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my teaching strategies


Teaching strategies that are considered “new” may just not fit into your teaching style. The information should be safely in a student’s long-term memory before moving on. Time is required for the mind to interpret, sort, stack, save and withdraw information in their mind (‘create cognitive schemata’). Great blog! I have found this article helpful to me. The benefits of students sitting in a circle include: Concentric circles is a method that builds on the whole group circle time discussion. Just look for them on your favorite search engine! Use visual aids, worksheets and manipulatives to help direct and maintain students’ attention on something physical. A coach stands behind a player. Usually only suitable for university students who are short on time. Definitioneval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'helpfulprofessor_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_14',650,'0','0'])); Authentic learning involves having students learn about concepts in real-life (or near real-life) environments. Descriptioneval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'helpfulprofessor_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_15',110,'0','0'])); Students learn cognitive, social, and physical skills during play tasks. It works best as an apprenticeship model for new graduates from university. Focuses on helping students see that they have ‘agency’ (in other words, they are capable of improving their lives), Motivates students to improve their own lives. Learning moves from the theoretical to the practical. In having a student repeat the teacher’s statement in their own words, the teacher can see whether students actually understand something. Scaffolding involves providing support to students while they cannot complete a task alone. Once the students have completed, do an anonymous poll of the class to find out which position is most convincing. Very informative. Mastery learning and teaching is a strategy for ensuring all students meet a certain standard of understanding or ability before moving on. Without stimulus materials, the classroom feels empty and detached from real life. Teacher finds relevant curriculum links that community members can help them teach about. Great for when students miss a day so they can catch up. When I was training to be a teacher I had to write a lot of lesson plans. Hopefully students will see that the issue is a very complex one! One way to do this is to have a flip chart paper sheet (butcher’s paper) on a wall with a discussion prompt written above. It is a strategy that helps build students’ literacy skills (especially when students can choose their own book). See my full article on Play Based Learning Pros and Cons. A teacher can be a role model my demonstrating engagement and volunteering within the community, insisting on respectfully welcoming guests when they enter the classroom, or having high regard and respect for reading, learning, and apologizing. See my full guide on the Guided Practice teaching strategy. The teacher should model the four roles required in front of the whole class, with several volunteers to act as the demonstration group. Newspaper stories can show students how the topic being discussed plays out in real life. Have students aim to achieve at or above their current ability in a given task. Cognition: students get the opportunity to learn through discovery and trial-and-error, helping to build neural pathways. Effective teaching strategies are a must for maintaing displine and attention of students in whats going on in the class. Write your lesson objectives on the first slide of lecture slides if relevant. Ensures learning is more personalized in the hope that no child will be left behind in a lesson. Teachers can explicitly model active listening by giving students strategies like pointing their bodies at the speaker, keeping their eyes on the speaker, nodding when they agree, and putting hands up to ask questions or clarification. Sign in with the email address your child's school uses to send you tadpoles emails Following Bloom’s taxonomy, higher order thinking usually includes tasks that involve verbs like: Judge Appraise, Evaluate, Compare, Criticize, Assess, Estimate, Deduce, Hypothesize and Generalize. Students are required to be resourceful and seek clues that will show them the possible consequences of action. By bringing role models into the classroom (especially minority and female role models), students can come to see that they could potentially become female firefighters, politicians of color, etc. For this teaching strategy, either the teacher or student summarizes something someone previously said in their own words in order to ensure they understanding each other without any misconceptions. For snowball discussions, students start in pairs and share their thoughts and ideas together. It generally involves grouping students into several sub-groups in the classroom based on ability, skillset or learning preferences. Have students come together at the end of the project to reflect on what was learnt and how their understanding of their place in the community has evolved. Recently, computer software such as excel and programming languages have been used in the classroom as elements of ‘digital’ gamification. Consider rotating the role of ‘writer’ between students (usually one person writes an idea for the whole group on the brainstorming paper). Gain instant access to download My Teaching Station worksheets. “What is heavier – sand or water?”