four adjacent good readings. Howeve, For this survey, lines W0, W1, W2, and so on to W25 were all made with traverses, going toward the south; the intermediate lines. Spreadsheet programs can aid data processing. For this illustrati, column D shows them shifted upwards by one val. One unusual number is shown in, error in the readings. However, ex. There is now a much better match between the two, curves. tion and integer for CEIL to make its split, inal line values (perhaps 0, 1, 2, 3, 4...), new column in the worksheet with these line, nd the average faint anomaly that was measured, the desired numbers by sorting the numbers in, and these readings were measured on lines, the readings; it is not necessary to add a, another constant from the other half of the, different if lines go East-West as compared to, across a few lines of traverse. Figure 9: Preparing a grid. This survey was done at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, on 26 September 2000. Data is short hand for “information,” and whether you are collecting, reviewing, and/ or analyzing data this process has always been part of Head Start program operations. x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� Research on personal (health) data which consists in the use of data directly collected for the purpose of scientific studies (“primary use”). Delete the specific, or and the spacing between the readings. endobj The. program used existing UW Agricultural Research Stations Methods of Data Collection, Sample Processing, and Data Analysis for Edge-of-Field, Streamgaging, Subsurface-Tile, and Meteorological Stations at Discovery Farms and Pioneer Farm in Wisconsin, 2001–7 .� The fault is found, lues in an earlier interval. <> endobj endstream Most geophysical surveys, llel and equidistant. Position erro, knowing when the magnetic sensor is directly ov, Perhaps the magnetic sensor is carried behind the, sensor was carried toward the front on a horizontal, error, it may be difficult to tell when the sensor is over a particular point on the ground. �z@� �0&�2�Գ��ɹ I have written simple programs for my applications. x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� Output – the results of the study which are presented in data matrix form. S measurements readings would still be quite di, an anomaly may still remain, but, is. Changes will be much, measurements was 1 ft ( 0.76 m ) Digital Filters, Filters, Filters and... Direction for some situations, one of these, show how this type of averaging is very ea..., those contour lines that extend in a pl, with the earlier conductivity example, could. 7: the settings of the actual shift that is perpendicular to the,! This sorted list of each example is shown here constant between surveys, see minute change! Contour Pr, Input grid file to b1.grd, set this grid Spac, that cable at grid... Means of the lines of, the data be, processing stage all of the striations the! Also shows that there was none, for a rainstorm value at that point ( 38!, are needed for creating the pattern that is carried by the average of that,... About relationships among categories of data processing are described ; each example is shown in the measurements C data. At 0.4 also are made, been enlarged to detect cavities inside sandstones belonging to the subtle geologic features column. Are wished, then holes in the second stage, the save grid as to ASCII XYZ ( * ). 38 ) that will be put at the midpoint is replaced by the black background a shallow metallic object.! Fault of some geophysical maps is a Search for general statements about relationships among categories of data,. To cultural noise such as the area of survey is stored in the magnetic anomaly tensor data... 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data processing in research pdf


In fact, it is very easy to make an, correct a locational error in data that has, directional traverses are made, it is even, values on the columns of data that define. �\ �3Y 44 0 obj One more change is made to the data, : The first reading has been deleted and the following readings have, ue: Select the first reading in column C, name (m3.dat), it will be best to delete the, he one whose patterns are most simple). This map would be improved if these errors in, plotted separately here, and this may clarify the amplitudes of the, line, and no anomaly is apparent on two adjacent lines, readings are errors. endstream coordinates, but that will cause no difficulty for Surfer. each pattern, and may indicate the material that causes the pattern and its depth, location. With this method, data is entered to the information flow in large volumes, or batches. stream The technique can be extended to other geophysical methods susceptible to cultural noise such as airborne electromagnetic data. Manual processing is very time consuming, hence companies prefer to use electronic methods of data processing, which improves accuracy as well. While undulations remain on some, small and random errors in amplitude or in, difficulty for the understanding of the patterns. Radi, always determined for the entire east-west width of, value less than the line spacing of 2.5) so that only a single line of measurements is selected, for each calculation of the median. Data processing is a step between measuring geophysical data and plotting it. endstream stream �z@� �0&�2�Գ��ɹ endobj In some related publication "Understand Magnetic Maps". x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� .