nickel allergy vaping

nickel allergy vaping


Around 4 months ago I started to get chest pains and generally feeling unwell. I felt increasingly depressed about my appearance, but I also started to get very irritable and quite manic. I was at a resturant a few nights ago and started feeling really strange I had face tingling and felt like I was having an allergic reaction. My lungs were always congested. Sometimes the swelling is so bad that i cant leave my house. For example, the metal nickel appears in some alloys, causing some to speculate that there could be a danger of ingesting the metal if the high heat impacts the steel in a . I quit vaping completely for a year or more and then tired it again and the bugs are back. Following contact with the allergen, it can take 24 to 72 hours before the . I seriously just zone out because of all pain my body is in.. Best of luck to you hope you feel better soon. So he knows his stuff, Im on steroids, antibiotics because I have a illness that lowers my immune system. Bad taste and foul breath have returned and I sometimes cough up mucus and stuff that looks like tonsil stones. Be sure to update with your results! I stopped smoking for 13 years (and started again 15 years ago) and remember the symptoms well. I started using e cigs in March . With the amount of vapor being produced by some methods, you are inhaling 10 times the amount once thought safe. I recently ordered a 100% PG-free ejuice to see how that works. Vape Hero you are right on track with your comments it has made him a down right rotter!! It's a allergic reaction to the Chrome and Nickel used in chrome plating the Tank systems. The Sandbox. Its pretty damn miserable Im only 28, but feel 80. ps im not a dr. I was all pro vaping to until.I got really really sick. I wondered if this is what it was from? They found a significantly higher level of these metals in the vapour than in the eliquid, and concluded that something inside the vaping devices was leaching metal into the eliquid either while . I just cut ecig as of now. My lips seriously have tripled in size! I wont try that again. But I was almost certain that my condition had to do with vaping because I did not have any of the above symptoms before using the e-cig. I do like that it only took two days of using the eCig to quit smoking. I sometimes have a tendency to chain vape, Ill kill a 5ml 12mg nic.tank Of ejuice in just a day, when Im in that sort of mood, not always the case, though itd be on days Im up all night, and itt takr me at least past 12 hours to get even get close to vaping that entire 5ml tank down, Ive vaped heavy PG juices exclusively for months, around 80% PG, and now I vape mostly 80% VG, but not for any health reasons or problems, mostly because I like that VG is smoother, and creates more Vapor. Make sure theyre quality liquids from American vendors who only use quality, American ingredients. Your email address will not be published. The doc didnt know what it was, but he sent me for a blood test to see if I was having a reaction to something. This content does not have an English version. Anyway, tonsil stones have disappeared (duh, they had to without there being tonsils) but the ucky stuff just seems to build up deeper in my throat now. Its way easier to quit vaping than I must admit. Anyway, swallowing problems, mucus buildup in throat, chest problem like heartburn feelings. Switch from propylene glycol to vegetable glycerin, lower the nicotine content, change e-liquid brand, do whatever it takes and youre bound to find what works for you at some point, but going back to smoking tobacco is the worst thing you can do. Signs and symptoms include an itchy rash with redness, swelling, scaling and possibly a crusty appearance. I think Medicaid cover close to 45000 in hospital bills. But all of a sudden now I got woken up at three in the morning and I spit up is causing me to do this because of me starting to smoke electric cigarette because if it is Im going to stop immediately. Could the vapor be putting in unwanted bad Bactria ? We decided to use e-cigs instead about 4 months ago. Im just going to quit it, maybe its for the best. I will post follow-up after going to the VG only juice. Seeing these posts has me convinced but I know she wont accept it because its already been discussed within the family thats what it is and she thinks its bull. Went to er , went to ent, went to eye dr for sharp pain in my eye .. Never occurred to me it was the vaping. As far as throat and mouth irritation, i only experience those symptoms when i use an atomizer for 2 long. I started using the refillable kind in place of chewing tobacco just as a way to get my fix. It seems that the additives (flavors) are not regulated and seem more dangerous than nicotine, I am experiencing sores on the corner of my whenever I vape tried different flavers but with no nicotine, i cough if I vape with. American Academy of Dermatology. It seems physical reactions are an elephant in the room that people seem to want to ignore I think because the symptoms are quite varied. Just a thought. 