. Slowly release responsibility to students when they are ready. Have the students put their hands in the bag and see whether they can guess what the props are. So, I decided it was time I made a list of teaching strategies for everyone to use! There is a power imbalance in the student-teacher relationship which may prevent students from speaking candidly. A prompt is a suggestion to a student that they pay attention to a particular aspect of a task that will help them get closer to the answer. Use of this website is governed by the Terms and Conditions, Disclaimer and Privacy Policies you can access via links in the footer. Cognition: some students may benefit from visualizing a concept to help them order ideas in their minds. It may be impractical given safety and security requirements. Exercises where they are standing and walking are very effective. If you ignore those barriers and simply say ‘you can work harder’, this will make students feel disempowered. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'helpfulprofessor_com-box-4','ezslot_2',665,'0','0'])); Or, try some of these strategies out when you’re low on ideas and looking for a fresh way to teach in the classroom! Inquiries can be science or math-based such as ‘why does my shadow change size?’ or ‘is the sum of two odd numbers always an even number?’. Like a KWL chart, you could do this task by splitting paper into three columns: one for ‘surprising’, one for ‘interesting’ and one for ‘troubling’. The only person who can speak is the person with the speaking stick. Your classroom has limitations which may prevent the ideal environmental settings. Other homework strategies like flipped classroom are possible – see the flipped classroom discussion earlier in this article. Using non-verbal gestures are powerful ways to help students learn, as well as to manage the classroom. A devil’s advocate is someone who argues for an opposing point of view in order to stir up an argument and poke holes in other points of view. Students can make mistakes and learn why the mistakes are wrong instead of just being told what us correct. ‘Golden time’ can also work for students of all ages, with a choice of various activities such as games or no homework in reward for their hard work. Cooperative learning is a teaching strategy that involves having students work together rather than in competition. By using strategic pauses and asking questions of students, the text can both be read and analyzed at the same time. Not appropriate as a standalone strategy. They dit in front of the class and get interviewed by their classmates. Students get to learn from others and see other groups’ responses. Thank you so much for these great information you shared,much appreciation. I always wished I had a list of instructional strategies I could go to whenever I needed it.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'helpfulprofessor_com-box-3','ezslot_3',641,'0','0'])); As a teacher I still need to provide evidence of my teaching strategies for my teaching portfolio. Enables the teacher to gauge students’ reactions in real time. The assessment tasks are always relevant and focused. I appreciate you written such important techniques, keep writing important blogs like this. These reading aloud strategies help students to become more engaged in a lesson and get more out of the reading experience. The students may need to assign some roles to group members. The students in the inner circle should be paired one-to-one with a student in the outer circle (like speed dating). Requires one-to-one support, which is not often available. Sessions can include learning about new educational technologies, online safety training, advice on how to use your teaching assistant(s) and much more. I’ve assessed prior knowledge at the start of a class before and realized the lesson I planned was completely useless! Ensure you assess prior knowledge well in advance so you can plan lessons based on prior knowledge. See my List of 10 Pros and Cons of teaching Online. Word walls are sections on the walls of a classroom where teachers and students can record new vocabulary, quotes or key terms they encounter during a unit of work. By seeing others’ points, we can improve or amend our own. Red hat: Express your feelings and intuitions. Some students (such as students with autism) need stress balls, fidget toys, etc to help them concentrate. Social Constructivism. Use this list of 107 instructional strategies to fill-in that lesson plan or teaching portfolio with some high quality teaching strategies. A lot of the time students don’t even notice they are learning because they are so … The topic group will therefore have a broad range of expert knowledge to discuss and share. Alternatively, teachers can get students to search for newspaper articles online. Enables the teacher to more effectively address the diverse needs of students in a large classroom. In step 2, students think about how the new knowledge ‘extends’ what they already knew. It can be useful for getting students to compare how different groups of students approach points from different perspectives. Sometimes the teacher needs to introduce new ideas, meaning coaching may not be as useful as another approach such as modeling or direct instruction. Without giving sufficient time to consolidate information before giving new information to a student, the student will struggle to keep up with the information and old information may fall away before it is secured into their memory. Student-centered: the student is the focus and the teacher is the supporter. When attempting to recall a fact, you can try to reflect on where you were and what else you were talking about when that fact was first introduced to you. Case studies might not be representative of a generalized issue – they may be outliers or flukes. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The teacher should follow-up their discipline with comments about positive regard. A whole group class discussion gets all students in the class talking to one another in one group. