planet killer or neutron sweep

Yeah actually it works perfectly well for me. Oh boy I can't wait to nuke my own capital. Yeah, so what? Pacifists would instead opt for a Cruel Mercy : The Global Pacifier , which encases a planet in an impenetrable shield that only lets light through, trapping the population on that world. Playing hive mind so I can't even release pops as vassals. *stretches* Time to take out the trash... @omnidragon001 One older play as precursor mod (maybe First of their Kind?) Not working 2.7.2 D= I wanna level planets plox. Tomb world would be neat because I typically can't terraform a planet into one, so it would be an indirect way of doing that. Genocidal empires gain Unity on the first use of the World Cracker or Neutron Sweep. Neutron sweeps should turn planets barren with the terraformable modifier. The effects of the sweeper should be: -30% habitability modifier for 7200 days (similar to terraforming to Gaia World) without ability to terraform until said modifier expires, non-trivial chance of turning the planet into a Toxic or Molten World, or adding a permanent debuff (i.e. Not sure about turning them into tomb worlds (I’d just land armies then purge the gaia worlds instead tbh) but I think a time based penalty applied to the swept planet, to represent ecosphere damage or cleanup etc would be good (perhaps it could add some tile blocks that you can’t remove for a certain period of time), so that yes I get a nice planet, but it won’t just be a “shake and bake” affair where I can waltz in 5 seconds after melting everyone on the surface and then have a colony up and running soon after with no consequence. I should take a look at the event that actually spawns those. On or about stardate 4202.1 the Constellation, under the command of Commodore Decker, encountered massive destruction in system L-370 – all seven planets had been utterly destroyed. That would leave the planet clean but fry everything in pretty much the same way. Anyway, the neutron sweep bugs me because it's not very realistic. - Planet has to be populated (as it gives science it would make no sense if you can use it on uninhabitated planets - might change this in the future) - Can target primitives Neutron Sweep: Neutrons and protons are collectively referred to as nucleons, since they behave in a similar manner inside the nuclei of atoms. Obviously a lot of the unrealistic elements are for immersion, flow, or balance reasons. I haven't thought of that. After all, Alderaan had a seat in the senate. The process is called neutron capture, or activation. should make a planet cracker be able to destroy shielded world or free world from shield. Lastly, it's like arguing about where the mineral deposits on ringworlds come from or why dyson spheres don't generate several orders of magnitude more power than a system with multiple habitat stacked size 25 gaia worlds. In contrast, generating neutrons specifically on a scale like this doesn't seem easy. Realistically if you dump enough neutron radiation onto a planet to kill a billion sapients spread across its surface, you've probably also totally killed the entire biosphere. Shadow Planet Killer; Vorlon Planet Killer; Beneath the Planet of the Apes. Neutrons do not have any net electric charge associated with them. It also can't be used to preemptively destroy uninhabited worlds so you don't have an inconvenient contingency hub popping up in an important system. It was necessary to put the mod at the very bottom in the launcher.)). It purges away all pops and leaves the planet with a -30 habitability debuff for + 3000 months. Cracking planets gives a random amount of mineable minerals while pacifier grants + 10 society research. Mechanical, Machine Unit and Hive-Minded Pops are killed … But then I’d also like a bioweapon style colossus of sorts that perhaps let me gene edit the pops on a planet so I can give them space herpes or something…Perhaps I need to stop playing for a bit I think. Neutron sweeps doesn't work on machine empires. ... === Neutron Sweep === The neutron sweep will kill all Sentient life on the planet. Not in the same sense that a magical psionic converter or energy shielder isn't realistic, but in that we basically already know what bombarding a target with unimaginable amounts of neutrons would actually do. Since you know abouts where to look, I'm looking for the tech id's for the world techs. If you have a beam that could irradiate an entire planet with it, it would render the entire world dangerously radioactive for at least the next couple decades. Laser, relativistic kinetic impactor, massive asteroid, super-tachyon beam, doesn't matter. The entire planet would also catch fire right around the same time, and the charred husk of a world left behind would be impossible to walk on. In the universe, neutrons are abundant, making up more than half of all visible matter. I think a time based penalty applied to the swept planet, to represent ecosphere damage or cleanup etc would be good. Whether it's an incredibly powerful bomb or a gigantic super-laser, nothing adds spice to a science-fiction story like the ultimate of ultimate threats: the planet killer. As for neutron sweep, I suppose I could live with it making it a tomb world, and maybe braking a few buildings, but nothing beyond that. The planet bonanza was uncovered during a Hubble survey called the Sagittarius Window Eclipsing Extrasolar Planet Search (SWEEPS). It duplicated and plunged the Federation into a conflict known as the … If I want to wipe out an empire completely, I lock a region of space down, bring it in, and go from world to world while keeping the war going as long as possible. I know a lot of your questions or points don't necessarily mesh with the setting of Stellaris, which seems to have a kind of semi-hard (or semi-flacid, if you prefer) sci-fi atmosphere, but I really appreciate your post and the thought you've put into it. Most Wizards used in a typical build install process have an option to wipe Kodi clean as the first step in their build installation procedure. Nothing fancy, just slow and methodical like the Reapers or something. If you have a related Youtube channel, enter the URL. The colony is removed, but the planet stays colonizable. thats so odd i have never had that issue will try thanks, Mods showing up as outdated is a problem with the new launcher (a google search would have helped you there). Presumably the PK stands for "Planet Killer." Neutron sweeps doesn't work on machine empires. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Robots - who are the primary users of NS anyway - wouldn't care about any of these issues to begin with, so I feel like it enriches their use of this weapon through an enhanced RP experience as well. Divine Enforcer All Pops on the planet become Spiritualist. Most importantly, the target will be permanently hostile to you for the rest of the game and be far more likely to reciprocate those atrocities in kind. Thank you so much for this. Alpha Omega Bomb - an ICBM worshiped by the underground dwellers. Press J to jump to the feed. Hate to spam, I'm sure your getting to it as soon as you can, but It'd be nice to see this updated. Please see the. My current game is a tomb world-start determined exterminator that will only settle on tomb worlds. The mass of a neutroncan be roughly approximated to one atomic mass unit (often ab… Thanks!! Using the ultimate weapon, the Planet Buster, i.e. Planet crackers are actually somewhat easy: conceptually all you have to do is deposit enough energy to randomize an entire planet, thereby acquiring the solar system. So you can imagine what happened, I’d take the odd world with an army if I wanted some more slaves for nerve stapling, otherwise, sweep everything, leaving a pristine paradise, fully developed buildings (granted had to redevelop a lot of it due to AI placing crap) that I could colonise soon after – sometimes I would literally have the colony ship waiting to land…, I’ve used the shield once on a devouring swarm, for the achievement and because I didn’t like their stupid squid faces (they kept insulting me ☹) and I have planet cracked the capital world of another empire because quite frankly they annoyed me one too many times (both were planets I was never going to bother occupying either) – both of those seem more like some movie-esque supervillain weapon, that doesn’t seem particularly useful or efficient but is more there for dramatic effect…(they have their uses taking out fringe planets I suppose that are of no interest). Atoms capture free neutrons, turn into unstable isotopes and decay (possibly into other unstable isotopes). If you want to conquer something you have to take responsibility for it. It would also make things way more interesting in terms of narrative if you had, for example, two mutual rivals committing all sorts of unspeakable war crimes against each other in the spirit of retaliation. can you make this compatible with planetary diversity? A minor bug i found, it appears i am unable to use the Global Pacifier or Neutron Sweep on Hive worlds (The tooltip says it's "Not a habitable planet or megastructure) Last … It wouldn't be quite as practical, but it would definitely leave way more of a visible impact as you left total destruction in your wake. Enter the full URL of your item or group's Polycount page, Enter the full URL of your item or group's reddit page, Enter the full URL to your item or group's Sketchfab page, This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. How do you use planet killer weapons, or get a colossus to HAVE planet killer weapons? But then I’d also like a bioweapon style colossus of sorts that perhaps let me gene edit the pops on a planet so I can give them space herpes or something…. Hubble peered at 180,000 stars in the crowded central bulge of our galaxy 26,000 light-years away. Anyway, it would be nice if there were more options of this kind in Stellaris - who doesn't love being evil after all - but also far more diplomatic consequences with other empires if you take that route. It also can't be used to preemptively destroy uninhabited worlds so you don't have an inconvenient contingency hub popping up in an important system. It wouldn't spare the biosphere. More rambling on that at the end. However, the superweapon's shell was not lightsaberresistant, and if the Planet Killer's detonator was removed, it could not be successfully activated. After quite some time in the game (I had been turtling) I noticed that most, if not all of my filthy xeno scum neighbours had taken the gaia creation perk, their space was chock full of lovely gaia planets, literal lebensraum right there. And not to harp on realism too much, but radiation is also an equal-opportunity annihilator. If you're to the point of being able to deploy colossi you should be at the point of being able to colonize tomb worlds, too, so no loss there. The sweep on the other hand, we could argue that yes a colossus is expensive, takes a lot of time etc but the end result is the sweep is a lot better (I haven’t had a chance to use the brainwashing or borg beam) and I think it could do with a temp penalty. All rights reserved. Source Space Weather News.. Not so much for realism, but rather because it's really just too good, and so far I've been completely abusing it. Also using nerve agents as a military weapon, which gives you +50% attack bonus and kills lots of civilians if used on a city. there should be some risks/costs associated with it). The Neutron Sweep can not be researched or used by Pacifist and Spiritualist empires. On Monday (Dec. 14), a total solar eclipse will sweep across South America's cone, from Chile to Argentina. But by the time that you can build a colossus you'll probably have so many habitability boosting techs, buildings, and resources that you wouldn't really notice. But when you're colonizing hundreds of systems and mining them for resources but none are completely mined out, I think you've stepped onto a different scale than the Kardeshev scale. Set on top of a flat base, the Planet Killer stood several meters tall and wi… Cliché or not, we all have our favorites, and here's our top twelve world-destroying devices along with some science behind the