pssap birthday rule

pssap birthday rule


Payment of benefits to a PSSAP member who has ceased to be an ordinary employer-sponsored member. means the superannuation scheme established by the Trust Deed, as amended from time to time, referred to in section 4 of the 1990 Act. The PSSAP Fund shall be managed and invested by CSC in accordance with the Act and the Deed. In situations where a child is covered by different health plans due to each parent having a separate policy, insurers use the birthday rule to decide which parents policy is primary and which parents policy is secondary. means the day on which a regular salary payment is made by a designated employer to an ordinary employer-sponsored member and, in the case of an ordinary employer-sponsored member who: (a) is referred to in Rule 2.2.2(b); and. (c) an assignment to an amount of remuneration under subsection 14(3) of the Remuneration Tribunal Act1973 for a Secretary of a Department appointed under the Public Service Act 1999. means a written application to CSC requesting CSC to roll-over or transfer benefits from the PSSAP to a superannuation entity, an RSA or a life insurance company. Income protection insurance provides a monthly income stream, paid in arrears. The birthday rule does not apply to step-parents or children who live in a blended family. 4.3.3 The basic income protection cover of an ordinary employer-sponsored member ceases on the earliest of: (a) the day, or a day after the day, that the ordinary employer-sponsored member ceases to be an ordinary employer-sponsored member, that is specified in the basic income protection cover policy for the purpose of this paragraph; (b) the date the ordinary employer-sponsored member notifies CSC that they no longer wish to have basic income protection cover; (d) where, under Rule 4.3.6, a premium payable for basic income protection cover has not been paid on the day on which the premium became payable and the terms of the basic income protection cover policy provide for cover to end when premiums cease, the day after the day on which the cover ends due to non-payment of premiums; and. Maternity Care Coverage. Social Security follows English common law that finds that a person attains an age on the day before the . He has researched and written about personal finance since 2012, with a special focus on entrepreneurship, freelancing and other small business operations. PSSap has received the highest SuperRatings Platinum Performance award for strong investment performance for 16 years straight. This is especially true if both plans are heavily subsidized by an employer. Your birthday comes sooner in the calendar year than theirs your health plan would be considered primary and your spouses would be secondary. 2.2.9 Within one month of the end of each quarter, each designated employer must, in respect of an ordinary employer-sponsored member to whom Rule 2.2.2(b) applies or has applied at any time during the quarter, inform the member and CSC in writing of the total amount of basic employer contributions and additional employer contributions paid to the PSSAP Fund in the quarter expressed: (b) as a percentage of the ordinary time earnings of the ordinary employer-sponsored member for the quarter. 6.1.3 Where CSC has referred a decision in relation to PSSAP to a Reconsideration Advisory Committee, CSC is to provide the Committee with all relevant evidence and information. 4.3.6 Where a premium payable for basic income protection cover is more than the amount in the personal accumulation account of the ordinary employer-sponsored member, Rule 4.3.5 shall not apply. You can also change insurance carriers. It turned out that the husband was born two weeks before his wife, making his insurance primary. They dont want you, or a hospital, pocketing extra money. 3.1.15 Subject to the SIS Act, if CSC receives a roll-over application from a PSSAP member under Rule 3.1.13(a), CSC, where required by the SIS Act, must, and, where not so required, may roll-over or transfer so much of the persons total benefit as is requested in the roll-over application to a superannuation entity, RSA or life insurance company. In that case, you may want to drop your plan and get added to your spouses plan. (b) the PSSAP member is entitled to the payment of a benefit under the Rules. AU BNF1 Form Versions. Then the secondary insurer steps in and picks up some or all of the remaining out-of-pocket costs that the primary insurance didnt pay (i.e., the deductible, copay, or coinsurance, or costs for specific services that arent covered under the primary plan but that are covered under the secondary plan). also means the day that the ordinary employer-sponsored member would otherwise have received a salary payment from the designated employer. Nick Blackmer is a librarian, fact-checker, and researcher with more than 20 years experience in consumer-oriented health and wellness content. Your prenatal services are covered. (c) a