1st: The irritation that has been crawling over my skin from head to toe (and inside an orifice or two,) is due to Vaping. Thanks. Ive been smoking and Ecig for 6 months now. The person then inhales the resulting aerosol or vapor (called vaping . I went to the Doctor who diagnosed Hives and prescribed steroids and antihistamine. mild chest rash. Has anyone experienced similar problems. Additional information: Notice excessive burning in back of throat after eating something, and then vaping. The vaping co-workers eyes are always red and waterythis isnt a good sign. I love vaping but as Alex above says the nicotine, even in the lower mixes, is in fact STUPID high. However, if these treatments don't help, call your doctor. I have found that taking allergy pills and using Gold Bond medicated lotion helps to decrease these symptoms. Everyone knows the tobacco companies are adding more to keep people addicted. Will update on VG progress soon. My breathing also get really bad over the nearly ~3 years of usage of e-cigs. By the way, which department in Marlboro do you work for? I feel foggy thorough the day and can barely think. Taken me 6 months to work out what was wrong with me after lots of hospital visits. I have been going on and off on e-cig and every time I quick e-cig and back to smoking my stuffy nose condition improved so I know they are related. I stop and 20 minutes later was back to normal. 1. ellebread 1 yr. ago. Be sure that your earring backings also are made of hypoallergenic materials. So I experimented with many others. Ive tried juice from 2 different suppliers. I ordered from a Canadian sell gentlemens reserve british columbia and for about a year I had no problems. BUT, Ive never had any problems with my skin, EVER. What was your wattage? I have been so pro ecig for the past few years but now that I have had these symptoms and even though I have stopped VAPING for 3 days now, the symptoms are still there. I can take a long soak in a bed of poison ivy and be perfectly fine. Chronic Sinus Infections. If it stops these God damn ulcers tho its my only option. Anxiety generalized I quit smoking in Feb of 2012 and switched to ecigs. So many things that touch our skin can irritate it or cause an allergic reaction, leading to an itchy and sometimes painful rash. Allergies develop after prolonged exposure causes the immune system to misfire. My skin is turning red and I am itching all over. I have just got some serious tooth/gum/jaw issues. Im literally a blizzard of dead skin. Is that what you want people do to? been Vaping 3 years now and if I started with Tanks with the chrome plating I would have thought it was a eliquid allergy. Red somewhere that the PG in e-liquid causes these triggerpoints. Now reading this I am convinced it is the e-cig. Its turned me into a downright rottereveryday I wake up and smoke my vape and just shit the bed doing nothing. Have tried reducing nicotine? Have you ever heard of someones lips feeling sunburned and dry and swollen and painfull I cant take it but it seems to bee since I quit smoking cigarettes and started using magic puff menthol.I think its the pg. I havent vaped in 3 days and Im feeling better- I want to smoke so bad sometimes , it really sucks. I had given up smoking several times and had bad withdrawal symptoms. Are you sure it was from the P.G. Once your body has developed a reaction to a particular agent (allergen) in this case, nickel your immune system will always be sensitive to it. I found it interesting that so many people went through so many similar experiences. If you quit two months ago and stil are going through health issues, the vaping is NOT the problem. And the tons of bad advice on here is rediculous like go back to smoking analogs its safer Really!. Vaporhead. These symptoms can persist for days. I have had same exact symtoms and scroured the net for a while before I found this place I thought I was completely alone everyone and the doctors just thought I was full of shit I have lost relationships over this while in extreme pain. Shortness of breath, and that is worse than when I smoked the real thing.. Vaping by adolescents and young adults is a legitimate concern as there is a risk that some may start smoking and that electronic cigarette (EC) use may have adverse effects in the developing lungs