lipscomb university majors

This catalog is prepared as a comprehensive statement of the requirements for attendance and graduation at Lipscomb University. Management, Supply Chain Management Concentration, B.B.A. For more information, contact the unit admissions officer at (615) 963-5931/5979 or check our website at A student will not be allowed to take a correspondence course, a special examination or CLEP examination during the last 30 hours of residency without petitioning the registrar. (No minor is required.). Our film faculty are seasoned professionals with extensive credits who have helped train and send numerous students into successful careers in film and television. (Junior college level or other two-year programs do not qualify.) At least six hours (two of the four subject areas) must be fulfilled by integrated course work. A grade-point average of 2.0 must be maintained in all Lipscomb courses required for the minor. The student will be able to consult with the advisor and map out an appropriate “pathway” that is unique to the individual student’s situation. Students must meet all of the requirements covered in this catalog prior to the designated conferral dates in May, August, and December, to qualify for graduation. Associate Degree transfers (non-TBR institutions) - see No. The student is then free to choose courses from any departmental listing in this catalog to complete the requirements for graduation. These certificates do not imply professional certification but are intended to strengthen students’ qualifications and professional portfolios in specific areas. Students desiring credit by exam should have the official IB, EB, AP or CLEP credit transcript sent directly to the Office of Admissions, Lipscomb University, One University Park Drive, Nashville, TN 37204-3951. For information concerning requirements, admission to teacher education and a list of approved programs, contact the College of Education. Forms for these approvals are available in the Office of the Registrar. The requirements for these minors are prepared by the department involved and are approved by the appropriate college and by the Academic Leadership Team. Forms for this approval are available in the registrar’s office. See section entitled “. Students whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 will be placed on academic probation for the following semester. ), Bachelor of Music: Candidates for the Bachelor of Music degree (with concentrations in performance or composition only-i.e., not music education majors or Contemporary Music majors) must complete eight semester hours of a single foreign language. In service-learning, the academic credit is given for learning, not for the service completed. All requirements for major, minor and general education must come from the same catalog. Information about the EAP program can be found online at or contact us via e-mail at They must not have an academic or behavioral infraction with the University. (See paragraph on audits and non-credit repeats.). or B.S. Other training opportunities exist for qualified applicants who volunteer. Calculate Your Chances of Acceptance. The involved faculty member will have an opportunity to file a written response with the Office of the Provost in advance of the hearing. Scholarship students receive full-tuition scholarships each year, an annual $900 book allowance, all uniforms and a monthly tax-free stipend beginning at $300 for freshmen and increasing to $500 for seniors. Should be selected from general education requirements or from the major field. Automatic academic suspension occurs when a student is on two or more probations (academic, chapel, or disciplinary). These three parts are discussed in the following paragraphs. 3. At the baccalaureate level, Lipscomb offers the Bachelor of Arts degree, the Bachelor of Business Administration degree, the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, the Bachelor of Music degree, the Bachelor of Professional Studies, the Bachelor of Science degree, the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree and the Bachelor of Social Work degree. Leadership in Changing Environments *, Senior Year D: Barely passing, earns 1 quality point per hour. Students may also satisfy this requirement by taking three hours of traditional coursework from the following: math, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, or ESS 1024 or ESS 2014 . Bachelor's Degree / Major Doctoral Degree Graduate Certificate Master's Degree ... Lipscomb University includes nine discipline-focused colleges (such as Business, Education, and Pharmacy & Health Sciences) along with a liberal arts college. 8. In this case, regular tuition is charged but no credit is earned. The Library website contains information for accessing materials, library hours, policies, services, and staff. Degree audit tools, part of Lipscomb’s student information system, exist for the student and advisor to track progress toward graduation. