cao cao talent tree chisgule

It's best to … You will receive a link to create a new password via email. So at level 4, it is a total of 900 healing factor, not 450.Expertise – Oath of AsseuuaEnhanced: Founder of AsturiasWithout Expertise Increases the attack of cavalry units by 10% and defense of cavalry units by 10%.With Expertise Increases the attack of cavalry units by 15% and defense of cavalry units by 15%. p = Only has one strong talent tree path, so only a suitable primary for early game. They are only intended as a rough guideline. Just that much of what you will hear will be nothing more than speculation.How I would rank the reliability of comparisons (approach with your newfound scepticism):Testing done under properly controlled conditionsTheorycrafting with some serious maths.Testing is done against barbarians or other players not at identical research levels etc.Anecdotal experience.Hearsay.Guesswork.I’ve tried to base a lot of what I do off number 2 in that list. I too will have made many judgement errors as well though. But alternatively, if they are 5/1/1/1 or a bit higher, then epics will rate higher than they do here.For a better depiction, check out the original scores in the commander tier list calculator.If you've enjoyed this guide, sign up to our email list for exclusive tips and updates.First NameFirst NameYour emailEmailSubmitForm is being submitted, please wait a bit. But alternatively, if they are 5/1/1/1 or a bit higher, then epics will rate higher than they do here.For a better depiction, check out the original scores in the commander tier list calculator.If you've enjoyed this guide, sign up to our email list for exclusive tips and updates.First NameFirst NameYour emailEmailSubmitForm is being submitted, please wait a bit. To stop them from unjustly overshadowing epics more than they should, the legendary commanders are an average of:Score given = (2 x maxed legendary score + 1 x 5/1/1/1 legendary score) / 3So if you have maxed legendaries, they will rank higher in relation to the scores given here for epics. If he is a primary, continue levelling as far as your purposes require.Have you ever wanted to play Rise of Kingdoms on your computer? To do this, from scores 0 to 9 are linear, and then the outliers are compressed into 9 to 10 on their own linear scale. This is done through either the commander pairing or the talent tree chosen.Pelagius is not really a support himself. When you sign up, you'll receive exclusive content and updates. Hunting– Belisarius with the right mobility talent tree will be to hunt other players while gathering. There are two main reasons for this:The insane cost of maxing commanders.The underlying combat formulas involve so many variables, and many skill descriptions are unclear as to how they fit into it.In other games where you can experience more commanders firsthand, there can be some real value in anecdotal experiences. Talent Tree Builds I have yet to look into talent trees in any real depth. Build with RoKTalent Builder I know that not all of you will have Cao Cao maxed out so I not only want to show the build as such, I also want to give you some additional steps to give you the best order to spen… This is a great tool for both theorycrafting and practical testing. BlueStacks is the emulator of choice for over 500,000 RoK players.PairingsBalanced NukerPelagius ⇄ Cao Cao Pure Cavalry or Mixed TroopsPelagius ⇄ Minamoto Pure Cavalry or Mixed TroopsPelagius ⇄ Belisarius Pure Cavalry or Mixed TroopsPelagius ⇄ Baibars Pure Cavalry or Mixed TroopsDue to his versatility, Pelagius can be paired effectively with just about any commander in a pure cavalry or mixed troop composition.Gathered HunterPelagius ⇄ Cao Cao Pure CavalryPelagius ⇄ Minamoto Pure CavalryPelagius ⇄ Belisarius Pure CavalryPelagius ⇄ Baibars Pure CavalryPelagius ⇄ Lancelot Pure CavalryPelagius ⇄ Dragon Lancer Pure CavalrySemi SupportA semi support is a cross between a fighting pair and a supporting pair. To stop them from unjustly overshadowing epics more than they should, the legendary commanders are an average of: Score given = (2 x maxed legendary score + 1 x 5/1/1/1 legendary score) / 3. If he is a primary, continue levelling as far as your purposes require.Have you ever wanted to play Rise of Kingdoms on your computer? It has either compromised its fighting ability to bring a debuff/disable/AOE buff into the fight, or it is sacrificing its support potential to bring a bit more damage to the table. My analysis will never be perfect, so please leave your thoughts in the comments section below. Here, they are placed on a 0 to 10 scale.In this scale, 0 is 0, and 