member spouse in relation to the interest has the same rights in relation to reduction of benefits connected with the interest as the member spouse would have in relation to such reduction if Part 7A of the SIS Regulations applied in relation to the interest. By Louise Norris CSC must provide the responses to the questions in paragraphs (a) and (b) from the life insurance company to the ordinary employer-sponsored member. THIS DEED, to be known as the Superannuation (PSSAP) Trust Deed, is made on 29 June 2005 by the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA. Carrying two health insurance policies costs more in terms of premiums, deductibles and out-of-pocket costs. The "Birthday Rule" places primary responsibility for children based on whom, you or your spouse, was born earliest in the year. 6.3.6 The decision of CSC or the Reconsideration Advisory Committee under Rule6.3.5 must be notified to the person requesting reconsideration of the original decision. Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. The APS Remuneration Survey (the Survey) is the source of data for the APS Remuneration Report (the Report), an annual snapshot of remuneration across the Australian Public Service. (See RS 00201.001C.) ICP provides the petroleum and petrochemical industries with an independent and unbiased way to evaluate the knowledge and experience of technical and inspection personnel. The rule itself is not a law, but most insurance companies follow the birthday rule, and nearly every state has adopted the birthday rule as a common insurance practice to encourage its use. How does primary and secondary insurance work? The intent of the birthday rule is to prevent the double billing and overpayment of claims while ensuring that the child with dual coverage receives coordinated and complementary care from the two payers. 3.4.5 Nothing in this Deed requires CSC to pay income protection benefits where: (a) an ordinary employer-sponsored member does not hold income protection cover; or. Insurers use the birthday rule to coordinate a childs benefits. (v) a period of leave of absence for the purposes of engaging in other approved employment. Prepared by the Office of Legislative Drafting and Publishing. You can add extra money to your superby making before-tax and after-tax contributions, or by transferring in money from other super funds to help grow your savings. birthday rule: A method of determining which parent's medical coverage will be primary for dependent children CSC may initiate a reconsideration of a decision. To ensure that CSC is keeping customers at the centre of our approach to the design and distribution of our products, a Target Market Determination (TMD)has been made for ADF Super, PSSap and CSCri. DHS and ATO, for example, pay based on ordinary time earnings. Insurance Law 3221(k)(5)(A)(i) and 4303(c)(1)(A), which require every policy that provides hospital, surgical or medical coverage, to also provide maternity care coverage, are relevant to the inquiry . The Process Safety Site Assessment Program (PSSAP) will be implemented and managed by the API Global Industry Services (GIS) Department. Prior to that the special enrollment period was only 30 days long. An early voluntary retirement benefit is payable between the ages of 55 and 60, and a normal retirement benefit is payable on retirement after reaching 60. \n","padding":"double"}. The birthday rule does not affect all members of PSSAP. (b) a transitional member who is applying for an amount of benefits to be cashed as an income product, which may be a transition to retirement income stream, a non-commutable allocated annuity, a non-commutable allocated pension, a non-commutable annuity or a non-commutable pension. How do I sign up for Medicare when I turn 65? 5.2.2 In determining the amount referred to in Rule 5.2.1 CSC must have regard to: (a) the charges, costs and expenses incurred in the investment of amounts in all personal accumulation accounts; and. Source: I work in HR for one of these gov orgs that pays > 9.5% for those in PSSAP. 2.3.4 Eligible spouse contributions may be made on behalf of an ordinary employer-sponsored member at any time and in any amount: Method of payment of employee contributions and eligible spouse contributions. What Is a Health Reimbursement Arrangement? (b) thereafter and on the same day reduce to zero the value of the non-member spouse interest account and then close the non-member spouse interest account. Under Divisions 6.4 and 6.5 of the SIS Regulations, a member of a regulated superannuation fund may, in writing, ask the trustee of the fund to roll over or transfer an amount that is the whole or part of the members withdrawal benefit, and the trustee of the fund must roll over or transfer, as permitted by SIS, the amount in accordance with the request. PSSap MySuper Balanced: 1 Year: 18.75%. (e) the date the insurer ceases to provide supplementary death and invalidity cover in respect of the ordinary employer-sponsored member. If youre expecting a new baby or have a pending adoption and both parents have their own health coverage, its important to understand how the coordination of benefits will work. But that plan does not have to (and generally won't) extend coverage to the dependent of a dependent. 