A snow



A Snow



艺术家:崔明、付帅、姜骁、李廷、李阳、卢正昕、李萌、任瀚、王昱文、 张诗叙



December 18, 2013

Artist: Cui Ming, Fu Shuai, Jiang Xiao, Li Ting, Li Yang, Lu Zhengxin, Li Meng, Ren Han, Wang Yuwen, and Zhang Shixu

Location: Zhushan Road, Hongqiao Disctrict, Tianjin



One day in December 2013, it snowed for the first time in that winter. Li Boyan contacted many people via WeChat to recruit photographs made by cellphone cameras. “Please take a photo of the scene outside your window or door immediately.” 10 friends responded to him. Li Boyan did not disclose his intention to make these an exhibition of photography. Then the joke went on. He designed a poster, printed out the photos send by friends, and installed these photographs in the snow. Because of the wind and snow, the exhibition ended shortly. The only audience in the exhibition site was the curator himself. Li Boyan recorded the exhibition site with his cellphone, posted it on social network. As mentioned in many lectures and talks, Li Boyan considers this was the first exhibition he curated in a real sense.