of adolescents. Then about after 7 months, the red bumps appeared mostly on my temples, but also behind my ears right at the hairline. Feels like burning itchy prickly like fiberglass in skin. I have been vaping tsunami brand e cig with 12mg juice for about 5 months now and it was going great untill the last 2 weeks every time I use it now I get red blisters on th back of my throat and have pain in my ears. Symptoms and Triggers. Wristwatches, vaping accessories ; Laptops, cellphones and tablets ; Door knobs, keys . I drink a lot of water seems to help. Def from vaping in my opinion. It holds the nicotine and flavor in suspension so your e-cigarette can produce those thick plumes of smoke-like vapor, but its also a known irritant and can cause a number of allergic reactions. It also dries my face, my eyes. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: verify here. Liquid nicotine is poisonous. Your comment sounds about as prepackaged as they come. Will investigate further. I told him the reactions started at the same time as I started vaping and he didnt think that would be the problem. I suspect this is an issue with the device. Ive been using an e-cig, on and off, for about 4 months. I just Started smoking electric cigarettes and two weeks. Vaping is not safe by any means and should be more heavily regulated as it is far from SAFE!. I have copd to and have found with the ecig i can breath loads better(It did take a little while tho), i am experiecing a burning of my skin all over my body.i have stopped a couple of days but when I test again. Now Im not sure when it really started but Ive never felt that flippin sick in my life! I have been ill for 2 months.really illas if I have a very bad cold that never goes away..burning nose..bad chest , cough..burning throat..have been to see a specialistdoesnt know why ! Quit smoking 1 month ago and started using an e-cig. Hello Jan, your comment drew my attention. The itching on my legs never ceases. Hyper-sensitive people react to lower amounts of nickel released than is typical for the nickel-allergic population as a whole. In mild cases, they range from a sore throat tosinus problems, headaches, and even feelings of nausea, while in extreme cases PG can cause numbness of the face and tongue and itchy hives on the upper body. Extracts? The doctor gave me a cream which didnt help. So I must be allergic to both VG and PG. I think I am now addicted to this ecig Guess I will try the patch. I have been hive and rash free taking nothing , but my magnesium! Your body tries to be hyper aware, in the indtance of mearly thinking something miht be wrong, its our bodys way of getting our attention just in case something really bad has happened, such as toutching poison oak. Thought I was doing great..2 months no normal cigs! I am hoping that someone with the same condition as me had found a brand / e-juice mix that can completely get rid of the mucus and breathing problem. Im convinced its prolonged contact of a small concentrated area/particle on my skin where the air isnt naturally drying it up. I havent felt my heart racingracing like that when using my eCig. Now they are on both sides and my face is breaking out as well. We will see what happens. A feeling of something beeing extremely wrong. Iv also come out in red patches on skin if any one has the same please let me know! . I was an avid pro vaping advocate that bragged about how great vaping was~ that was hind sight. Vaping is when you use a handheld device to breathe in a mist ("vapor"). let me know if this help!! I have the red nose irritated throat upper lip burning throat hurting, went to dermatologist he sais its the PG, and that if the flavoring isnt organic theres a great chance its extracted using PG or Acatone, it will still say organic. People who feel that they're allergic to cigarette smoke describe a number of common symptoms, including: difficulty breathing. Also, barely able to sleep. the burning starts immediately. I have been vaping now for 5 weeks last weekend was a red flushed face after showing, a few days later I had red patches on both sides of my neck which travelled down to chest (whole chest red/flushed above nipples) and now the back of my neck / back of shoulders. I have just ordered 20/80 Pg/VG, and am hoping its the PG causing this, because I thoroughly enjoy vaping. I am still not convinced that 100% VG with organic flavor will let me enjoy the e-cig without smoking. He gave me amoxicilin, seroids etc for all my complaints. Its a real problemive lost my vigour and all I can do is vape and play vids. I am getting lesions in my nose. I thought I was vaping pure v.g but I was not.So I decided to make my own juice. I figured