6.1.1 CSC will establish one or more Reconsideration Advisory Committees comprising people with such qualifications as CSC determines and may refer a decision of CSC, or of a delegate of CSC, to be considered by a Reconsideration Advisory Committee. After the first 260 CDDs, if your contribution rate is more than 5%, your ABM accrues at a higher rate. 2.4.1A Subject to the SIS Act, a PSSAP member may transfer or roll-over an amount payable in respect of the person under the Superannuation (Government Cocontribution for Low Income Earners) Act 2003 to CSC as a transfer amount where the amount, in total or part, relates to a period where the person was an ordinary employer-sponsored member, provided the method of payment complies with Rule2.4.2. The birthday rule often determines which insurance policy is primary and which is secondary for infants covered by both parents policies. Note:The PSSAP is subject to provisions relating to financial management of funds (including solvency and winding up of accumulation funds) set out at Part 9 of the SIS Regulations. Payment of benefits to a legal personal representative where member not deceased. Under the birthday rule, the health plan of the parent whose birthday comes first in the calendar year is designated as the primary plan. The site does not review or include all companies or all available products. Disclaimer: The advertisers appearing on this website are clients from which QuinStreet receives compensation (Sponsors). Payment of benefits to ordinary employer-sponsored members. In these cases, parents may want to retain the childs coverage for the more generous policy while dropping the other, less comprehensive policy. The situation eventually got resolved, with the mothers insurance picking up the tab for the bills the fathers plan didnt pay. For example, Rule 2.3.1 is the first Rule in Division 3 of Part 2 of the Rules. Inquiries regarding having your site assessed as a part of this program can be made So although you might be covered under a parents health plan, your childtheir grandchildlikely cannot be added to the policy. (c) if the delegate is a person referred to in paragraph 8.1(c), (d), (e) or (f) to: (i) another person referred to in the same paragraph; or. A basic income protection cover policy is to be on the terms and conditions, including the circumstances, agreed between CSC and the relevant life insurance company but subject to the requirements of the SIS Act. means an ordinary employer-sponsored member who has attained their preservation age. Part 4 of the Act sets out the situations in which a PSSAP member is an ordinary employer-sponsored member of PSSAP. WHEREAS section 10 of the Superannuation Act 2005 (in this Deed called the Act) provides that before 1 July 2005, the Minister must, for and on behalf of the Commonwealth, by deed: (a) establish a superannuation scheme that: (i) is to be known as the Public Sector Superannuation Accumulation Plan; (ii) may also be known as PSSAP; and, (iii) is for the benefit of persons who will be members of PSSAP; and, (b) establish and vest in the Australian Reward Investment Alliance (formerly known at the PSS Board) established under section 20 of the Superannuation Act 1990 (the Board), a fund for the purposes of the PSSAP; and. If your child can be covered under your health insurance plan as well as their other parent's health insurance plan, maintaining double coverage might be beneficial. Note:Regulation 7A.20 of the SIS Regulations governs the apportionment of the non-member spouse interest among unrestricted non-preserved benefits, restricted non-preserved benefits and preserved benefits. Insurers usually provide automatic coverage for a newborn for the first 30 days, and the parents are responsible for adding a newborn to their insurance immediately after the 30-day period. 3.1.13 A roll-over application may be made to CSC, in accordance with the SIS Act, by: (a) a PSSAP member other than in their capacity as a transitional member applying under paragraph (b); or. In this instance, youll want to compare the health plans and see whether it would make sense to drop your plan and add you and your newborn to your spouses health insurance. 4.8 Satisfied. Target Market Determination. She has extensive experience bringing brands to life and has built award-nominated campaigns for travel and tech. (b) in all other cases the amount that would have been the persons fortnightly contribution salary if they were a PSS member. 