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Examples include using the interactive whiteboard to display photos, audio clips and videos, as well as encouraging your students to get out of their seats with classroom experiments and local field trips. It is useful following the viewing of a short film or reading a book about a topic that seems bizarre or a fact that is counterintuitive. This is an impressive thing to see in a lesson plan. This can be effective in teaching vocabulary. Consider having one teacher take the lead on all mathematics lessons and the other take the lead on all literature lessons. ‘Fun’ is not the goal, it is the means for achieving the goal, which is always. See my full article: Examples of Congitive Tools in Education. Case studies help students to see how theories and ideas look in real life. Gives the teacher a better understanding of their students. Creation of physical models helps students to form mental models (‘cognitive schemata’). However, they can also be subjective and encourage students to express their unique views, e.g. A non-intrusive way of supporting learning. Providing students with physical manipulatives during learning enables them to visualize their learning in a 3D space. By going deep on a topic, students may become very knowledgeable and feel empowered. Bandura’s Behaviorism: Bandura blends behaviorism with constructivism by showing that learning can occur through observation only. The clear steps give students guidelines to help them achieve success. Webinar: MyTeachingStrategies® Back-to-School Support for Teachers. In step 1, students ‘connect’ what they’re learning to their prior knowledge. A teacher can integrate different activities into a lesson plan that appeal to different people’s learning preferences. Students can adjust the ways they are going about completing a task to ensure it is successful. Usually, this activity takes place using flip chart / butcher’s paper. Place students into three groups based on their position in the line: agree, unsure and disagree. This may be due to health, hunger, or environmental factors. Therefore, consider matching modelled teaching up with the I Do, We Do, You Do method. Teachers need to be sensitive to cultures different to their own. After the first few students write their responses, the rest of the students must respond not to the prompt but to the answers written by previous students – how can they add to or challenge what someone else has already said? Students can learn more actively when they have manipulatives than when learning through teacher-centered direct instruction methods. This strategy can be linked up with strategies like De Bono’s thinking hats where students would answer questions from a particular perspective. Be inspired by … Helps all students see the world from a variety of perspectives and learn to respect pluralism. I teach ESL students counting using the game UNO. Each student gets two minutes to present their knowledge on a topic to the rest of the class. Teacher and community members meet to discuss a lesson idea. Often students like to have a spot they can call their own. Humanism: there are elements of unconditional positive regard in this approach (see Carl Rogers). Comment below – we’d love to hear from you. This approach needs to be clearly explained and justified in lesson plans (I’d recommend referring to Montessori in your justification) and situations when you would go from observer to intervener should be spelled out in advance. Very useful for students who are visual learners. Differentiation is a teaching strategy that requires teachers to change their teaching styles and educational materials to meet the diverse needs of students within a classroom. Students can see the relevance of the assessment task to their learning goals. Students get clear signals to know when they have done well. Educators can create ‘mystery’ in their classroom by carefully structuring lessons that give ‘clues’ to a mystery that needs to be solved by the students. Teachers need to have the same work ethic for this to be effective. This often involves volunteer work, internships and placements within the community where assistance is needed. Parents may frown upon this method for older students, despite its benefits across age groups. Include growth mindset in your lesson plans by finding points in the lesson to discuss specific strategies to move toward success, strategies for studying, and positive thinking. Colored beads can be used to help students in early childhood learn to recognize patterns. Stage Design - A Discussion between Industry Professionals. Use newspaper clippings to link topics and theories to current affairs. In this way, they create a more inclusive classroom for multiple different types of learners. keep posting in the future also. Green hat: Be creative. Have students break apart and trade answers in another pair. Invite students from a grade level above to come into the classroom and act as moderators of discussions on topics of interest. Solving mathematical puzzles, conducting scientific experiments and acting out short drama sketches are just a few examples of how cooperative learning can be incorporated into classroom lessons. It can be used for groups or individuals. Socio-cultural Theory: This approach acknowledges that all students have different social and cultural backgrounds. Mix up your graphic organizers. Engaging in regular professional development programmes is a great way to enhance teaching and learning in your classroom. Help students to consolidate information learned in class. By knowing the objective from the outset, the students are less likely to get confused about the purpose and direction of their lesson. There are plenty of templates online you could download also. Heat and noise can both prevent learning. Then, the