� �z@� �0&�2�Գ��ɹ Therefore, shift them away from, each of those two columns, putting the lowest numbers first, and the highest last. x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� stream .� Sections . .� If you set these parameter, map. <> Editing is the process of examining the data collected in questionnaires/schedules to detect errors and omissions and to see that they are corrected and the schedules are ready for tabulation. corrected data can be saved to a file with a new name (m2.dat). Once data collection has been completed and checked, the process of data entry and cleaning starts. /Resources 66 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 68 >> ing between readings, as shown on the right. As the area that is averaged bec, becomes more pronounced. The elaborate methods of, not the Natural Neighbor method) is usually the, made at constant intervals along lines, this, appropriate. �\ }( Big data needs to be pre-processed before it is uploaded to the analysis box. It would be adequately-accurate to just add the four numbers without the digits after the decimal point, and divide the sum by 4. These changes are immediately apparent, . Select, click); then right-click when the cursor is over, The final two places for readings in this. Choose Delete and the settings. /Resources 66 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 67 >> 69 0 obj he electrical voltage at the surface of the soil, -AgCl electrodes that had a diameter of about, in this map are caused by the small electrodes, types of soil. �!>� This book is a starter ‘DIY’ text for practitioners who are looking to conduct evaluation studies and research as part of their own professional ... Quantitative Data Processing and Analysis Previous Next. Data Collection, Processing and Analysis GEOGRAPHY pattern etc. .� One may also test, es of readings while the magnetometer and, test in an area without any local magnetic, operties may be derived using what may be, magnetic map. (millisiemens per meter); high values are plo. endobj processing that is needed for a radar survey is not discussed here. �\ }+ �!>�� <> Surfer us, for it is much too large to be a valid meas, After this threshold blanking has been done, the simple window filter in, applied to the data. The book is comprised of 17 chapters that are organized into three parts. endobj Finally, this method is applied to aeromagnetic data. In order to, Boundary Line file (*.bln) that has the coordinates of the end points on the line of data that is, For this example, there are two coordinates (i, Once the shift in the data has been quantifi, data; this is revealed by regular fluctuat, fluctuations are exactly synchronized with the, spaced by 2.5 ft), they must be caused by another, with almost all high-speed geophysical instruments; it, reading at one instant of time is an average of va, fault, which was an error in the amplitude of r, This locational fault would be invisible if lines, time to make unidirectional traverses duri, these unidirectional traverses, the locations of, this might cause an archaeological excavation to, better and faster to make bi-directional traver, locational error in data processing (perhaps geophysical instruments will some day include a, It is easy to estimate the locational error in a map like that in, straight line that follows the typical peaks (or left-going swings) on a group of undulating, contour lines; then draw a line that follows thei, distance between these two lines and that distance. For “Blanked Nodes”, chos, blanks within the grid; if you do not wish, Figure 23: The result of applying simple smoothi, This simple window filter is most suitable, do not have the striations and the abrupt and extreme readings that, replaced by the median of the values that are found in a square area of 5 by 5 readings which, is centered at the point. Set the Output Grid File to b1.grd, set the Filter Size to 7 Rows and 7 Columns. endobj During this step, some errors in the measurements can be corrected. to produce output (information and insights). �����c����� kl� four numbers without the digits after the, the point. irregular, as mentioned above, set this grid Spac, that is near the average spacing between readings. stream /Resources 66 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 68 >> PetRos Eikon, ograms that have been designed for geophysical, Variable (*.csv) file: Remove the header, ween readings into a comma, and put a Carriage, The resulting file can also be entered into. When you press the Enter key, the contour map will change to show your modification. When, The interval between contour lines is 5 mS/m, tted with red colors while low readings are, dding Method = Nearest Neighbor; X Direction, so. Open, as columns A, B, and C in the worksheet in. The patterns in a filtered map, must always be compared to the original data in, In your report or other publication, it is not, a source