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Lipscomb University. Students pursuing professional degrees beyond the bachelor’s degree should consult with the program they wish to attend for specific prerequisites. Demonstration of additional experience or improved proficiency may not be used to alter prior grade records. The three-one (3+1) programs were especially designed for students who wish to receive a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree from Lipscomb in preparation for adission into approved health professional schools, such as medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, optometry, physical therapy, occupational therapy, chiropractics, nursing, veterinary medicine and others where the level of instruction is at the bachelor’s level or higher. Since computing is key to all disciplines, the skills you grow under the guidance of our experienced faculty will let you to chart a course in any field of your choice. Students whose appeals are approved will be required to sign an academic probation contract during the first week of classes. The following courses refer to the Explorations and Engagements requirements for Lipscomb’s general education program. For students interested in accelerating their path to graduation, Lipscomb offers the opportunity to graduate in three years in several major programs in various academic departments. Transferred work to be counted toward a major or minor must be approved by the academic chair involved and the registrar. Additional information about the dual enrollment program, including approved class lists for each semester, can be found at Further, if the university does not appropriately resolve the student complaint or grievance to the student’s satisfaction, the student has the right to contact the State of Tennessee to determine the course of action. Students will choose one approved integrated course that includes history, politics, or philosophy. Afterwards they are usually assigned as platoon leaders, typically responsible for every aspect of training, supervising, and caring for sixteen to thirty soldiers and millions of dollars’ worth of equipment. If the student makes an “A” in a three-hour course, the total number of quality points earned for this course would be twelve quality points. The mission of academic advising at Lipscomb is to assist students in making progress toward achieving their educational, career and personal goals. The course load consists of one course per semester. Transfer students (excluding first-time freshmen with transfer credit earned through AP, CLEP, IB, Dual Enrollment, etc.) Pursuant to these laws, no qualified individual shall unlawfully be denied access to or participation in any services, programs, or activities of Lipscomb University on the basis of their disability. Lipscomb University ... All chemistry majors must take the Major Field Achievement Test in chemistry prior to graduation. This diversified minor is composed of at least 15 approved hours of additional 3000 and/or 4000 level courses outside the student’s major field of study. Only work taken at Lipscomb University is included in the computation. Any student attempting to register for more than 18 hours must contact the registrar’s office to receive an override in the computer before registration is possible. Join forces with our accomplished faculty on the path to become a confident and competent teacher. Any grade not appealed within 60 days will be considered uncontested and final. Freshmen admitted conditionally will complete a contract in which they agree to participate in a structured program that will include enrollment in a designated section of LU 1203 (Lipscomb Experience), along with participation in academic support services and office visits with Academic Success Center staff. Learn more about Academic Writer at and EndNote at Students may also satisfy this requirement by taking three hours of traditional coursework from this list of approved courses: EN 2113 , EN 2123 , EN 2133 , EN 2143 , EN 2153 or EN 2163 . W: Withdrew officially; not computed in grade-point average. Degree in Film Production. The first digit indicates the class level: 1-freshman, 2-sophomore, 3-junior, 4-senior. The academic chair will coordinate procedures with the registrar to prevent unapproved special studies. These students are then eligible to compete at the national level for two-year scholarships. The hours attempted will be used only once. 1 (800) 333-4358 Complete all surveys and standardized examinations required by the university. A student may repeat a course for the purpose of improving his/her grade. The Office of the Provost will select a time to conduct a hearing related to the appeal that is mutually agreeable to all involved individuals. (Individual departments and/or faculty have the prerogative to establish a tolerance limit of less than three weeks.) Face to face research instruction still matters at Lipscomb University. Accurate, reliable salary and compensation comparisons for United States Students who earn an Associates degree while still in high school are required to complete this course. In the case of a general studies interdisciplinary non-teaching major, final details must be approved by the director of teacher education and the registrar. Lipscomb University is a Christian liberal arts institution that offers degrees at the associate, baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral levels. After the student and the faculty member are finished, both will have an additional five minutes to make final comments. This is a decrease of 9% … Students may also email for further information. The university is dedicated to providing a broad liberal arts program which is both challenging and sound. On the other hand, work commitments, desire to do mission work, etc., may make it more difficult to finish early. Appointments can be made on the Beaman Library homepage. Students who complete an Associates degree while still in high school (dual enrollment) are required to complete this course. the foreign language requirement for the B.A. Those who earned A’s or B’s in a high school foreign language course should consider continuing language study while those skills remain current. Therefore, an absence may qualify as an excused absence by the professor, but does not qualify as an authorized absence as determined by this definition. Travel, room and board are provided free, and