3.4.3 Subject to the SIS Act, any amount paid by a life insurance company in response to a claim against a policy providing income protection cover: (a) must be paid into the PSSAP Fund and paid from the PSSAP Fund to the ordinary employer-sponsored member as a non-commutable income stream; or. (a) Clause 1 of the Fourth Amending Trust Deed of 2009 provides as follows: (a) clause 3.1: immediately after Schedule 22 to the Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2009 commences; (b) clauses 3.2 to 3.9: immediately after Part 2-4 of the Fair Work Act 2009 commences. RULES FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR SUPERANNUATION ACCUMULATION PLAN (PSSAP) (THE RULES), Division 2 Words and phrases used in the Rules, Explanations of certain words and phrases, Division 2 Contributions by employers, Basic contributions by designated employers, Method of payment of employer contributions, Method of payment of employee contributions and eligible spouse contributions, Amounts that may be transferred or rolled-over into the PSSAP Fund, Payment of benefits to a PSSAP member who has ceased to be an ordinary employer-sponsored member, Payment of benefits to a PSSAP member on compassionate and financial hardship grounds, Payment of benefits to ordinary employer-sponsored members, Payment of benefits to a legal personal representative where member not deceased, Payment in accordance with a release authority, Applications for roll-over or transfer of benefits, Payment of benefits to eligible roll-over fund, Who is entitled to be paid death benefits, Application for approval of invalidity retirement, Division 4 Income protection benefits, Assessment of applications for income protection benefits, Division 5 Retirement income products, Division 1 Basic death and invalidity cover, Provision of basic death and invalidity cover, Basic death and invalidity cover premiums, Cessation of basic death and invalidity cover, Division 2 Supplementary death and invalidity cover, Applying for supplementary death and invalidity cover, Advice to CSC and ordinary employer-sponsored member, Variation of supplementary death and invalidity cover, Cessation of supplementary death and invalidity cover, Supplementary death and invalidity cover premiums, Division 3 Basic income protection cover, Provision of basic income protection cover, Cessation of basic income protection cover, Division 4 Supplementary income protection cover, Applying for supplementary income protection cover, Advice to CSC and ordinary employer-sponsored member, Variation of supplementary income protection cover, Cessation of supplementary income protection cover, Supplementary income protection cover premiums, Division 1 Personal accumulation account, CSC must keep personal accumulation accounts, Division 2 Crediting of fund earnings and debiting of fund losses, Crediting of earnings and debiting of expenses and losses, Application of the Superannuation Contributions Tax, CSC must redirect incorrectly paid amounts and correct the PSSAP Fund, CSC must redirect incorrectly paid amounts and correct personal accumulation accounts, CSC must return contributions that should not have been accepted, Division 1 Reconsideration Advisory Committees, Establishing Reconsideration Advisory Committees, CSC responsibilities to Reconsideration Advisory Committees, Recommendation by Reconsideration Advisory Committees, Division 2 Reconsidering delegates decisions, Decision to be notified to affected person, Division 3 Reconsidering CSC Decisions, Division 4 CSC initiated reconsiderations, CSC may initiate a reconsideration of a decision, Part 7 Family Law Superannuation Splitting, Division 1 CSC powers and duties: superannuation interests subject to payment split, Powers and duties of CSC: adoption of SIS Regulations, Division 2 CSC to establish a non-member spouse interest account where a non-member spouse interest is created, CSC to establish a non-member spouse interest account, CSC to consolidate non-member spouse interest account and personal accumulation account, Division 3 Rights and restrictions applying to a non-member spouse interest, CSC may determine terms and conditions for non member spouse interest, CSC may offer non-member spouse choice of investment strategy, CSC may not take out insurance policy for non-member spouse, Employee contributions not able to be credited to non-member spouse interest account. 