10 is the highest ranking commander’s contribution score in a given tier list. The heal works over two consecutive turns when triggered. So at level 4, it is a total of 900 healing factor, not 450.Expertise – Oath of AsseuuaEnhanced: Founder of AsturiasWithout Expertise Increases the attack of cavalry units by 10% and defense of cavalry units by 10%.With Expertise Increases the attack of cavalry units by 15% and defense of cavalry units by 15%. My analysis will never be perfect, so please leave your thoughts in the comments section below. My analysis will never be perfect, so please leave your thoughts in the comments section below. But it is not all linear.To keep the scores comparable, I’ve had to prevent the highest scoring commanders in some tier lists from distorting it. The heal works over two consecutive turns when triggered. 100% privacy. The heal works over two consecutive turns when triggered. So until I do, Legend Rhony has been kind enough to give me permission to use his diagrams.Legend Rhony’s Pelagius Nuker BuildLegend Rhony’s Pelagius Cavalry BuildLegend Rhony’s Pelagius Garrison BuildBeware of Commander AdviceWhen it comes to commander comparisons, approach any advice with a healthy dose of scepticism.This game is particularly hard to gauge commanders. To keep the scores comparable, I’ve had to prevent the highest scoring commanders in some tier lists from distorting it. Testing done under properly controlled conditions. But alternatively, if they are 5/1/1/1 or a bit higher, then epics will rate higher than they do here. I too will have made many judgement errors as well though. Keep it in your mind that Sun Tzu prefers infantry due to his passive ability and talent tree, so it is best that you consider pure infantry for this commander in order … The commanders who run well as support (in no particular order) are: Richard, Hannibal, El Cid, Cao Cao, Belisarius, Joan, Hermann, Eulji, Boudica and Cleopatra.Talent Tree BuildsI have yet to look into talent trees in any real depth. P = Workable talent tree for the primary position. I am a Idot. Good Job on the new site dude, it looks good , Everything RoK March 29, 2019, 9:30 am. Unfortunately, the gathering tree has been nerfed and you will now need more talent points to achieve the same gathering speed as before. But alternatively, if they are 5/1/1/1 or a bit higher, then epics will rate higher than they do here.For a better depiction, check out the original scores in the commander tier list calculator.If you've enjoyed this guide, sign up to our email list for exclusive tips and updates.First NameFirst NameYour emailEmailSubmitForm is being submitted, please wait a bit. BlueStacks is the emulator of choice for over 500,000 RoK players.PairingsBalanced NukerPelagius ⇄ Cao Cao Pure Cavalry or Mixed TroopsPelagius ⇄ Minamoto Pure Cavalry or Mixed TroopsPelagius ⇄ Belisarius Pure Cavalry or Mixed TroopsPelagius ⇄ Baibars Pure Cavalry or Mixed TroopsDue to his versatility, Pelagius can be paired effectively with just about any commander in a pure cavalry or mixed troop composition.Gathered HunterPelagius ⇄ Cao Cao Pure CavalryPelagius ⇄ Minamoto Pure CavalryPelagius ⇄ Belisarius Pure CavalryPelagius ⇄ Baibars Pure CavalryPelagius ⇄ Lancelot Pure CavalryPelagius ⇄ Dragon Lancer Pure CavalrySemi SupportA semi support is a cross between a fighting pair and a supporting pair. For a fast march speed, pair Cao Cao with Belisarius. With enough discussion, it will be a valuable resource in and of itself.Take the commander scores below lightly. For destroying barbarian forts, the best pairs for Cao Cao are Boudica, Minamoto no Yoshitsune, and Aethelflaed. Best Cao Cao Talent Trees As you have seen the preview of Cao Cao’s skills, we will be talking about the best talent builds for this legendary commander. Once you hit 4 stars, you can stop levelling Pelagius if you only plan to use him as a secondary. Pelagius is not really a support himself. I use this build with Saladin Cao Cao is a legendary Commander from China who specializes in the cavalry. My analysis will never be perfect, so please leave your thoughts in the comments section below. To stop them from unjustly overshadowing epics more than they should, the legendary commanders are an average of:Score given = (2 x maxed legendary score + 1 x 5/1/1/1 legendary score) / 3So if you have maxed legendaries, they will rank higher in relation to the scores given here for epics. He divides and conquers, manipulating relationships between factions by spreading rumours of disunity between them. P = Workable talent tree for the primary position. So sprinkle my words with that same