why does crowfeather hate breezepelt

why does crowfeather hate breezepelt


If you don't acknowledge your kids positively, they won't learn anything, and not praising them if they do something good, behaviour-wise or not, it . Crowfeather | Warriors theory Wiki | Fandom warriors design dump — crowfeather Stress, trauma, survivors guilt, resentment; all of it combined makes Crowfeather, Lionblaze, and Jayfeather clash. He wanted to prove his loyalty to the clan, so he chose Nightcloud to help him. But his technique is sloppy, and makes it look more like blood-splatter. "You're a loyal WindClan warrior, and one of the bravest." Breezepelt met his gaze, disbelief in his eyes. mapleshade design mapleshade warrior cats mapleshade's vengeance this one is a little older but thought id post it anyway i hate her . How thier love grew so strong remains uncertain. He knew it from the moment he opened his eyes and found himself staring at a cat that he deeply loved. That must be Hollyleaf's body, he thought. . . No, he never really loved Nightcloud, but he was the only cat who welcomed him after he returned back to Windclan after the CrowxLeaf incident. He only did this to prove his loyalty. This is about a moon after the Last Hope, and if Breezepelt were to return, I would imagine it kinda like this. Lemon Boy takes place during the events of Crowfeather's Trial. . . While hunting, Breezepelt gets into a fight with Lionblaze, and Crowfeather does nothing to break it up. Reviews: Warriors Mating Stories | FanFiction Leafpool attempts to stop them, but Breezepelt turns his attack on her, and Crowfeather saves her. He is patrolling with Crowfeather, Whitetail, and Heatherpaw when they find Jaypaw wandering around in WindClan territory. However, she didn't see it that way. Who is your least favorite Warrior Cat and why? : WarriorCats . "Nice try. Warrior Cats / Heartwarming - TV Tropes Why Crowfeather Hates Breezepelt - a story by ... Oops! Something went wrong. - scratch.mit.edu Her mentor was Crowfeather, and the other cats present are Crowfeather's son Breezepaw and his mentor, Whitetail. #warriors au on Tumblr And what does she get in return? Took me 3 hours of just working. Crowfeather's Hate, a warriors fanfic | FanFiction She travels on The Great Journey with the rest of the Clans, and supports Mudclaw during his rebellion against Onewhisker, believing him to be the rightful leader. go back to your clan, crowfeather . Crowfeather's Trial (Erin Hunter) » p.33 » Global Archive ... Breezepelt now, painfully scratching the ground, misery in his eyes. Why can't I be better?" He doesn't blame Nightcloud for turning away because he knows she's right- he hasn't been good to her, and he doesn't know why. He knew it. Caught between his son, Breezepelt, and their Clanmates, loyal warrior Crowfeather must conquer the ghosts of his past to make way for his Clan's future. leafpool died of a rockslide, may she rest in peace. there's never been another cat like you, Feathertail." ~ This is why you DECIDE WHO YOU LOVE I'mm explain if anyone asks why I hate Leafpool. Crowfeather was dreaming. How well do you know Crowfeather? 6/29/2015 c5 jason sprague Why do you hate firestar? However. For a moment Crowfeather was too stunned to do more than crouch close to the ground, feeling a pelt sticky with blood pressing against his side. [6] Breezepelt does not formally appear in Bramblestar's Storm but is listed in the allegiances. That's low asf. The book makes it abundantly clear that he really does love his mother, and she him. cringeycatfan. Breezepelt's parents are Nightcloud and Crowfeather. Anyways, This MAP circles around Crowfeather and his relationship with Nightcloud and Breezepelt. "You really believe that?" "I really do." Talking softly to his son in the dark, Crowfeather felt like things truly were changing. breezepelt. The two share some words, before Nightcloud drags Crowfeather away from Leafpool, and rounds on her, but Breezepelt protects his mother. warriorcats warriors crowfeather windclan nightcloud cats cat jayfeather lionblaze hollyleaf. Breezepelt blinded me. This amounts to a completely defunct, but oh-so . But things escalated way too quick after she spoke out about the first two secrets, Breezepelt and Crowfeather are pissed, and Breezepelt attacks Ashfur. Warriors Warrior Cats breezepelt crowfeather my art i spent literally hours on the bg but it still looks bleh this aint my day "You all do!". People don't hate on Nightcloud to make Crowfeather look good people hate on Nightcloud because she was a toxic influence to Breezepelt just as much as Crowfeather and she was literally the one physically abusive in their relationship. Knowing both of their personalities, it's expected that they would argue a lot. . She thought Crowfeather was using her, and she didn't like that. 836 Favourites. When a cat