6.2.3 Where CSC accepts a request to reconsider a decision of a delegate of CSC in relation to PSSAP, CSC must: (a) if CSC has delegated to a Reconsideration Advisory Committee CSCs power to determine the matter, refer the request to the Committee for review and to exercise that power and in that event the Committee must review the decision and determine the matter in accordance with the delegated power by: (i) affirming the decision under review; (iii) substituting another decision; or, (iv) setting the decision aside; or. 1. But having dual coverage may result in medical cost savings in the long term if the two insurance companies complement each other and provide comprehensive coverage, mitigating expenses for illnesses, for example, and other types of expensive care. In most divorce settlements, one parent is responsible for providing insurance coverage, and that parents policy provides primary coverage, superseding the birthday rule. The internal review mechanisms available to have a decision of CSC or its delegate reconsidered in relation to PSSAP. PART 7 FAMILY LAW SUPERANNUATION SPLITTING, CSC powers and duties: superannuation interests subject to payment split, Powers and duties of CSC: adoption of SIS Regulations. Covered through a parents plan? With certain exceptions, primary coverage is provided by the plan of the parent whose birthday (month and day) comes first in the calendar year. 4.4.6 The ordinary employer-sponsored member may vary the amount of supplementary income protection cover at any time before the cover ceases to be applicable, provided the relevant life insurance company is prepared to provide the varied cover. The amount of the employer contribution shortfall to be notified is the amount, expressed in dollars and cents, by which the reported amount falls short of 9% of the ordinary time earnings of the ordinary employer-sponsored member. Before acting on any such general advice, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. I'm pretty sure this doesn't apply to the PSSap, or if it does then it must be EBA specific. Then, on your birthday, your 'salary for superannuation purposes' is adjusted to reflect your current actual salary. If coverage for both plans started on the same day, the birthday rule applies. After the newborn came home safely, the couple was surprised to get hit by a $200,000 bill for the NICU stay. What Is Minimum Essential Coverage, and Why Does It Matter? R. 2.2.4. R. 2.2.5. R. 2.2.6. R. 2.2.7. R. 2.2.9. R. 2.2.10.. R. 2.3.1. R. 2.3.4. R. 2.3.5. R. 2.3.6. R. 2.4.1. R. 2.4.2. R. 2.4.3. R. 3.1.1. R. 3.1.2. R. 3.1.3. R. 3.1.4. R. 3.1.5. R. 3.1.6. R. 3.1.7. R. 3.1.8. R. 3.1.9. R. 3.1.10.. R. 3.1.11.. R. 3.1.13.. R. 3.1.14.. R. 3.1.15.. R. 3.1.16.. R. 3.1.17.. R. 3.1.18.. R. 3.1.20.. R. 3.2.1. R. 3.2.2. R. 3.2.3. R. 3.3.1. .. R. 3.3.3. R. 3.3.4. R. 3.3.5. R. 3.4.1. R. 3.4.2. R. 3.4.5. R. 3.5.1. R. 3.5.2. R. 4.1.1. R. 4.1.3. R. 4.1.4. R. 4.1.5. R. 4.1.6. R. 4.2.1. R. 4.2.2. R. 4.2.3. R. 4.2.5. R. 4.2.7. R. 4.2.8. R. 4.2.9. R. 4.2.10.. R. 4.2.11.. R. 4.3.1. R. 4.3.2. R. 4.3.3. R. 4.3.4. R. 4.3.5. R. 4.4.1. R. 4.4.2. R. 4.4.3. R. 4.4.5. R. 4.4.7. R. 4.4.8. R. 4.4.9. R. 5.1.1. R. 5.1.2. R. 5.1.5. R. 5.1.6. R. 5.2.1. R. 5.2.2. R. 5.3.1. R. 5.4.1. R. 5.4.2. R. 5.4.3. R. 5.5.1. R. 5.5.2. R. 5.5.3. R. 6.1.1. R. 6.1.2. R. 6.1.3. R. 6.1.4. R. 6.2.1. R. 6.2.2. R. 6.2.3. R. 6.2.4. R. 6.3.1. R. 6.3.2. R. 6.3.3. R. 6.3.4. R. 6.3.5. R. 6.3.6. R. 6.4.1. R. 7.1.1. R. 7.2.1. R. 7.2.2. R. 7.3.1. R. 7.3.4. R. 7.3.5. R. 7.3.6. R. 7.3.7. R. 7.3.8. Table A Application, saving or transitional provisions, 5 Application of Amendments transfer of Government Co-contributions. 12 were here. A designated employer is required to pay contributions only in respect of ordinary employer-sponsored members. Subclauses 5.4 and 5.5 deleted in the 5th amending deed. CSC must return contributions that should not have been accepted. Understanding Health Insurance Changes for 2023, What You Should Know About the Affordable Care Act. 4.3.4 All premiums for basic income protection cover are to be paid by CSC from the PSSAP Fund. The birthday rule is especially important when the newborn experiences medical complications, and it becomes necessary to determine primary and secondary payers. Thats why its vital to ensure you go to providers in both plans networks. Assessment of applications for income protection benefits. To request additional information, begin by submitting the form linked below. Postal Address. In some situations, its clear which insurance is primary and which is secondary: The birthday rule applies when a child is covered under both parents health plans. 2.2 There is hereby established from 1July2005, and vested in CSC (formerly referred to as the Board), a fund for the purposes of PSSAP (to be known as the PSSAP Fund). Editorial Note: The content of this article is based on the authors opinions and recommendations alone. 3.1.19 If no benefit application or roll-over application is received upon a PSSAP member ceasing to be an ordinary employer-sponsored member and Rule 3.1.20 does not apply, the total benefit is retained in the personal accumulation account of the PSSAP member. The birthday day rule is not a law instead, it is a guideline for how health insurers coordinate with each other. As a government employee, your employer contributes at least 15.4% of your super salary into your. (b) engage in any hazardous occupation or pursuit. It does not apply to a child or children covered under a single insurance plan. This compensation may impact how and where offers appear on this site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). If you are interested in applying to become a PSSAP Assessor, please contact us at Employer health benefits: 2020 annual survey. The day of the month on which a person is born affects both when he/she can be entitled as well as the amount of the benefit. 