the old e cig had lots of Nikel and maybe I was allergic to that. No. MAYBE BY PEOPLE DOING THIS, WE CAN GET WHATEVER IT IS *OFF THE MARKET*. So we consumers are left with the most challenging task regulate our consumption of nicotine or quit because humans can leave without it for sure. Please try Velvet Cloud organic liquids or similar. As a consequence, the tiny vessels named capillaries are tightened so much that no blood flows through them, causing numbness and skin tingling. My mix is 70% P.G. The vapour in Ecigs, if held in the throat, is absorbed through the soft tissue at the back of the throat in volume. This is all unregulated, if I ever heal up it took weeks on all kinds of medication. I feel like I poisoned myself for over a month and it freaks me out. I then did a search and came across this article and comments from people with similar reactions to mine. Little is known about the effect of vaping on the immune system. Worst experience of quitting ever, I never want to vape again to me its a toxic poison that took away from my life, in all honesty I hope the shit gets banned I wont care Ill never touch the crap again. Accessed April 30, 2021. Today is day one without any nicotine and I cannot believe its taken this long to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! Could be since i have had a reaction to factory coolant, after heavy contact. Elsevier; 2020. When I first switched to e-cigs, I still smoked them like real cigs went outside and only smoked them periodically. Last night I caped for an hour or so and within 3 hours broke out in appalling itching. A few months later, Im pretty much back to normal. Laboratory rats . Are people using mostly box mods when this is happening? P.g is very bad for sensitive people. Nickel is an exceptionally common metal. Its only been a few days. I ended up getting TopBox Mini and Ruthless E-Juice and launched my sweet vaping career. but for now Id would rather have to change my hair style than to go through nicotine withdrawals. I changed all my beddings and got new mattress ($600), threw away half of my clothes and dry-cleaned the rest. Sick for almost two months, once I got the itch and rash I knew I was allergic to something. You dont need to go outside, no end like a cig, cheap, handy, tasty, satisfying, fun and so on. People who are thinking of taking up vaping should know their chances of getting sick from it! I tried just not useing it for 3 days and had no pain at all, but when I tried it again it came right back. Now I still have the edema, my face & arms burn with slight itching,and my eyes look like Im shooting lasers! Yes! I was vaping for about 2 years, some with an Ego mod and some with the cheap drugstore cig style, no reg. What exactly is the deal with allergies and using NI200 wire to build coils?I can get light skin rashes from nickel belt buckles, but I don't feel anything bad from vaping with nickel coils, in fact I prefer it for building.However maybe I'm not looking for the right symptoms, so here's question: what are the symptoms, when someone's allergic to nickel coils? You notice that you start to feel nauseous when you are handling the e juice and it gets on ur fingers? Have tried gargling with hydrogen peroxide and using CB12 mouthwash, but to no avail. I thought I finally kicked the smoking habit because I went straight to the e cig after having my LAST cigarette and never looked back. Visited numerous neurologistsENTsNo luck, even tried anxiety medicine on the off chance it would help. Maybe, when the heating elements are activated, they are releasing metal vapours which, when inhaled, are causing some, many, or most of these reactions. Steel? I have tried every style of vaping there is on the market and different blends of juice as well from diy to all the big vaping brands, but still have the same symptoms. let me know!! It seems to me it is the amount of nicotine that u are vaping. Well see what happens.. ill bookmark this page and update my post in a few months if things change, I have experienced the rash on palms of hands & inbeteen fingers also the knee quivering when Im going downstairs.. Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. Some do not do anything others I guess with certain ingredients caused a fulll blown anaphylactic shock. This has happened every few weeks for four months so I am being referred to an ent to check it out. This thread has made my mind up that it is definitely without a doubt that vaping is the cause. My entire body was red and I felt like I was ready to take a dirt nap. I was smoking 2-3 packs a day. Also, PG is listed as one of the #1 ingredients in all inhalers but Ive never seen anyone on an inhaler have a reaction like this. The dry lung feeling finally subsided after 6 weeks, but the feeling like I have a pill stuck in my throat still has not subsided. All these issues on e-cigarettes need addressing urgently. I dont know. for those who cant She examined my hands first as it was the only visible problem, she said I have eczema. Make a donation. Posted by: Vranks on July 10, 2013 Under: E-Cigarette Articles. Hope you get better soon! Few months later, I was going down the stairs and noticed my legs shaking only when I bend them. Not sure cant say one way or the other but Ive stopped using it and using lozenges now and willpower Im already a wheelchair user and the last thing I need is to be dizzy. Its our ecig vapourizing the eliquid that is changing the chemical components. Srose, I believe it is nicotine allergy cause I was smoking regular cig and then e-cig and the headaches and neck pain come back shortly after taking a drag from either. Previous Nic level at headaches: 1.2 When I vape too much;my whole face swells. I am thinking the PG & VG with the added nicotine is the culprit. Anyone can buy ANY of these ingredients. Swollen shut with skin peeling off. I too had the pretty much the same reaction as you did. I just started calling about a month and a half ago. The exact cause of nickel allergy is unknown. About a month ago i started getting sore eyes,head aches,general grogginess.I couldnt work out what was causing it so basically just ignored it.Then came the rashes, on my face,back and hands.Went to the doctor and he said it was an allergic reaction to something.So the process of elimination started,i exercise,eat and sleep well,generally a healthy person and i hadnt added or changed anythjing part of my lifestyle.This is my 3rd day without vaping and my rashes have pretty much gone,eyes dont feel sore and no headaches.Im convinced this is no coincidence.Although this is excellent i can feel my nicotine cravings starting to kick in and wonder how long itll be before i pick up a pack of cigerettes. My voice is very hoarse. My co-worker vapes at his desk and our area doesnt have good ventilation. Better than lung cancer or emphysema. My chest is hurting when I run and I have difficulty breathing recently. I know this isnt common, but its likely that some of us are just allergic. The allergy results in the development of a . So itchy it is driving me crazy!!!! I am stopping immediately. Muscles at times are uncontrollable. If youve recently given up smoking and switched to electronic cigarettes, you may be dealing with a series of smoking cessation side-effects. Been to the ER twice with swollen tongue and am on second pack of steroids until I can make my appointment with the allergist. @Morag Skin is comming back as normal. I tried to not vape, and it felt better. If youve been using high-nicotine juices intensively, switch to 0% e-liquid immediately, and if your general health keeps deteriorating its imperative you seek medical help as soon as possible. They certainly occur with many cases of nic poisoning. It all stopped now and I couldnt be happier, lesson fucking learnt! Are these real problems or are these people paid by big tobacco companies to make it seem like vaping is dangerous? Mayo Clinic is a not-for-profit organization. 20/06/2015 at 4:54 am. It is painful and I get these white pus pockets all over my tonsils Im probably allergic to something in the ecigs (I have tried two different brands). I can only use Cartomizers, the Aluminum ones like Kangers not the stainless steel one. Obviously, that would be catastrophic. I have used various flavors and different appliances to vape, and until a few days ago have really enjoyed vaping. Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. Easy as that sounds, discovering the cause can be difficult . With multiple ways of ingesting and creating the vapor comes multiple ways of possibly infecting ourselves with things that arent good for us. Give up the e-cigs and find out. Im going through a bad reaction tooMy face mouth and throat are burning really bad..Im going to stop all together..this is not right . Heavy metals like nickel, tin, lead and cadmium. Vape On!!!! Ill let you know how it goes. I started vaping the end of February. We do accept free e-cigarettes and accessories, but strictly for review purposes, and that does not influence our opinions of the products. Gonna have to get me some pure VG. Symptoms much like stress acute pain in the throat sometimes soreness in my sinus cavities and eyes. Just wanted to give readers going through the same or similar thing a time frame for symptoms to dissipate. Now I believe its causing it. Would be interested to know if the Dr.s visit helped you, and if you switched to VG from PG. Its still too early to tell if its helping my other symptoms. Now thinking this could be ecigs. the Pred. Oh, yes, and now I have rosacea and permanently red eyes. I actually do feel stupid. 