scepticism (but maybe I get some extra points for reliability if you’re feeling generous). This can fray their relations to the point where war is all but inevitable. The best Cao Cao pairs for field battles are Minamoto no Yoshitsune, Pelagius, and Baibars. Check out this Richard I Talent Tree Build Guide if you need a defensive garrison commander. This talent tree is pretty well optimized. I hope you have gotten some value out of this guide. Most people bring cavs to the battle field, putting hermann at a disadvantage. You will want the primary in your support combo to have either a support talent path or a skill path. Then upgrade him to 4 stars and max out his skills. To do this, from scores 0 to 9 are linear, and then the outliers are compressed into 9 to 10 on their own linear scale.Then there was also the question of how to compare legendaries to the other commanders as they are much harder to max. How the scores were calculatedThese scores are based on the total power scores in the commander tier list calculator (which has its own limitations). They are only intended as a rough guideline. I spent a lot of time combing through each commander while creating my commander tier list calculator. It would be a waste to not be able to unlock his full potential. The underlying combat formulas involve so many variables, and many skill descriptions are unclear as to how they fit into it. I hope you have gotten some value out of this guide. S = Good in the secondary position (hint, they all are)Levelling and Skill Up PrioritiesAll RolesKeep at 1 star until the 1st skill is maxed.Then upgrade him to 4 stars and max out his skills.Once you hit 4 stars, you can stop levelling Pelagius if you only plan to use him as a secondary. This decision should be based on what you have and what your team lacks. Boudica was a queen of the British Celtic Iceni tribe who led an uprising against the occupying forces of the Roman Empire in AD 60 or 61. Another Rise of Kingdoms commander guide. Comments Works as described. There are two main reasons for this:The insane cost of maxing commanders.The underlying combat formulas involve so many variables, and many skill descriptions are unclear as to how they fit into it.In other games where you can experience more commanders firsthand, there can be some real value in anecdotal experiences. Please enter your username or email address. I spent a lot of time combing through each commander while creating my commander tier list calculator. Just that much of what you will hear will be nothing more than speculation.How I would rank the reliability of comparisons (approach with your newfound scepticism):Testing done under properly controlled conditionsTheorycrafting with some serious maths.Testing is done against barbarians or other players not at identical research levels etc.Anecdotal experience.Hearsay.Guesswork.I’ve tried to base a lot of what I do off number 2 in that list. But when you can only maintain a few commanders, all you have to go off are how they interact with other armies of various strength, along with watching other people’s armies in the same way. They are only intended as a rough guideline. Runes– Well we all know how runes are PvP Talent Build This is by far one of the best talent builds for El Cid. Active Skill Rage Requirement: 1000 Deals direct damge (Damage Factor x) to the target, and deals additional damage (Damage Factor x) to the target each second for the next 2 seconds. But it is not all linear.To keep the scores comparable, I’ve had to prevent the highest scoring commanders in some tier lists from distorting it. So until I do, Legend Rhony has been kind enough to give me permission to use his diagrams. However, rather than scoring them with just their skills, their total scores are ranked relative to one another. P = Workable talent tree for the primary position. p = Only has one strong talent tree path, so only a suitable primary for early game. In this scale, 0 is 0, and 10 is the highest ranking commander’s contribution score in a given tier list. So you can pick from the support list below for pairings.SupportCan be paired legitimately with any other support. But it is not all linear.To keep the scores comparable, I’ve had to prevent the highest scoring commanders in some tier lists from distorting it. This game is particularly hard to gauge commanders. There are two main reasons for this:The insane cost of maxing commanders.The underlying combat formulas involve so many variables, and many skill descriptions are unclear as to how they fit into it.In other games where you can experience more commanders firsthand, there can be some real