i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog

i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog


The constant cleaning continues but thats all we can do. He can sleep through her barks on the weekend while I cant, (light sleeper) he doesnt clean up after her, when she bit my daughters hand because she once again got excited (my boyfriend lets Mulan bite on his hand ever since she was a baby baby) he doesnt take her out in the morning before he goes to work so I end up being woken up by Mulans high pitched bark/screams. He said he would be sitting in his recliner and the dog was on the couch. I am a dog lover too, but Ive never treated my dog like a human nor did my dog take presidency over any human. The problem is he got a hunter way and I KNOW its not the dog but I look at the dog and I cant get past the colouring, its too similar! My husband says that hitting our Pitt/American bull dog puppy is okay because he is driving him crazy especially when my husband is trying to work. I tell my mother to stay married to this man means I will never have another pet, which I greatly dislike that thought, but I know my spouse will turn it into a human rather than respecting the species for what God has created. Its been a month since Ive written and my girl friend and I broke up. Its to the point I have to watch him with everything he does. My leather sofa was covered with a twin comforter. I just feel gross All the time. Life is hard enough without adding anything else to the equation. He compliments the dog and acts like its his actual girlfriend. It would be one thing if he would actually take of it instead of just thinking it is a novelty and play toy. The problem is that my boyfriend for the most part responds with yelling horribly at him. This dog is very affectionate with everybody, including kids, other dogs, cats, he doesnt even chase squirrels. When you have a good solid fenced backyard, it doesnt matter being aggressive toward other animals until the training finishes, Because, by any means, the dog cannot harm any creature whatsoever. Am going to move out. Why? So, we gonna look into what you can do when your husband/boyfriend wants to get rid of or rehome your dog. Im not a dog person to begin with so I absolutely HATE to come home just to find new holes and new destruction. So then suddenly I ruin her whole vacation with her sister and mother because she didnt find someone to take care of HER pet. People prefer animals because there is very little emotional work that goes into that relationship and its usually easy to earn an animals affection. Before when we werent living together, my partner would allow him on his bed, cuddle with him, he peed twice on the bed, and has a foot fungal smell to him (some bacteria in his skin he is taking antibiotics for) that made it smell of feet and death; this is all I had to endure prior to moving in together. He said he couldnt give up the dogs. Thats what Im saying. As it is, he would come if I said I really wanted some company, but would make it abundantly clear that he doesnt like the dog and would take no pleasure in the experience making me feel miserable. If he took the time to seek a trainer, and learn how to maintain a dog, i would support him. I have been seeing a man for almost 3 years now. Is asking him to find him the dog a new home too much? The dogs get along great together too. Easy for me really. Choosing any dog over your spouse/ love makes you a crazy and horrible person. Even today, shes now kept in the basement due to beginning stages of hip dysphasia, he only showers down there and takes her nightly after dinner a plastic plate of tidbits of our dinner to lick. I was livid, and literally hurt, but didnt want my then girlfriends dog euthanized. In this process, its almost like these people lose the appreciation (or ability) for having a healthy relationship with a human being later on. On top of that, one of the dogs has shown aggression to another dog and has mauled him very bad. Amen! The worst part is that Ive really held back on my feelings to him and when I do start to express my frustration, he can become quite angry and the dog is immediately placed on the highest pedestal. I was extremely lucky because I do know people who have animals that have never been able to heal from abuse past or bad habit these are the pets that should not be bred or be kept away. Yup, dog is still there. Its better to keep him in a place where easily cleanable. However, the time comes that we are going to live on our own, which means he wants to have his dogs over there. She tried to intervene but it wouldnt stop, biting me a few times. For the past 4 months has hasnt said anything anymore thankfully so I hope he is finally getting over it. dogs are unique and to get her incessant barking to a medium barely took a day. Right? But, they can pay for them, care for them, take them to the vet, pick up their poo, bathe them, get up at the butt crack of dawn to let them out, this and that. When we are having a date night, he is on the floor with the dog, at night I wake up to him not in bed and Ill go looking for him and he is out in the living room crouched on the floor laying with the dog. There is NO excuse for a dog that bites a person!!!!! Otherwise Id have shut the dogs away for him and Id have known from day one that dogs were a no-no. he lies on her keyboard, on her paperwork, gets between us during intimate moments. He refuses to go anywhere the dog cant have full reign of. He shed very little, was brushed and bathed often and did not stink. I walk the darn thing all week and would love my husband to want to come out with me at the weekend. Like at dinner we have had so many arguments because he wants me to make the dog a plate, at his parents house the dog eats first, literally,,, then people can eat. I work from home, so while she went to work and the kids went to school, who got stuck with the whiny poop machine me. When you leave the dog for several hours, its recommended to confine it in a noncarpet place. If you dont want to even see him because of his dog that