3.3.5 CSC must advise its decision under Rule 3.3.3 to the ordinary employer-sponsored member and the designated employer of the ordinary employer-sponsored member. 4.1.5 All premiums for basic death and invalidity cover are to be paid by CSC from the PSSAP Fund. SSAP means a sporting sanctions appeal panel to be appointed to determine an appeal against a deduction of points under Rule 13.. SAP means the SAP entity that has entered into this Agreement, as well its Affiliates.. USAP shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.13.. UMDAP means the SDHCS's Uniform Method of Determining Ability to Pay (included as part of County's . may provide that, when a splitting agreement or splitting order is received by CSC in respect of a superannuation interest under the Act; may include any other provision that is related to, or consequential on, provisions referred to in paragraph (a) concerning a splitting agreement or splitting order; Minister of State for Finance and Administration; onwealth Ministers administer Departments which have functions in relation to the administration of matters to which the Deed relates, the Minister who administers the Department which has the function in relation to each of those matters; or, 1.5 In this Deed, APS employee has the same meaning as in the, Subclauses 1.3, 1.6 and 1.8 deleted in the 5, (a) in relation to the period from 1 July 2005 to immediately before the commencement of the, (b) in relation to the period immediately following the commencement of the, (h) establish a Reconsideration Advisory Committee or Committees to examine and report on decisions of CSC and its delegates under the Rules relating to e, ntitlements to benefits of PSSAP members and non-member spouses entitled to benefits, (m) charge reasonable fees in relation to the administration of the PSSAP Fund, including arrangements connected with PSSAP members and non-member spouses choosing particular investment strategies and arrangements connected with splitting of superannuation interests under the, 3.3 In exercising its functions and powers, CSC shall comply with the requirements of the, 8.4 Section 34AA and paragraphs 34AB(a), (b) and (d) of the, 8.5 Section 34A and paragraphs 34AB(c) and (d) of the, RULES FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR, Division 2 Crediting of fund earnings and debiting, Division 2 CSC to establish a non-member spouse, Division 3 Rights and restrictions applying to a, These Rules are divided into 7 Parts, each dealing with a major aspect of the operation of, How you become a member of PSSAP. The following is the list of the process safety areas that are assessed by the use of each protocol*: Note: The Process Safety Site Assessments ARE NOT intended to be compliance audits (with the exception of the HF alkylation/API RP 751 protocol). means a written application to CSC requesting CSC to pay a benefit under these Rules. Review my Super Ranking. 3 Year: 7.87%. (b) if, under Rule 5.4.1, a PSSAP member may choose between two or more investment strategies the investment strategies chosen by the PSSAP member for their personal accumulation account. 4.4.9 All premiums for supplementary income protection cover are to be paid by CSC from the PSSAP Fund. A little-known regulation called the birthday rule plays a predominant role in determining which health insurance plan provides primary coverage and which furnishes secondary coverage when children are covered by both parents insurance policies. Basic death and invalidity cover is to be on the terms and conditions, including the circumstances, agreed between CSC and the relevant life insurance company or companies. When theres a medical claim, the primary insurance pays first, paying benefits as if its the persons only insurance. They appear throughout the Rules in, means an Agency within the meaning of the, means an AWA within the meaning of clause 1 of Schedule 7A to the, means insurance coverage provided in respect of an, means insurance cover provided in respect of an, means a notice in such form and manner as, means any period during which a person is absent full-time from his/her employment due to an incapacity for work resulting from an injury in respect of which compensation is payable under section 19 or 22 of the, (short for Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation), means the superannuation scheme established by the, for the purposes of reconsidering decisions of, means a enterprise agreement within the meaning of section 12 of the, means any amounts payable in respect of an, means the termination of the employment of an, in relation to a superannuation interest in the. A salary payment from the designated employer is required to pay a under! 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