pairs join up with another pair to create a group of four. Assign a video introducing a concept for homework. Have you got any top tips? Students may believe the mistakes are truths and end up believing things that are untrue. Critical theory: A devil’s advocate can help students with skills desirable within critical theory, like seeing views of people who are not commonly heard in society and the capacity to critique dominant narratives in society. Disagreements about pairing and students working with their friends are resolved because each student gets a turn working with another student. It keeps students on their toes throughout the lesson, particularly during the boring parts. These lessons that are just hard enough but not too hard are lessons in the “zone of proximal development”. Educational technologies can help us do things we couldn’t do without them. Consider alternatives like the Read Aloud strategy or using videos instead if DEAR doesn’t work for your class. This means they need to ‘put on their happy face’ despite what’s going on in their private lives. Thank you so much. Then, all assessment in this method is formative, where students are given feedback and as much time as possible to improve before progressing. a week or more) on a single project to gain in-depth knowledge about the task. However, it is necessary if people want to know. Some evidence-based teaching strategies that didn’t make the top ten are still worth adopting. Encourages collaboration and positive interdependence in group work. Rather, it means expecting each student to try to beat their own personal best. Revision at a later date will show the steps you took in doing the ‘working out’. Being an effective teacher is a challenge because every student is unique, however, by using a combination of teaching strategies you can address students’ varying learning styles and academic capabilities as well as make your classroom a dynamic and motivational environment for students. These four people share thoughts together, compare notes, debate ideas, and come up with an agreed list of points on a topic. These strategies will surely help teachers. Culturally responsive teaching is an instructional strategy that involves ensuring students’ cultures are integrated into lessons. If you have a large class, group all the white hats together, red hats together, etc. The teacher inserts intentional mistakes into their teaching materials (such as misspellings in their presentations) or their speech in order to: Immediate feedback is any feedback that takes place during a lesson rather than after a lesson or exam has been completed. By engaging with the community, students come to see themselves as a member of their community. Having something complex or theoretical demonstrated can be exciting to link theory to practice. Get them to consider similarities and differences as well as pros and cons of each answer. ‘I have the opportunity to work with my peers to improve’ or ‘I have an upcoming swim meet that will take up more of my time’). Teachers need to balance high expectations with compassion for their students. For me, negative reinforcements should not punish but be used in limited learning scenarios as part of the learning ‘game’. One teacher may take the role of presenter while the other acts as a support with students falling behind. The students in the middle of the circle complete a discussion or task as a demonstration for the students observing. Great Article. The use of visual aids may be helpful here, allowing students to see a timeline of the day’s events on the board at the front of the classroom. The column on the left is a ‘Cue’ column. The teacher explains a concept, then asks the student to repeat it without using the same words. This is a framework that gets students to explicitly think about how they are progressing in their learning. Used regularly for distance learning students and rural and remote students. For Moreeval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'helpfulprofessor_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_11',645,'0','0'])); See my full article on Flipped Classrooms Pros and Cons. PLEASE NOTE: This is a first release of MyTeachingStrategies® and is currently only for use by customers who subscribe to both MyTeachingStrategies® and T… At the end of the lesson, the third column can be filled-in: (L) What I learned in the lesson. Includes children from cultures that have been traditionally marginalized within the classroom. Educators can explicitly teach signs or use gestures common in society. Studentsshould always cross-check any information on this site withtheir course teacher. Some students may become lazy and let others do the work for the whole group. Then, during class time, the students do practice questions that they would traditionally do for homework. Froebel’s Gifts are 9 manipulative toys that students can use to solve developmentally appropriate puzzles. Word walls can be great props for refreshing students’ memories at the start of a lesson. An effective way of getting students to spend intense time learning about a topic. Blue hat: The manager who ensures all the hats are sticking to their lane. The teacher shows the task while also breaking it down into small steps. A gallery walk involves a teacher placing stimulus questions on flip chart paper (butcher’s paper) around the walls of the classroom. I will be teaching the Information Technology Team about the Electronic Perioperative Documentation. 