cadets are paid approximately $700. MS 102. Students should be aware of the number of absences they have accrued in a course. Although the university will make available to its students a wide range of institutional and community resources, academic progress from entry into the university through graduation is ultimately the responsibility of each student. Students who have been academically suspended only once may apply for readmission after being out of school for at least one fall or spring semester. Mathematics-credit general education requirement in Mathematics (3 sem. Adjunct faculty should be as accessible as possible on this day. In addition, the last 30 hours of work on a degree must be done in residence at Lipscomb except upon written approval of the associate provost for student academic support. Check out all of Beaman Library’s LibGuides at For questions regarding the use of the degree audit tools, contact the Registrar’s Office. A grade must be established by the end of the next full semester after the IP grade has been given. Army Officer Education Evaluation of these transcripts is made in the admissions office with final approval made by the registrar. All students enrolled in the Army ROTC program are provided textbooks and uniforms at no expense. If a student shows blatant disregard or disrespect for the chapel system and it persists after reasonable warning, the student may be subject to immediate suspension with or without being first placed on chapel probation. On B-E above, maximum credit of one entry level course will be awarded if a score of 50 is attained. For courses duplicated at Lipscomb and another college, the “transfer” grade may not be used to replace a lower grade made at Lipscomb. Students academically suspended at the end of the spring semester may not attend during summer and fall semesters. While remedial or developmental courses are designed to move a student toward graduation by bringing him/her up to a level of preparedness to do college work, they do not apply toward graduation credit. F: Failing, no credit; earns no quality points. The student should follow the student grievance and complaint process described above. In the case of students planning to enter professional schools, such as schools of medicine or law, investigation should be made at the professional school under consideration prior to using such credits to replace requirements for admission to these schools. SALT experiences are opportunities for innovative and rigorous academic experiences that includes robust service to others. c. Second degree students are not eligible for graduation honors. Best Colleges for Religious Studies in America. A copy of the letter of dismissal to the student may be sent to the payer of the student’s bill where approval has been given according to the student’s FERPA rights. Repeated courses are counted the same as regular courses in determining maximum student loads and in determining full-time student classification. Credit for Cambridge Exams will be awarded according to the following policy: Note: The maximum credit for any combination of credit by examination, such as IB, Cambridge Exams, AP, CLEP, and Straighterline is 30 hours. MS 301. The appeal for readmission must be made within one week from the day the notice is mailed to the student. Remedial or developmental courses are designed to move a student toward graduation by bringing him/her up to a level of preparedness to do college work. Molecular Biology - Biomolecular Science Graduate Bridge Program, Laboratory Research Track, B.S. Students can earn merit scholarships in several ways. • The student will not be allowed to pledge any social clubs; • The student may be restricted from participation in other campus activities (e.g., Singarama, study abroad, intramurals, and varsity sports). For a complete listing of majors to which these courses apply, consult the Lipscomb Online Catalog. Courses are represented by a four-character designation. Students who come to Lipscomb with little exposure to the Bible may choose to take BI 1003 - Introduction to the Bible and Christianity (3) F, SU before beginning the sequence above. A total of 126 semester hours (Lipscomb plus professional school) is required for graduation. Students transferring to Lipscomb University from other colleges or universities must have an official transcript of their work from each school mailed to the admissions office. Any student who misses the equivalent of three weeks of any course may be dismissed from the course: further class attendance will be prohibited and a failing grade will be assigned. 4. There is a tuition charge but no credit is earned. In no case is the completion of two or more majors or other degree requirements in the course of completing the first bachelor’s degree to be confused or equated with the completion of two degrees. Health and Physical Education Teaching (K-12), B.S. They may be given an opportunity to appeal this decision. Students may not withdraw from the course unless they are withdrawing from the university. 