he worships, its likely not the guy for you. He never does it when someone is in the house so we rarely catch him doing it. I want to say THANK YOU for all the animals youve dedicated your hard work, money, time and everything else that comes with doing rescue work. No sleeping in our bed, no crate, no begging at table, no barking for no reason, and listen to all basic commands. The dogs sleeps in the bed and I cant stand it. People who think animals love them more and do not hurt them, as my partner says, need some help. Tell that guy to pack his clothes and his dog and cat and GET THE HECK OUT!!!!!! They both are very jealous and possessive dogs! After i gave them up i immediatly started having resentment towards my fiances dog. Not enough to leave my future wife. She says that wild be cruel to them. Apologizing and thinking we can both move on didnt do the trick either. He did not cross that line, but he was definitely in love with his dog. My best friend has a dog; she claims shes closer to the dog than she is to her husband because the dog follows her everywhere she goes. They are very, very good dogs. Pet lovers are really just nasty softcore beastiality enthusiasts. Were up to 6 medium to large holes in the carpet. Good for you! Dogs are your slaves, respect them, give them tasks, love them and ask that they maintain a respectful dog/owner relationship train them to love commands, train them to be dogs not people. Id rather have bonded relationships with other HUMANS! These dogs are too big and strong, and will end up hurting someone someday). My dog IS a one-person-dog. !! Tonight I will start sleep at guest room, cause his old Labrador dont let me sleep good for few days. The dogs follow my husband constantly and they are constantly in the way, so you have to be careful where you walk for you not to fall. After living together for 3 month he got his own dog (5 months old) which I was fine with. If you guys have financial issues and live on a budget, your husband/boyfriend will attempt to rehome the dog since you cannot afford him anymore. I also have a cat because I know that I personally do not have the time to take care of and properly train a dog. Dog urinates on my bed which I dont sleep in anymore. I was never happier to get an animal off my back. See none of these behaviors are normal. In one day the house is covered in long and short wiry pubey looking black hairs and its absolutely everywhere. Since my dad, also 2 of the 4 I had left passed. Try to be a bit more sensible next time okay? I had an idea of how things would be in my first home and they arent. I havent quite looked the same. My husband and I have been living together for almost two years. So thats another issue. All of my friends think Im crazy for staying with her, especially when theres a few women I know who like me more than a friend and dont come with the type of baggage she has. Except I had the Siberian Husky, who showers regularly and smell great. Well, I knew her allergy was total bullshit and a subtle way of getting back at me, but it triggered my partners argument about his own allergy and it has only snowballed from there, with her support, of course. I bought a cage and put him in it at night. He is supposed to have a white coat, but its basically orange because hes so nasty all the time! Anyway she left last nite and was angry about the way I answered her about some thing. What else is he intolerant of? Happier than weve ever been with our crazy dog! Not to sound morbid but when the dog passes things will be easier and just dont get another. Im just sick and tired of this dog being higher on the totem pole than me and our kids. I have one, and he is likable tabby. Whenever I bring up the issue he gets super defensive and says we just need a house with a bigger backyard and another dog for him to play him which I am completely against that makes as much sense as having a kid to fix a marriage. Cookie Notice Now he wasnt allowed on the bedeven if he was laying right beside me away from my husbands side. Mind you my husband NEVER helps me with the dog. We would leave her home while we went to the store and after awhile she started to chew on things. I am not affiliated with them, but its where I went for classes, and I they were so invaluable because they teach about the animals psychology as well as break down the training in small, easy steps. That is the hardest part. My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years and I absolutely 100% do not like his dog. Its so ****** up!! Give priority to the husband: If you need to protect both dog and the relationship, you need to give priority to your husband/boyfriend. Everyone has to put up with your dog but godforbid they talk out against it. So, I have to follow him around to make sure hes on the right track. recently broke up but live together. Leading with stern confidence (not aggression) is the absolute best thing you can do for a dog. His dog doesnt come when he calls her, wants to kill every small dog she sees, barks constantly when left alone in his truck and barks at people walking by my dog has none of these habits but my boyfriend insists his dog is normal wherein mine is not. I am not having any more children and I wanted a little dog to cuddle with and love on and sour in my lap. Give me a break! Husband has been violent 2x in the 13 years and now again recently. They were shaking so bad and drooling from immense fear. Im tired of fighting over her. The only way I see to rectify the situation is to return the dog. My boyfriend felt that he couldnt give her to family friends bc he felt like it would be hard for the dog to switch families and he felt guilty. I dont care what people say. If they refuse, should you break up with them? Out of the 6 rescues I had, they lived a long life and began passing away. And we did. Im sad to say that things have only gotten worse. Puppies are like silly putty and if you put the time in then it is YOU that creates the dogs disposition. I do not hate my girlfriends dog I am just worried about our relationship because she works so much its hard