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Environmental Biotechnology, including ecological interactions key to waste water treatment, water management, biofilters, energy production, etc. Issues per year n/a Articles published last year n/a Manuscripts received last year n/a % accepted last year n/a % immediately rejected last year n/a Open access status n/a Manuscript handling fee? Topics of particular interest within the journal's scope include those listed below, Microbial population and community ecology, Microbe-microbe and microbe-host interactions, Integrated genomics and post-genomics approaches in microbial ecology, Geomicrobiology and microbial contributions to geochemical cycles, Microbial ecology and functional diversity of natural habitats, More about ISME Communications Contact. In addition, we have updated/revised ISME J web pages, journal template emails, and streamlined aspects of the manuscript submission process. ISME Journal has an h-index of 140.It means 140 articles of this journal have more than 140 number of citations. Articles from this journal are generally available in PMC after a 12-month delay (embargo); however, the delay may vary at the discretion of the publisher. Field Chief Editor Martin G. Klotz at Washington State University is supported by an outstanding Editorial Board of international researchers. Unity in Diversity - Virtual Microbial Ecology Summit, Theoretical advances in microbial population and community ecology, including novel theoretical development relevant to the diversity and structure of microbial populations and communities, advances in modeling and comparisons of microbial ecological principles with those in macroecology, Environmental factors (biotic and abiotic) defining the distribution and abundance of microbial populations, Integrated advances in microbial ecophysiology, Phage genetics and ecology and environmental virology, including studies of interactions between viruses and the environment, vectors of viral transmission, epidemiology, and diversity (including generation and maintenance), Community level research of microbial assemblages, with emphasis on the contribution of individuals and populations, Microbial survival and persistence mechanisms: Development and selection for resistance (heavy metals, antibiotics etc. For help with other source types, like books, PDFs, or websites, check out our other guides.To have your reference list or bibliography automatically made for you, try our free citation generator. How to format your references using the The ISME Journal citation style. Use the following template to cite a journal using the The ISME Journal citation style. Terms of Use; Privacy Statement; Community Rules © 1996-2021 The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Ecography A journal of space and time in ecology ... For authors. Contributions of broad biological interest and impact are especially encouraged. Bar Chart From: To: PUBLISHERS: Latest articles in this journal Negative frequency-dependent selection and asymmetrical transformation stabilise multi-strain bacterial population structures. C.D. Introduction . A.B. Authors must strictly adhere to the instructions, otherwise abstracts cannot be considered for presentation. The ISME Journal Search . Search. Journal-Explore; Announcements. The ISME Journal | Citations: 10,314 | Read 1100 articles with impact on ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists. It is a fully indexed hybrid open access publication. Published: 28 August 2008 Microbe-Microbe and Microbe-Host Interactions. Authors can learn about our journals' style and better understand how to maximize the visual impact of the figures they create. The ISME Journal seeks to promote diverse and integrated areas of microbial ecology spanning the breadth of microbial life, including bacteria, archaea, microbial eukaryotes, and viruses.
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