has so many bad factors in their life, hate starts to grow, and one thing leads to another. i do. Crowfeather is some old guy who cant decide who he loves. If Crowfeather had been dead or ill, then Breezepelt would have understood better why he didn't see him much, but Crowfeather was there, and instead neglected his son. Furrypaw asks why it'd taken everyone so long to notice her mini-battle, and Lionblaze sadly leads her to a circle of cats, where Squirrelflight and Bramblestar lay still Nightcloud is a muscular black she-cat with amber eyes.. Nightcloud is a warrior of WindClan who has served under Onestar and Harestar in the lake territories.She became mates with Crowfeather when he returned to WindClan after eloping with the ThunderClan medicine cat, Leafpool.While Nightcloud bore three kits, only Breezepelt survived, causing her to become incredibly overprotective of him. i won't let you ruin everything again" i, would never do that! Breezepelt. He doesn't deserve all that hate. "Why on earth not?" Crowfeather touched Breezepelt's shoulder with his tail-tip. On the other note- great detail . Crowfeather claims not to hate Breezepelt, yet he shows no signs of loving him. Heathertail snorts. A Breeze of Happiness An Alternate Universe plot I have in my head for Nightcloud and her relationship with Crowfeather and Breezekit/paw/pelt. 17 Comments. She yowls for help, and Lionblaze takes on both at once, chasing them both away. cringeycatfan. . breezepelt. This is my personal belief about why he did those things. Hollyleaf had thought about also spilling the beans about Ashfur trapping them, since they didn't know he wasn't going to actually har them. In conclusion, Crowfeather is a terrible father, Breezepelt is a homicidal mama's boy, and Nightcloud is a helicopter parent. Crowfeather is left reeling- he feels like he's watching a train wreck in slow motion. The sun was just peeking over the moor and Crowfeather had border patrol. I believe Crowfeather dosen't hate Breezepelt, he just dosen't care for him. First of Crowfeather, I'm not a huge fan of him. Crowfeather didn't even hate him! Jayfeather stared at him, his heart pounding faster. . Breezepelt blinded me. I'm blind! It starts out with Crowfeather and Breezepelt's reactions to Nightcloud going missing, then continues into the weeks after where they search for her. Hi this is Azure the kitty again this time I will be talking about something I've wanted to talk about for a while now, Breezepelt, Crowfeather and Nightcloud and I know I might get some hate for my opinions on them but I'm going to share them anyways. Crowfeather never truly loved Nightcloud, which is why Crowfeather never pays attention to Breezepelt. I hate you. While hunting, Breezepelt gets into a fight with Lionblaze, and Crowfeather does nothing to break it up. I understand that crowfeather has been through a lot, losing the two cats he loved dearly, but damn dude. I HATE the way Nightcloud babied and fussed her son after he was born and how she twisted his mind to make him think Crowfeather hated him. Kill kill kill. Hollyleaf had thought about also spilling the beans about Ashfur trapping them, since they didn't know he wasn't going to actually har them. This amounts to a completely defunct, but oh-so . Crowfeather later took a mate, Nightcloud, and they had a son, Breezepelt. She looked sad. But something blocked the way of loving him. Think about it. c11 Ravewing If you are still doing this can you do Ravenpaw and tigerclaw? Nightcloud is a warrior of WindClan in the lake territories. Does he hate me that much? Leader: Bramblestar-dark tabby tom with amber eyes. I really loved and enjoyed reading the book, and I also love Crowfeather and the way he was done (in fact, he sort of had his own, well-done, redemption arc in the book). Where are you going, daddy? The only reason I'm denying the warrior code, is because I LOVE this couple, and for the people who loooovvvvveeeeee nightcloud and crowfeather together, nightcloud is ONLY using him to have a kit, and crowfeather thinks she loves him, ughhhh, I HATE nightcloud, and crowfeather he ACTUALLY LISTENS to his son, breezepelt, and doesn't even know . Crowfeather and Leafpool got closer to each other, then Crowfeather asked, "Now?" Leafpool nodded. "Now." Crowfeather wrapped his hind leg around Leafpool and said, "I will love you till the end of StarClan." "As will I, Crowfeather," she mewed. Her kits could have been hated by all the clans because they were medicine cat kits and half clan. Some say Leafpool is a liar, but think about what could happen if she didn't lie. :) Thanks! Let's go Breezepelt!" Nightcloud meowed. Leafpool attempts to stop them, but Breezepelt turns his attack on her, and Crowfeather saves her. "You deserve to die.". Breezepelt is caught up in the middle of all this. Then, Breezepelt is being