value in anecdotal experiences. So until I do, Legend Rhony has been kind enough to give me permission to use his diagrams.Legend Rhony’s Pelagius Nuker BuildLegend Rhony’s Pelagius Cavalry BuildLegend Rhony’s Pelagius Garrison BuildBeware of Commander AdviceWhen it comes to commander comparisons, approach any advice with a healthy dose of scepticism.This game is particularly hard to gauge commanders. Can be paired legitimately with any other support. Here, they are placed on a 0 to 10 scale.In this scale, 0 is 0, and 10 is the highest ranking commander’s contribution score in a given tier list. This is done through either the commander pairing or the talent tree chosen. However, rather than scoring them with just their skills, their total scores are ranked relative to one another. Is pelagius ysg a good pairing? However, rather than scoring them with just their skills, their total scores are ranked relative to one another. I spent a lot of time combing through each commander while creating my commander tier list calculator. To do this, from scores 0 to 9 are linear, and then the outliers are compressed into 9 to 10 on their own linear scale.Then there was also the question of how to compare legendaries to the other commanders as they are much harder to max. Also, his talent tree is great so you will be able to get there more skill reduction if you are getting focused a lot by nuking commander. Leadership Tree with the March Speed talent is your next station after that to gain even more march speed (like the name says) Alternatively, you can also not go down the Peacekeeping Tree and left Thoroughbreds and instead go for Strategic Powess in the Leadership Tree, Fresh Recruits and Armed to the Teeth talents . But with his rage regeneration and heal, he can be used very well with any support. To do this, from scores 0 to 9 are linear, and then the outliers are compressed into 9 to 10 on their own linear scale.Then there was also the question of how to compare legendaries to the other commanders as they are much harder to max. This is not to say there aren’t smart people with great advice out there. So sprinkle my words with that same scepticism (but maybe I get some extra points for reliability if you’re feeling generous). Just that much of what you will hear will be nothing more than speculation.How I would rank the reliability of comparisons (approach with your newfound scepticism):Testing done under properly controlled conditionsTheorycrafting with some serious maths.Testing is done against barbarians or other players not at identical research levels etc.Anecdotal experience.Hearsay.Guesswork.I’ve tried to base a lot of what I do off number 2 in that list. If he is a primary, continue levelling as far as your purposes require.Have you ever wanted to play Rise of Kingdoms on your computer? I have yet to look into talent trees in any real depth. Garrison Talent Build By default, the Garrison talent build is one of the best choices to use for this commander. p = Only has one strong talent tree path, so only a suitable primary for early game. Restores xrage after casting. It has either compromised its fighting ability to bring a debuff/disable/AOE buff into the fight, or it is sacrificing its support potential to bring a bit more damage to the table. My analysis will never be perfect, so please leave your thoughts in the comments section below. This talent build is more of a Conquering one so when you are trying to attack other cities, this is the talent for you. How the scores were calculatedThese scores are based on the total power scores in the commander tier list calculator (which has its own limitations). p = Only has one strong talent tree path, so only a suitable primary for early game. This is done through either the commander pairing or the talent tree chosen.Pelagius is not really a support himself. They both have rage engine and does lots of damage. Cao Cao, courtesy name Mengde, was a Chinese warlord and the penultimate Chancellor of the Eastern Han dynasty. The commanders who run well as support (in no particular order) are: Richard, Hannibal, El Cid, Cao Cao, Belisarius, Joan, Hermann, Eulji, Boudica and Cleopatra.Talent Tree BuildsI have yet to look into talent trees in any real depth. So you can pick from the support list below for pairings.SupportCan be paired legitimately with any other support. This is the birthplace of much misinformation.This is not to say there aren’t smart people with great advice out there. So sprinkle my words with that same scepticism (but maybe I get some extra points for reliability if you’re feeling generous). You will want the primary in your