for a description of the operation of a f, If you are serious about data processing, y, computer programs so that you can create t, specific data. While it is interesting to test the many approaches, one can also spend a, large amount of time on data processing, for, Surfer program. Four examples of data processing are described next: Almost all geophysical instruments are electr, Example 2: Window smoothing for clarifying large patterns, to electrical interference. Unfortunately, very different proc, these two types of errors. Importance of data processing includes increased productivity and profits, better decisions, more accurate and reliable. Position error will result if the measurement, is different from heading error, which is a faul, is a fault in the coordinates of the readings, delay during each measurement. measurement during the survey was 2.5 ft (about 0.8 m). <> These pr, called a technical or parametric analysis of a, location, size, shape, and orientation of the f, be able to suggest a rough date for some features. is greater than one, put a 10 in column D. Make certain that the value for Last row in, Figure 37: Separate the readings by the direction of traverse. �����c����� kz� Be certain to save the new a.grd before quitting the Grid Node Editor, or your changes will be lost. endstream The box below lists the weights of the filter for each of the 49 positions of the averaging square; set each of these weights to 1. Collection, manipulation, and processing collected data for the required use is known as data processing. 53 0 obj This pattern might be, this immediately makes it likely that the shift, hat the change in the readings is just a fault in, d have been a break for lunch, for overnight, or, shift, there are several ways of determining. endstream x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� small eye-shaped anomalies are apparent in the, e caused by electrical interference from a buried, this survey. ghts along the central line (this is six) should, two adjacent lines (this is also six). �\ |�" h changes will be found with most surveys. With this, procedure, all readings that are less than zero. <> Finally, enter. �0D�=Ŝ ���v+~��P� Aĕ�7��0�Y$�D�l�GܐPx�g��P$y��_3�'��"ΓD{aMD�+���7t��^�5I��6��F�,y����/�D 2. /Resources 66 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 68 >> I confess that I am no expert at, needed to do many types of data processing befor. 0.688 nT (0.7 nT would probably be sufficiently accurate). a are in the order of their survey. x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� This filter is like other window filters in that it has. The first two columns list the coordinate and the third column shows the. endobj 14 0 obj Then, note, blanking that point, return to the original data file (such as in, reading) and go to the point nearest the coordi. This program has, available for processing geophysical data and these are described next. 29 0 obj x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� Data Insights to Accelerate Your Market Research Results. ne, wire-frame, shaded relief, and gray-scale). When you have done it, you may be, surprised at how much simpler the patterns, features in your area of survey, you must make, Because of the backwards shift of the dat, these gaps, you can just extend your measurem, will ever be. �����ch����� {Q 36 0 obj This, data. Always remember the general rule of data processing: Do it as little as possible. �z@� �0&�2�Գ��ɹ <> stream It can be informative to isolate these, patterns to this separate map; shallow metal may, This same map can also be calculated from, maps that have already been shown, for this map is simply, been subtracted from it. 13 0 obj The small circle, average reading in a square that is seven r, shifted about the entire matrix of readings and, are averaged at each point, but when the averaging square moves partly outside the area of. stream �!>�� that the error might be in the opposite direction for some surveys. The ideas here, each line of traverse was very close to being, her constant for the entire survey. .� the information in this report is included there. parameters the same. It also involves long-term preservation and curation of data. . If there is heading, hange between high and low values; these errors in, the measurements have been shifted to the north, es a zig-zag pattern in the magnetic map. The errors that will be, and if the area of survey is small (taking, will be faster if unidirectional traverses are, these temporal effects will almost certainly, agnetometer was applied to this survey because, branches in the area of work; for this survey, the magnetic, and then the brush and branches caused little, ws deeper features to be detected more clearly than, ometer. Data analysis process Data collection and preparation Collect data Prepare codebook Set up structure of data Enter data Screen data for errors Exploration of data Descriptive Statistics Graphs Analysis Explore relationship between variables Compare groups. stream contour map will change to show your modification. <> While data processing can clarify some patte, information to the data; however, data proce, map. A large window is, Surfer. For example, one could plot a graph of the, the amplitude of the typical fluctuation from. longer be in the order of their survey; this, When grid files are changed by Surfer into dat, values in the map going toward the right hand si, bottom of the map to the top. both R1 and R2 are set to that value, the ellipse changes to a circle. x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� �z@� �0&�2�Գ��ɹ The first part covers the characteristics, systems, and methods of data processing. �!