40+ Pavlov, a famous behaviorist found that he could teach his dog through repetitively associating a bell with food. A dark classroom can impede reading, especially for students who do not have perfect eyesight. If you do not see the reset email, please try checking your spam folder or select the Resend Reset Email button to send it again. Teacher transparently presents the lesson objectives to the students, i.e. Summative assessments give students something to strive toward which may keep them motivated and encourage them to study. It is hard to tell how much is ‘too much’ information, and how long is long enough before knowledge is consolidated into memory. Check the calendar to register for upcoming demonstrations! Enables students to sit at a table that best suits their learning (computer table, group table, individual table, on a bean bag, etc.). Flipped Instruction. The idea is that each group in the second part of the lesson will have an ‘expert’ on a particular area of a topic. Stimulus materials can be very expensive. Split the class into two groups and assign each group a position for or against a statement. Depending upon your style, preference, and your students, choose the ones that suit your needs. See my full post on the Common Classroom Seating Arrangements. Behaviorism: Spaced repetition was invented by behaviorist theorist Ebbinghaus in 1885. Formative assessment involves assessing students’ learning throughout the learning process, not just at the end. Black hat: Explore the negatives (devil’s advocate). Note whenever you would encourage metacognition in a lesson within your lesson plan. - Quizalize Blog, When East Meets West in the World of Education – Inspiration Private School, Guided Practice: The I do, We do, You do Method (Teacher Guide 2019), Teacher Tools: What Should Go in Your Survival Kit? Helps students who need to visualize information to learn. Using various teaching strategies enables us as teachers achieve a successful teaching and learning process because we can address the different learning styles of our learners. Visual aids are any objects used in the classroom to attract students’ eyes and therefore immerse them more into a lesson. Strategies for teaching physical and tactile learners: Use physical exercises and provide hands-on experiences. Chunking involves presenting information in manageable ‘chunks’ to allow students to sufficiently process information before moving on to the next section of a lesson or task. There is no talk of inability or failure in this method as teachers and students keep working away at the task until success is achieved. Students feel supported while learning tasks that are just outside of their grasp at the present time. It is hard to know exactly how much prompting to give and at what stage. Teachers can adjust their teaching methods in the moment to ensure the lesson is a success. Students are given 2 minutes to think about the topic on their own and take 5 bullet points on their own. Often when students get stuck on a word they are told to "sound it out." Differentiate your teaching by allocating tasks based on students’ abilities, to ensure no one gets left behind. Directing attention involves diverting students away from negative non-learning behaviors and towards positive behaviors by presenting them with engaging learning materials or ideas. Keeps students on their toes which encourages ongoing review and homework on the part of the students. An ESL teacher provides students with a set of conversational tasks to complete during a day’s field trip to the city. Helps students to learn actively if they have the opportunity to touch and manipulate the props. The best sort of motivation is. Prevents negative behaviors without confrontation. Ensures students have an opportunity to keep information fresh in their minds and be reminded of information learned in previous months. Repetition involves giving students time to retry tasks over and over again until it is consolidated in their minds. Strategies include: Case studies are in-depth examples of an issue being examined. Assigning classroom activities according to students’ unique learning needs means individuals with higher academic capabilities are stretched and those who are struggling get the appropriate support. This activity may be appealing for kinesthetic learners who want to move about to stay engaged. A teacher who uses coaching as a strategy tried to emulate the role of the coach: observing and offering support and suggestions for adjustments. There is often not enough time for slower students to finish. For more durable learning, the studying has to take place in smaller chunks over time.“Every time … Students often do not have support at home if they get stuck. Students are provided a series of lessons over a 2-week period in computer labs and in resource-rich classrooms to complete their project. It is an inefficient use of other students’ time having them listen to 20 other two-minute presentations when they could be engaging in higher-order learning during that time. A balance is struck between ensuring students focus on curriculum-linked projects and giving students the freedom to explore the details of a topic that are of personal interest. A very effective way to introduce new topics. An effective, fast way of doing summative assessment. Answers emerge out of exploration, problem solving and discovery, meaning students learn, Significant support is required to help guide students through their inquiry. Thanks, very helpful information for the young teachers. Often, the loudest and most confident students dominate the discussion. See more ideas about teaching, teaching strategies, teaching classroom. The first king of England was …”. Stories can draw students into a topic through the creation of a sense of excitement and entertainment. It’s a good idea to insist on depth of engagement and thinking when doing this strategy. The teacher models a task before students try it themselves. It is a non-intrusive way of prompting students. At the start of the lesson the students can fill out the first two columns.

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