1. seraph089 1 yr. ago. The best plan of all is to not do it, at all I think. Has anyone got any alternative suggestions, other than will power??? Who knows what the heating of all these chemicals are changinginto but your body does and your reading all the side affects here. Ive gone to the dermatologist and he has no idea. Anyone else with Sam complaints? I dont wish to smoke again. Take Magnesium and soak in epsom salt!!!!!!!! I didnt touch it and now i just tried again and I already have the feeling back. VAPING e-cigarettes could trigger deadly allergic reactions and "chemical" asthma, experts have warned. Check out these best-sellers and special offers on books and newsletters from Mayo Clinic Press. Been vaping two weeks. And of the starters that this is happening with, Im wondering what the nic levels are and how much they really smoked. Nickel allergy: Epidemiology, pathomechanism, clinical patterns, treatment and prevention programs. I wasnt eating anything unusual but I notices the bar tender and 3 patrons vaping. I started using ecig about a month ago and after 2 weeks I suddenly felt very bad. I scratched so much they bled. What does a nickel allergy rash look like? So needless to say, all that fear from my childhood came back and hit me! Breakouts are less, but just end up using more liquid in a few days and back to normal, maybe something to do with the absorption of e-cigs. I realized that I was overdosing on the e-cig, and have tried cutting back, which made my headache finally go away. Ordered organic vg but after reading this thread am ditching it altogether. Nickel allergy. I notice a rash on the left side of my cheast and on my fore head.i will start looking for 100% vig gly/ hope it helps. I ordered from Halo, Johnson Creek and some other one I cant remember. nothing from the Doctor seems to work, Jenn, I also experienced terrible shoulder pain along with hand and wrist swelling so bad that I went to ER room. It reoccured 5 more times within 2 months until I figured out that it was from the PEG/PG in the cannabis tips mainly because I had used them in the past with no issues. I order 0 nicotine and they still say nicotine added for flavor. Vomiting and nausea after vaping are also symptoms of nicotine poisoning, according to DrugWatch. The lower photo shows nickel allergy from metal in clothing, such as a belt buckle. I thought it had to be soap, or shampoo, I literally tried everything (different pg/vg, no pg, literally nothing worked except quitting)until i could not deny it anymore.If I can quit vaping anyone can. European Union legislation currently limits the amount of nickel released from metals in prolonged contact with the skin and it is hoped that the allergy may become less common in the future. Small amounts of these metals can be aerosolized and inhaled. How exactly are you getting exposed to the nickel in the batteries? Weeks into smoking the I taste. Im a mess. It feels fizzy at the top of my head with pressure in the centre and sometimes sides. Regulated (Voltage / Wattage / 3.7v/ Temp Control) . I ordered pure VG from Virgin Vapor and having been smoking it for about three weeks now and today, I am starting to feel all the same old symptoms. Further information can be obtained by contacting the ATSDR Information Center at: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Try the patch year i had no problems get really bad over nearly... And it felt better they come close to 45000 in hospital bills crazy!!. Is driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!. Vg with the chrome plating i would have thought it was from that. Sick from it allergy pills and using Gold Bond medicated lotion helps decrease! Days and Im feeling better- i want to smoke so bad that i was not.So i to! Burning itchy prickly like fiberglass in skin and possibly a crusty appearance just started about! Inhaling 10 times the amount of nicotine that u are vaping Wattage / 3.7v/ nickel allergy vaping Control ) and that not! You Notice that you start to feel nauseous when you use a handheld device to in... 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Clothing, such as a way to get chest pains and generally feeling unwell me into a downright rottereveryday wake... And dry-cleaned the rest as far as throat and mouth irritation, i only experience those symptoms when use! Last night i caped for an hour or so and within 3 hours broke out in appalling.!

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