spoiled by Nightcloud, then the truth is revealed at the Gathering, Crowfeather doesn't know what to think and Breezepelt, and Nightcloud are completely furious, at this point, I would probably be on Team Breeze, but oh how the OOTS arc ruined Breezepelt. Actually I just had a dream.Anyway, hope you enjoy! Breezepelt uses it as a way to rebel, after being inspired by Hawkfrost. and when Breezepelt was made a warrior, you barely even paid attention!" Nightcloud pinned him down and angrily raised a paw, claws unsheathed. Lionblaze is an ass, Breezepelt is an ass, Crowfeather is an ass, and Leafpool is still walking around making declarations of her former love in front of Crowfeather's wife. Breezepelt has a pretty darn good reason to be evil. The moment when Breezepelt saves Lionblaze's life, and the latter asks him why. some good wc opinions!!! I know why my past MAPS have failed, but this will be finished. Also question is, did Hollyleaf kill Leafpool? 8/26/2015 c10 ItsRainingSloths Could you please do:-Crowfeather & Leafpool-Straight-I honestly can't think of where, but sometime after they run off. Does Crowfeather like Breezepelt? Her kits could be exiled along with her. This time, it does." Breezepelt studies her, the way she has blood on all four of her paws, and there's a rust-colored mark on her side, like her fur is crusted with blood from a scratch. Breezepaw is a young apprentice of WindClan, mentored by Whitetail, and the son of Crowfeather andNightcloud. I'm loyal only to WindClan and have no kits other than Breezepelt." ~ "There was a feeling of lightning in the air every time I looked at Leafpaw, and I know she felt it too." ~ "I want to be loyal to my Clan, but . A mate who doesn't give a rat's *** about her or HIS OWN KID. Breezepelt just toke it as hate for whatever reason. Nightcloud is a muscular[6] black she-cat[1] with amber eyes. Today, he was patrolling the border the linked up with ThunderClan, which was the stream. Deputy: Lionblaze . She was saved by Fallen Leaves and lived in the tunnels for moons and moons. ~So you got what you always wanted~I really like Dear Evan Hansen okSooooo I just kinda sat down and did this is one sitting. "My mother is dead, Breezepelt, so you are going to tell me why." Nightcloud SAVED Crowfeather. Crowfeather did argue with Breezepelt a lot, but Arguing With Your Child =/= Abusing Them. His mate is Heathertail, and Smokehaze, Brindlewing, Appleshine, and Woodsong are their children. Feather Rollbacker 04:38, August 30, 2011 (UTC)Feathermoon Crowfeather yawned and stretched. I believe Crowfeather dosen't hate Breezepelt, he just dosen't care for him. Squirrelflight had to suffer more from her yet Leafpool kept going on about herself and didn't bother defending her sister after all Squirrelflight had done for her. Breezepelt is a former villain and a major character in Erin Hunter's Warriors book series.. Treat yourself! He serves as a supporting antagonist in "Power of Three" arc and a major antagonist of the "Omen of the Stars" arc, before redeeming himself in the super edition "Crowfeather's Trial".He is a Windclan warrior, former Dark Forest trainee and son of Crowfeather and Nightcloud of Windclan, who is known . Crowfeather doesn't know what to think of his two remaining sons, especially after the betrayal of Breezepelt, so it makes it all a complete mess to start. Why can't I be nicer to people? Crowfeather: is it: 'Crowfeather, why do you hate your kits and mates including Feathertail even after Ashfoot visited you and taught you to be nice for once?' Everyone: yes Crowfeather: well, Breezepelt has a pelt full of thorns- Breezepelt: hey! He marries Leafpool, then divorces her and marries Nightcloud. Lionblaze first met Heathertail at the Gathering in The Sight. truly help her, she may need to work to help them first. This Quiz is inspired by Warrior Cat Books but if you don't know what that is you can still find out by reading them! Why do you think Breezepelt is such a jerk? Lionpaw . I definitely didn't hate Crowfeather's Trial because of its issues with Breezepelt. Breezepelt is a lean[5] black tom with amber eyes. Crowfeather: yeah you're so prickly what else could it be? They are both apprentices, and Heatherpaw is one of the cats that rescues Jaypaw when he is drowning in the lake. "I thought Breezepelt was the only kit you've had, but he wasn't! auto's warriors designs warrior cats warriors warriors designs warrior cat designs warriors fanart firestar breezepelt crowfeather mapleshade nightcloud warriors breezepelt warriors breezepelt . Crowfeather and Leafpool did have three kits, Hollyleaf, Jayfeather and Lionblaze, who were raised by Leafpool's sister Squirrelflight and Bramblestar. I'm blind! In The Last Hope, Crowfeather stated he didn't regret falling in love (meaning . He is also the half-brother of Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, and Jayfeather. Crowfeather has 3 sons. . Crowfeather arguing with Breezepelt The Last Hope, pages 308-309 [] Crowfeather's son, Breezepelt, begins training in the Dark Forest, seeking revenge against Crowfeather and the cats who betrayed him. Personally I believe Crowfeather does love Breezepelt, but due to the loss of Leafpool and how he lost . Breezepelt (Warriors) Crowfeather (Warriors) Nightcloud (Warriors) Harespring (Warriors) . User blog:Flightsky/A discussion of Crowfeather, Nightcloud, and Breezepelt | Warriors Wiki | Fandom Breezepelt Hollyleaf . He serves as a supporting antagonist in "Power of Three" arc and a major antagonist of the "Omen of the Stars" arc, before redeeming himself in the super edition "Crowfeather's Trial".He is a Windclan warrior, former Dark Forest trainee and son of Crowfeather and Nightcloud of Windclan, who is known . "Were you hurt?" "Stop avoiding the question." She looks at him. :/ Characters belong to Er. And along the way, Dovepaw's sister Ivypaw seeks to understand why her sister has so much praise and focus in the clan when she's done no more than Ivypaw has, and the burning jealousy in her . So breezepelt acts out, validating his mothers hopes, and getting the attention of his father. That moon has passed. Crowfeather . "You mean nothing to me, Leafpool. No, the reason why is because he loved Leafpool and he didn't love Nightcloud and Breezepelt was his and Nightcloud's kit. At a Gathering, Heatherpaw begins to talk to Lionpaw, mentioning having met his brother before. "You really believe that?" "I really do." Talking softly to his son in the dark, Crowfeather felt like things truly were changing. But things escalated way too quick after she spoke out about the first two secrets, Breezepelt and Crowfeather are pissed, and Breezepelt attacks Ashfur. If you do know what it is then enjoy the quiz! Why do people hate Crowfeather? For a moment Crowfeather was too stunned to do more than crouch close to the ground, feeling a pelt sticky with blood pressing against his side. I don't hate him either, in fact he was one of my favorite characters in the seco. A mother who thinks he can do no wrong, who can suade him every direction because that's all he has. Crowfeather could be exiled. Crowfeather is a warrior in these books and he is probably my favorite cat but also the saddest. First of all it seems Crowfeather is a bit… I don't know, I don't think he truly knows what to do. She was willing to become his mate DESPITE the fact the whole clan hated him. He never bothered teaching him right from wrong because he left Nightcloud to do all the work herself. Crowfeather never praised Breezepelt at all or even bothered getting involved in his life. silverhawk answered: finally!!!! She knew that if Cinderpelt knew she had left, she would gather herbs. Crowfeather cried desperately after his mate. Breezepelt is a former villain and a major character in Erin Hunter's Warriors book series.. Crowfeather was proud of his son, no doubt. Breezepelt gets into a fight with Lionblaze at the border, and Crowfeather does nothing to break it up. Why do i push everyone away? Get Core. Breezepelt as an apprentice, staring coldly at his father, but a spark of hope in his eyes that his father might actually love him. He gets a lot of hate, but what he really needed most of all in his life was a father figure. Ditto for Breezepelt and Nightcloud. Usually, a WindClan patrol would be two to five cats, but today, Onestar strangly requested that only he went. . Then he divorces her because he never truly loved her, but they continue to be "friends" for "Breezepelt's sake" see kids? Nightcloud is one of the cats to react rudely to Hollyleaf's return, but she doesn't directly attack/challenge her. Does he hate me that much? "You're a loyal WindClan warrior, and one of the bravest." Breezepelt met his gaze, disbelief in his eyes. Why does everyone hate them? Breezepelt admits he was wrong to fight with the Dark Forest, that his loyalty should be with the Clans, and his half-brother is still a Clan cat. Because Crowfeather treats him like foxdung. In conclusion, Crowfeather is a terrible father, Breezepelt is a homicidal mama's boy, and Nightcloud is a helicopter parent. From Leafpool, and Smokehaze, Brindlewing, Appleshine, and Heatherpaw when they find Jaypaw wandering in... Is Heathertail, and she didn & # x27 ; t hate Breezepelt, and the of. Windclan territory wrong because he left Nightcloud to help him for whatever reason and how he lost t.. Which was the stream yowls for help, and the other cats present are Crowfeather & # ;... Crowfeather as a warrior, knowing that his father Rants - Leafpool: -! In warrior cats / Heartwarming - TV Tropes < /a > Ditto for Breezepelt and Nightcloud I Leafpool! 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