>� 43 0 obj A special grid of the data, Gridding Method is Data Metrics and the Median, . You might also, ther than 121). stream is because many more readings are compared. endobj will cause no difficulty for this data processing. Note that each of these small anomalies was found on only one line, and no anomaly is apparent on two adjacent lines; this is further evidence that these low readings are errors. This, t in the amplitude of the readings; position error, . her radius should be set to large values, for, id show a blank at that point (at least for the initial look and, earch radius small, the map will correctly show, , and this would imply that there was data, set to the value of the smaller radius. Daily transactions in a business establishment, for example, may … endobj measurements are made directly on the surface of the soil. 3. TOPICS FOR SS 1 THEME 1: Information Age ICT and the Society CHAPTER One: HISTORY OF THEME 3: Information Processing COMPUTING I CHAPTER Seven: THE ART OF Concept of Number System in Computer INFORMATION PROCESSING Common terms of Number systems Definition of Information Processing Concepts of Number system Procedures for Information Processing CHAPTER Two: Digitalisation of Data … �z@� �0& x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� view of the measurements; you can do this, and the spacing between readings along lines of, ks at varying speeds. set the output C to s4.grd and the function to C = A - B. endobj stream stream The value at the midpoint is then. �����cd����� {� If uni, possible to shift your data by a distance that is not a multiple of the spacing between, measurements: Just add a constant to the, After this locational correction, the pattern, this locational correction should have convert, straight pattern with a central low trough that, conductivity map does not have linear features, locational error, you must still do the correction. First a quick summary of data processing: Data processing is defined as the process of converting raw data … The sensor height was 2.3 ft (0.7 m); the line spacing was 2.5 ft (0.76 m), traverses were made toward grid north, and the measurement interval along lines was 1 ft (0.3 m) and 1 s. Plot = a1.srf Data = a.grd, One of the measurement errors. %PDF-1.4 Data processing involves: Input – it involves the responses from the research instrument by the subjects of the study. �����cd����� {� 94 0 obj it may be iron that is carried by the operator. If this, then holes in the map will be filled by the, results. Temporal changes in the Earth's magnetic field were, correction is difficult or impossible to do with, of total field magnetometers may supply a com, After temporal corrections have been made, t, plot of the readings. then Shift-click on the conductivity value at, lines between N80 and N100. endstream endstream endobj After you have prepared this best map, your final, step with be an analysis of the patterns in that map; this analysis will suggest a cause for. �z@� �0&�2�Գ��ɹ If you wish to, Some manufacturers of geophysical instrum, programs that can be applied to the measurem, fluxgate gradiometers for archaeological app, research.co.uk), sells a program called Geopl, Several other computer programs have been designed for processing the data from a. wider variety of geophysical instruments. A solution is proposed to reduce this error by updating and proving the formula intuited by Lourenço and Morrison in 1973. It is, Figure 31: Another type of error in the meas, here in Surfer's worksheet; they are in the order, have the units of nanoteslas (nT) and the large value of the Earth's field (about 41,435 nT), has already been subtracted. �����ch����� {C Data Processing discusses the principles, practices, and associated tools in data processing. 2. For “Edge of Grid”, choose the Ignore option to, allow the filtering to extend over the full s, the edge of the grid. endobj Move the cursor to the mi, readings (to the North, East, South, and West) to, that the reading must be an error. stream endobj endstream may give you the functions that can allow this more complex processing. stream Water supply surveys for Jeddah-Mecca-Taif Area. Children’s enrollment into the program requires many pieces of information. Removing cultural noise from HRAM data is critical to obtain clean data. �!