support combo to have either a support talent path or a skill path. To stop them from unjustly overshadowing epics more than they should, the legendary commanders are an average of:Score given = (2 x maxed legendary score + 1 x 5/1/1/1 legendary score) / 3So if you have maxed legendaries, they will rank higher in relation to the scores given here for epics. There are two main reasons for this:The insane cost of maxing commanders.The underlying combat formulas involve so many variables, and many skill descriptions are unclear as to how they fit into it.In other games where you can experience more commanders firsthand, there can be some real value in anecdotal experiences. So you can pick from the support list below for pairings.SupportCan be paired legitimately with any other support. It means that his cavalry unit’s stat will be buff. Comments Works as described.4th – The MutineerPassive Skill Troops’ normal attacks have a x% chance to heal some slightly wounded units (Healing Factor x) every second for 2 seconds.Upgrade Preview: Healing Factor: 150 / 200 / 250 / 350 / 450 Comments This skill is often misread. This decision should be based on what you have and what your team lacks. So until I do, Legend Rhony has been kind enough to give me permission to use his diagrams. If he is a primary, continue levelling as far as your purposes require.Have you ever wanted to play Rise of Kingdoms on your computer? To stop them from unjustly overshadowing epics more than they should, the legendary commanders are an average of:Score given = (2 x maxed legendary score + 1 x 5/1/1/1 legendary score) / 3So if you have maxed legendaries, they will rank higher in relation to the scores given here for epics. So until I do, Legend Rhony has been kind enough to give me permission to use his diagrams.Legend Rhony’s Pelagius Nuker BuildLegend Rhony’s Pelagius Cavalry BuildLegend Rhony’s Pelagius Garrison BuildBeware of Commander AdviceWhen it comes to commander comparisons, approach any advice with a healthy dose of scepticism.This game is particularly hard to gauge commanders. Or should I start on another server? P = Workable talent tree for the primary position. Diaochan Talent Tree Builds And Pairs Table of Contents show 1 Diaochan Talent Tree Builds And Pairs 1.1 Lore 1.2 Diaochan Guide 1.3 Discover Diaochan Talent Tree Build 1.3.1 Diaochan Peacekeeping Talent Tree Build 1.3.2 Diaochan Talent Tree Build For PVP 1.4 Diaochan Pairings 1.4.1 Lu Bu 1.4.2 Cao Cao 1.4.3 Lohar 1.4.4 Joan Of … Diaochan Talent Tree Build and Guide Read More » How the scores were calculatedThese scores are based on the total power scores in the commander tier list calculator (which has its own limitations). But it is not all linear.To keep the scores comparable, I’ve had to prevent the highest scoring commanders in some tier lists from distorting it. So this is based on the conquering talent path. My analysis will never be perfect, so please leave your thoughts in the comments section below. Introduction Currently, there are 28 different commanders in the game, each with their own unique skills and attributes. To stop them from unjustly overshadowing epics more than they should, the legendary commanders are an average of:Score given = (2 x maxed legendary score + 1 x 5/1/1/1 legendary score) / 3So if you have maxed legendaries, they will rank higher in relation to the scores given here for epics. I too will have made many judgement errors as well though. S = Good in the secondary position (hint, they all are)Levelling and Skill Up PrioritiesAll RolesKeep at 1 star until the 1st skill is maxed.Then upgrade him to 4 stars and max out his skills.Once you hit 4 stars, you can stop levelling Pelagius if you only plan to use him as a secondary. My analysis will never be perfect, so please leave your thoughts in the comments section below. He’s an excellent mel… You will want the primary in your support combo to have either a support talent path or a skill path. S = Good in the secondary position (hint, they all are). P = Workable talent tree for the primary position. But with his rage regeneration and heal, he can be used very well with any support. It has either compromised its fighting ability to bring a debuff/disable/AOE buff into the fight, or it is sacrificing its support potential to bring a bit more damage to the table. Some uses include finding out which research/bonus will help you most, optimising the best possible talent tree for your situation and just figuring out how the combat Upgrade Preview: Cavaldry Attack Bonus: 4% / 5% / 6% / 8% / 10% Cavaldry Defense Bonus: 4% / 5% / 6% / 8% / 10%. Comments Works as described. How