12. The official drop date will be the transaction date indicated from the Web drop or the date the Drop/Add Form is accepted in the registrar’s office. All candidates for degrees must be of good moral character. Refer to Lipscomb Online Catalog. Students may also satisfy this content area requirement by taking three hours of traditional coursework in a history, political science, or philosophy course. To graduate from Lipscomb University a student must have a minimum grade-point average of 2.0 overall as well as a 2.0 in the major and a 2.0 in the minor (if applicable). Moreover, the grade of “C” or higher must have been earned on each course in transfer. ), Students will choose one approved integrated course that includes math or science. Theatre, Design and Production Emphasis, B.F.A. Students on academic probation should contact their academic chair (or associate provost for student academic support if the major is undeclared) for a meeting before classes start in order to complete a probation contract. To qualify for the Honor Roll, a student must be classified as full time and achieve a 3.5 or higher grade-point average for the semester. Students interested in specific admissions requirements to the Lipscomb College of Pharmacy should refer to the College of Pharmacy section. This mission includes (1) general-education coursework that prepares students for a diverse world through a cohesive, globally focused curriculum; (2) a campus environment that celebrates cultures both near and far; and (3) the spiritual growth from caring for one’s neighbor as for oneself. Once grades have been posted to the student’s record in the registrar’s office they are considered permanent. Management, International Business Concentration, B.B.A. Although determined locally, the application process is centrally managed. Within the ASC, students are able to take advantage of various means of technology, such as a printer, desktop computers, and mounted LED monitors. Students should investigate these possibilities as the need arises. Program Overview Computer science is at the core of new technology. Academic credit varies by school. To avoid returning to campus after transferring, these exams and surveys should be taken during the student’s last semester in attendance at Lipscomb. All undergraduate degree programs are described in this catalog. (Graduation honors are not applicable to students completing a second bachelor’s degree. Each student must complete a minimum of 126 semester hours to be considered for graduation. This is a one-time warning available only to first-time freshmen. Acceptance into Lipscomb’s Global Learning programs is a very competitive process with high student demand. Students who do not file their intent to graduate form in the registrar’s office by the end of the first week of the semester they intend to graduate, may be delayed in graduating. This schedule is to be followed unless prior approval for change is obtained from the registrar. Students may not withdraw from the course unless they are withdrawing from the university. The LIGHT Program: Illuminating Cultural Engagement. The university does not guarantee the transferability of any of these credits to other institutions. In addition to meeting the university admission requirements, the student must also meet all course prerequisites, such as specific sub-scores on the math and English portions of the ACT/SAT, to be allowed to register for those courses. Through these international experiences, students broaden their worldview, experience different cultures and expand how they engage the global community. The student is also responsible for submitting the dual enrollment grant application by the state-mandated deadline (Sept. 15 for the fall semester, Feb. 1 for the spring semester). MS 202. These service-learning experiences contribute to the student’s development academically, personally/spiritually, and civically. The professors are great at what they do. To receive credit towards LIGHT Scholarship for extracurricular activities, students must submit responses to prompts provided by the LIGHT office. The student must work with the Director of Community Standards to have the diploma released. The semester that courses are normally offered is indicated by: F-fall, SP-spring, SU-summer and W-wintermester. (Students who miss this deadline may not qualify for graduation honors.). or B.S), Family Science: Family Life Education track (B.A. The Accounting major is part of the business, management & marketing program at Lipscomb University.. We've pulled together some essential information you should know about the program, including how many students graduate each year, the ethnic diversity of these students, average starting salaries, and more. Students taking a major and a minor from the same department must complete all requirements as listed in the catalog for the major and the minor. 1. It is affiliated with the Churches of Christ. Students on academic probation because of incomplete work can be removed from academic probation at any time the work is made up and a satisfactory GPA is recorded on the permanent record. Students interested in participating in dual enrollment courses must meet the admission requirements of the university and be admitted to the university prior to the start of classes the semester in which they plan to enroll in dual enrollment courses. As a Lipscomb student, you have access to bibliographic citation tools including Academic Writer (formerly APA Style CENTRAL) and EndNote. The CLEP examination in each individual subject can only be taken once. While Vanderbilt serves as the host university, students at partnership schools are not charged additional tuition to take Army ROTC. ), Family Science: Child Life Specialist track (B.A. Freshman Year Courses taken at a two-year school which have 3000 or 4000 course numbers at Lipscomb generally will not transfer as equivalency credit. In addition to the right of each teacher in the classroom to present his or her discipline in the manner deemed best, the faculty is given opportunity to discuss any problems of a personal, philosophical, or academic nature. MS 101. Students on academic warning who do not raise their grade-point average to 2.0 by the end of their next semester in school will be placed on academic probation. All students enrolled in the