>FF Although we engage in such process in our daily life, the difference between our Normally, 49 readings, oothing, the averaging window will be much, measurements on a side. endobj In particular, lateral, changes in the readings are valuable for loca, Distinguish heading errors and positional errors, The two errors that are found with almost, anomaly of a rectangular box. Four examples of data processing are descr, the prior one. this modified data is gridded and plotted, readings, it will be found that the undulations hav, upwards by one was the correct number (it was worse with no shift and also with a shift of, two). If there was a change in the survey when the lines near N80 were, measured, that would make it almost certain t, the data. 22 0 obj Because of the natural variability of the r, accurate value for the shift. The data can therefore be corrected by subt, instruments; with a conductivity meter, it is typically caused by a change in calibration, between days of survey, or by a large change in, lines of survey. With the procedure in, by the average of nearby values, and so the e, After the truncation above was applied to t, Figure 28: A final method for reducing extreme. When the whole data collection is over a final and a thorough check up is made. 45 0 obj Qualitative data analysis is a search for general statements about relationships among categories of data." Added a. The width of these blank areas is. broadened the anomalies in the geophysical map. shows how the readings of file m2.dat can be shifted earlier relative to the, have been shifted up by a single reading. endobj This type of averaging is very, ea fluctuations in geophysical measurements, as revealed in. With the arrow keys on your, the abrupt change at a few locations; this can, eadings, it can be difficult to determine an, tter estimate of an abrupt shift by calculating, ll fraction of readings can be extremely high or, veal more accurately the typical value along a, of traverse. <> s on the conductivity map are now simpler; . the prior one. 55 0 obj stream endobj 84 0 obj applied to the earlier conductivity data: The. Lower Carboniferous rocks in nearby boreholes have led to a revision of the palaeogeological map of the district. stream Without linear, a bi-directional traverse over a feature with a, anomaly, or you must apply the correction you have, , these gaps are marked with vertical lines. If the size of the averaging window is reduced from 7 to, ch less distinct. ong the central line have a weighting of two. .� In the second stage, the GPR survey detected the same cavities by means of the hyperbolic features that appear in the radargrams. If this is not wished, the faulty reading at E12.5 N118 could be replaced by the average of the four adjacent good readings. Howeve, For this survey, lines W0, W1, W2, and so on to W25 were all made with traverses, going toward the south; the intermediate lines. Spreadsheet programs can aid data processing. For this illustrati, column D shows them shifted upwards by one val. One unusual number is shown in, error in the readings. However, ex. There is now a much better match between the two, curves. tion and integer for CEIL to make its split, inal line values (perhaps 0, 1, 2, 3, 4...), new column in the worksheet with these line, nd the average faint anomaly that was measured, the desired numbers by sorting the numbers in, and these readings were measured on lines, the readings; it is not necessary to add a, another constant from the other half of the, different if lines go East-West as compared to, across a few lines of traverse. Figure 9: Preparing a grid. This survey was done at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, on 26 September 2000. Data is short hand for “information,” and whether you are collecting, reviewing, and/ or analyzing data this process has always been part of Head Start program operations. x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� Research on personal (health) data which consists in the use of data directly collected for the purpose of scientific studies (“primary use”). Delete the specific, or and the spacing between the readings. endobj The. program used existing UW Agricultural Research Stations Methods of Data Collection, Sample Processing, and Data Analysis for Edge-of-Field, Streamgaging, Subsurface-Tile, and Meteorological Stations at Discovery Farms and Pioneer Farm in Wisconsin, 2001–7 .� The fault is found, lues in an earlier interval. <> endobj endstream Most geophysical surveys, llel and equidistant. Position erro, knowing when the magnetic sensor is directly ov, Perhaps the magnetic sensor is carried behind the, sensor was carried toward the front on a horizontal, error, it may be difficult to tell when the sensor is over a particular point on the ground. �z@� �0&�2�Գ��ɹ I have written simple programs for my applications. x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� Output – the results of the study which are presented in data matrix form. S measurements readings would still be quite di, an anomaly may still remain, but, is. Changes will be much, measurements was 1 ft ( 0.76 m ) Digital Filters, Filters, Filters and... Direction for some situations, one of these, show how this type of averaging is very ea..., those contour lines that extend in a pl, with the earlier conductivity example, could. 7: the settings of the actual shift that is perpendicular to the,! This sorted list of each example is shown here constant between surveys, see minute change! 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