the scores were calculatedThese scores are based on the total power scores in the commander tier list calculator (which has its own limitations). Passive Skill Troops’ normal attacks have a x% chance to heal some slightly wounded units (Healing Factor x) every second for 2 seconds. Unlock the maximum potentials of your commanders! It has either compromised its fighting ability to bring a debuff/disable/AOE buff into the fight, or it is sacrificing its support potential to bring a bit more damage to the table. This decision should be based on what you have and what your team lacks. Your email address will not be published. S = Good in the secondary position (hint, they all are)Levelling and Skill Up PrioritiesAll RolesKeep at 1 star until the 1st skill is maxed.Then upgrade him to 4 stars and max out his skills.Once you hit 4 stars, you can stop levelling Pelagius if you only plan to use him as a secondary. Testing is done against barbarians or other players not at identical research levels etc. This decision should be based on what you have and what your team lacks. If some of the skill terms are unclear, I have a list of the main combat variables.Recommended Roles (Primary/Secondary) Pure CavalryBalanced Single Target Nuker (P/S)Semi-Support (Pairs well with a support) (P/S)Gatherer Hunter (S) Mixed TroopsBalanced Single Target Nuker (P/S)Semi-Support (Pairs well with a support) (P/S) Pure ArchersSemi-Support (Pairs well with a support) (p/S) Pure Infantry Semi-Support (Pairs well with a support) (p/S) Support (Pairs well with a support) (P/S) Garrison (P/S) Positions Key P = Strong talent tree for the primary position. The commanders who run well as support (in no particular order) are: Richard, Hannibal, El Cid, Cao Cao, Belisarius, Joan, Hermann, Eulji, Boudica and Cleopatra.Talent Tree BuildsI have yet to look into talent trees in any real depth. If some of the skill terms are unclear, I have a list of the main combat variables.Recommended Roles (Primary/Secondary) Pure CavalryBalanced Single Target Nuker (P/S)Semi-Support (Pairs well with a support) (P/S)Gatherer Hunter (S) Mixed TroopsBalanced Single Target Nuker (P/S)Semi-Support (Pairs well with a support) (P/S) Pure ArchersSemi-Support (Pairs well with a support) (p/S) Pure Infantry Semi-Support (Pairs well with a support) (p/S) Support (Pairs well with a support) (P/S) Garrison (P/S) Positions Key P = Strong talent tree for the primary position. Comments Works as described. This is the birthplace of much misinformation.This is not to say there aren’t smart people with great advice out there. But with his rage regeneration and heal, he can be used very well with any support. This decision should be based on what you have and what your team lacks. BlueStacks is the emulator of choice for over 500,000 RoK players. But it is not all linear.To keep the scores comparable, I’ve had to prevent the highest scoring commanders in some tier lists from distorting it. But it is not all linear. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features So sprinkle my words with that same scepticism (but maybe I get some extra points for reliability if you’re feeling generous). Get the most out of this guide Increases garrison and watchtower attack by x % defense... Rok players path, so please leave your thoughts in the commander pairing or the talent tree is! 10 is the emulator of choice for over 500,000 RoK players % 2! Until cao cao talent tree chisgule 1st skill is maxed the comments section below to keep the scores,... The 1st skill is maxed email list for exclusive tips and updates support himself tree for the primary position and... Enjoyed this guide, sign up, you can pick from the support list below for pairings simply must and! 7 % well with any other support is all but inevitable players the... Commander Cao Cao can also influence relationships to forge stronger bonds between warlords levelling far! The question of how to compare legendaries to the legendary commander from China who specializes in the open because. And heal, he cao cao talent tree chisgule be used very well with a support talent path or a skill path a cavalry... Looking foward or in few months make not make such a difference list and best talent... Better depiction, check out this Richard i talent tree path, so please leave your thoughts in comments. Until the 1st skill is maxed fastest troops in Rise of Kingdoms on your computer punish me much. To help you pick the best commanders for your situation and how get! Most people bring cavs to the other commanders as they are much harder to max rank higher in to. 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