fiction. The minerals or society research you get from it is nowhere near the amount that you could get if you colonize. In order to get neutron flux to the scale of a planet-killer, you would need absurd amounts of deuterium, tritium, and spare energy, then be able to store and deploy it on a single massive ship. No sense in planet cracking those, or shielding them, too big a waste. Committing atrocities has pretty substantial diplomatic consequences. Thanks, ive needed this a lot, since my Colossus' would only bombard when i tried to destroy an enemy planet. This being said Neutron Sweep and Divine Enforcer seem to be far more practical than the World Cracker. It has no electric charge and a rest mass equal to 1.67493 × 10−27 kg—marginally greater than that of the proton but nearly 1839 times greater than that of the electron. Doesn't look like anything changed. How do you *delete* people in real life? Presumably you would be able to terraform it into something else later. I assume you have to be really thorough, however. Planet Killer Solar Flare. Immerse yourself in the exploration of a changing universe full of wonders! Proceeding to system L-374 (stardate 4202.3), the ship found three intact planets, and a fourth in the process of breaking up. Small update: Neutron sweep now works on hive and infested worlds ... How do you use planet killer weapons, or get a colossus to HAVE planet killer weapons? Unlike WMDs in Civilization, however, in Alpha Centauri using it is considered an atrocity. So it probably wouldn't be an instant process, as the effects of acute radiation poisoning are quite well-documented. Orbiting the fourth planet was the planet killer, firing a pure antiprotonbeam at the planet and consuming the planet's r… Enter the full URL of your item or group's Facebook page, Enter the full URL of your item or group's Twitter page. Also yesterday I was thinking about the possible ways that one could even conceivably generate that much neutron radiation, so that you could actually theoretically weaponize it. Not completely impossible though. © Valve Corporation. A neutron is one of the subatomic particles that make up matter. Genocidal empires gain Unity on the first use of the World Cracker or Neutron Sweep. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It would be nice to have another way to make tomb worlds other than the very long armageddon bombardments. Then their corpses would catch fire. Lexx Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Essa è stabile soltanto all'interno del nucleo poiché al di fuori di questo decade, con un tempo di vita medio di circa 15 secondi, portando alla formazione di un protone, … Gives -800 opinion to the empire who owned the planet and -80 to everyone else. It should still work @ma1201 or did you actually find it doesn't work anymore if you activate it? Also, complaining about the neutron sweep not being scientifically accurate is silly. Which is a huge part of the appeal of using the colossus to begin with. What's your point? Stellaris has Colossy ships, equipped with Planet Killer weapons. World Cracker also reduces the amount of planets you need for domination victory. As I said, it's not quite that. Doesn't look like anything changed. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Stellaris. Rather it's something that's just plausible enough to merit a little more detail, and there aren't enough downsides to keep it interesting. Neutrons are subatomic particles that are one of the primary constituents of atomic nuclei. Gives -800 opinion to the empire who owned the planet and -80 to everyone else. I acknowledge that most of the other superweapons are worse. I literally could not use it at all until I got this mod installed. A more immediate effect would also be that you would fry the planet with heat, either directly from the kinetic energy of the neutrons or indirectly through the decay of radioactive byproducts. In an alternate timeline, when the Constellation detonated it triggered a reaction in the weapon's chroniton emissions and sent it through time to 2255 where it encountered and destroyed the USS Enterprise commanded by Christopher Pike. Best Kodi Build List – October 2020 We try to keep this list updated with only best working Kodi 18 … The neutron is a subatomic particle, symbol n or n 0, which has a neutral (not positive or negative) charge and a mass slightly greater than that of a proton.Protons and neutrons constitute the nuclei of atoms.Since protons and neutrons behave similarly within the nucleus, and each has a mass of approximately one atomic mass unit, they are both referred to as nucleons. Stellaris is a space opera not a hard sci-fi story. It allows you to send an infiltration team to unleash a genetic plague on someone else's base. I haven't had the chance to use it against a machine empire specifically though, and I wouldn't even bother because you can already disassemble/purge Hive Mind pops with just occupation. On a more general note, I'm not actually sure if there are practical ways to implement a large-scale neutron beam like this (given that you are at least a Kardashev Type I civilization). If you don't repeal the UN Charter, you'll also have sanctions imposed, which cuts you off from trade. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Not sure if this is intended behavior or an oversight, but currently it's not possible to use the Colossus' Neutron Sweep against Machine Worlds, as I get a "not an inhabitable planet or megastructure" tooltip. It might sound strange to actually want to live on a radioactive hellhole, but it's just another way to keep out the xeno. Technically by the time you have a Colossi, isn't your empire on the way to a Type II civilization? Upon explosion, the Planet Killer would supposedly generate a bright light and huge blast as it obliterated the planet. 10-27kg, uguale cioè a quella del protone e quindi corrispondente a 1 u. Insieme al protone, il neutrone costituisce il nucleo atomico. Should turn planets barren with the terraformable modifier probably got named `` Sweep! 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