for her to start taking the steps to end the anxiety and fear and because she was wrongly crate trained as punishment its impossible to rewire the dogs brain to thinking its a safe haven. He is resentful towards me since I have tried to work with him on discipline. He says I should be happy with the one dog I have now, and where i appreciate him allowing the dog to live with us, I cannot shake the feeling of being incomplete. He said I was controlling him and it was his house. It has chewed a few things it shouldnt and I dont always feel enthusiatic about walks but its generally okay (only 8 months). She has told me and her parents that she feels the same way. Shes also always hyper and jumps very high, the reason why this bothers me is because she jumps up to my daughters face and will scratch her by her eye or cheek not on purpose but because of her excitement . Wow, what a slap in the face. It almost feels like Im entering a relationship where I have to accept this dog as a step child! That lasted for about a week and she would let the dog on the sofa and bed when I wasnt there. I dont want this puppy to be a toy and go from home to home but no one seems my point. Any helpful advice please? I received pictures every week and I can see by her sleeping posture that she is both happy and comfortable. He said that was just the nature of the breed and we couldnt do anything about it even though I absolutely HATE a wild dog jumping all over me when I first come home :-( The truth is, he just couldnt stand to see/hear his dog whining during the training (like keeping him on a leash when people came over until he calmed down), and would give in, and when I tried to keep it up, would get mad at ME. Jay, thanks for posting what has occurred since your relationship ended in your life. its because she allows it when im not there. Last night, we had an argument about it because she put the dog on my pillows and then cheered him on (she thought it was funny and did as a joke per her view) and got upset because i told her she was reinforcing the idea that its ok to sleep there (which it is most def not) so then she got upset, picked up the dog and slept in the guest room with him. I would like to contribute with my personal story about mistakes that we make when we enter a relationship being a pet lover, but also give a word of compassion to those who find themselves in the same situation that I do. I am so stressed over this :( Can I put my foot down and tell him I want to live with the 2 of us without the stress of dogs? Had I known it would be like this Im not sure we would be together because Im just not into dogs the way she is. Make sure your puppy has plenty of his own toys to chew on, and I highly recommend going to the pet store and getting this spray called Bitter Apple. I didn't think much of who cared for biscuit at the time simply because it wasn't none of my business. The longer you stay the harder it gets!! The thing is I dont hate animals I just know that they are animals and need to be treated as such. ), Here's How To Cope Dating If Your Partner & Your Pet Don't Get Along, Here's How To Make Them BFFs by Genevieve Wheeler March 22,. At that time I had an 8 year old yorkie (who is now 10) and my husband had never owned a dog before in his life. And no, like me, your not losing your mind. People reading this may think that is paranoia, but I assure them its not. Anyone who keeps a dog after its attacked a child is mentally deficient. Basically, she made a conscious choice to choose the dog and the current state of affairs over me. Im not sure how much more of this I will be able to tolerate :-(. I constantly hear the doggo team say, If he/she knew you had a dog coming in then they are selfish for wanting you to change and give up the dog. That statement alone is infuriating in so many ways. I absolutely freaked out. That was usually not the case. Our dogs sleep on the couch, despite repeated promises, before buying a new couch, that they wouldnt. is at least considering moving on. Chihuahuas love warm! You do know that it was proven that a puppy loved you more than your infant correct? We are supposed to get married next year and this whole dog thing is really starting to question my relationship. They need to be given lots of credit. Who in the world prefers to sleep with animals over his wife??!! If you are, seek help immediately and DO NOT take your anger out on innocent animals. For the first months after we moved, he would sometimes say that he misses his dogs, even saying that he would still sleep with his dogs whenever we would have them, despite him knowing I cant sleep and dont want to be in a dirty bed. If you can just hang in there, things will probably get a whole lot better! The dogs will probably always come first. we lived together for a month, and her daughters 14 year old cat is obviously traumatized by the daughters constant absence. Second, take your dog to a training class and invite your boyfriend to come along. If you really dont have sufficient time to set aside your canine friend, check in your neighborhood. So much for making dinners, etc so I hide out for much of the day which is ludicrous. As far as Im concerned, people who issue unreasonable relationship ultimatums have just committed a relationship deal breaker. The dog is constantly allowed to sleep in the bed with us, which now that I have moved in, Im sleeping in another room my room. It is okay for your nasty thing to disturb ME and the NEIGHBORHOOD. But as I said, equally you have a responsibility to ensure that your dog behaves properly and listens to and respects your partner, AND other people. Best of luck !!! we moved in together after we got married and the cat came too. Noncarpet place she started to chew on things I wanted a little to! Immediately and do not take your dog bed when I wasnt there paranoia, I... 6 medium to large holes in the carpet definitely in love with his dog any more and... My relationship cat came too he said I was never happier to get married next year and this dog. 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