AFROTC program are provided textbooks and uniforms at no expense. MS 401. Complete all general education requirements for a bachelor’s degree listed in the Lipscomb catalog. Marketing, Marketing for Entrepreneurship Concentration, B.B.A. Lipscomb University offers several preprofessional programs and partnerships. Although some students change career goals, leave school or transfer, 65 percent of first-time freshmen graduated from Lipscomb within six years of beginning university work for the 2012 cohort year. The heart of the LIGHT program is found in the general education curriculum, embedded in the cornerstone and capstone general education courses, Lipscomb Experience and Engagements. degree major and the other is a B.S. Beyond that, the registrar’s permission is required, and no student’s load may exceed 19 hours during the summer session (including work at another institution). Students should consult the general education section of this catalog for specific requirements that include these courses. As the Army’s largest commissioning source, it fulfills a vital role in providing mature young men and women for leadership and management positions in an increasingly technological Army. This does not include events such as mission experiences, athletic practice, service-learning activities, and activities affiliated with courses, academic departments, or academic programs of study. All requirements are subject to change as mandated by the state of Tennessee. Students may also satisfy this requirement by taking three hours of traditional coursework from the following: psychology, sociology, economics, and law, justice & society (LJS 2103 ). Beaman Library connects researchers to scholarly material and resources. See below for information about specific programs. Lipscomb University also awards Certificates of Graduate Study in several areas of study. Top Ranked Majors. Nashville, TN 37203 The grade and credit can transfer back for graduation. The goal of the Provost (or his or her designee) will be to respond to the appeal within ten business days, subject to extenuating circumstances (including, without limitation, summer break or other calendar breaks in the academic year). The faculty reserves the right to assign an “F” if, in the opinion of the teacher, the student has put forth little, if any, effort. For example, for a class that has a final on Tuesday, the last day a test could be given or a major project due would be the Tuesday of the last week of classes. Students interested in graduate degrees or certificates should contact the respective program director or consult the Graduate Catalog for more information. Students must be approved by the Global Programs Committee, whose approval is based on the application, two letters of recommendation, and a demonstrated willingness to abide by Lipscomb rules and policies regarding academics and behavior. If the academic interest area has areas where a three-year track is possible, the student will be given contact information for that department’s three-year advisor. English Composition (No. Missed work includes, but is not limited to, submitting assignments due on the dates of absence (e.g., papers and projects) and completing assignments associated with in-class activities (e.g., quizzes, tests, labs, discussions, presentations, performances). Humanities-No credit will be granted if prior college work has been taken in any of the test areas. For mid-length and short-term Global Apprentice Programs, please talk to Financial Aid and the Office of Global Learning to see if your existing financial aid will apply. So open the door to opportunities for a high-paying career. Students registering for more than 18 hours must have a 3.0 grade-point average, either overall or on the preceding semester. For example, bringing in credit from dual enrollment, Advance Placement, or previous classes taken may have a significant (positive) impact on a student’s ability to graduate in three years. The Professional Officer Course (POC) is 3 credit hours and constitutes the final four semesters of AFROTC study for juniors and seniors. When students reach the maximum number of absences allowed in a course, they may be notified that the instructor has determined that they will receive a failing grade in that course due to excessive absences. Unless the Associate Provost for Student Academic Support determines in his or her sole discretion that the grade appeal is frivolous or without merit, the student will then be directed to address the matter by meeting with the appropriate instructor. Many students will be able to take one or more courses that specifically address the implications of Christian faith for their chosen field of study. Based on these conversations, the Provost (or his or her designee), in consultation with the appropriate college dean and the President, will determine if the faculty member’s expression of academic freedom has violated religious tenets held by the university or has undermined the basic purposes of the institution. Classroom and/or participation experiences are an integral part of the learning process at Lipscomb University. The following criteria will be used to establish eligibility to receive graduation Latin honors of cum laude, magna cum laude and summa cum laude: b. A grade assigned for student work may be appealed only by the student receiving the grade. These credits are included in the 30 credits that can be earned via AP, CLEP, IB, EB, and Straighterline. Rob Mossack, Director of Academic Advising at 615-966-6297. Be maintained in all Lipscomb courses required for any degree program must be approved by the student ’ global. 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